Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 602: What can you do? Hit me...are you angry?

The matter of Lin Xiaofei was just an episode, and Qin Xiaobai had no real plans. He couldn't get along with his employees.

This kind of young man is too impetuous and inflated, and he does not have the low-key and connotation of Qin and others at all. It is okay to be an employee, but it is not suitable for management.

In the next two days, Qin Xiaobai lived in Su's house and felt a lot more comfortable. I have never encountered such a strange relative.

Occasionally the family will visit relatives for New Year's greetings, or simply play Ludo at home.

Indifferent, just like ordinary people in the world. In fact, Qin Xiaobai is quite willing to live this kind of life.

In the early morning of the sixth day of the first lunar month, Qin Xiaobai originally planned to return to the magic capital first, so he woke up earlier, and he had already packed up at about seven o'clock.

Glancing at Su Wanqing's room, seeing that there was no movement in it, Qin Xiaobai shook his head slightly, thinking that this stupid daughter-in-law was probably last night, and it was broadcast live for most of the night, so he crawled not get up.

Isn't this a delay?

So he prepared to go to Su Wanqing's room and wake her up from the bed.

However, Qin Xiaobai had just walked to Su Wanqing's room, before he could reach out and push the door, at this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Who came to visit so early in the morning?"

After Qin Xiaobai whispered a word, she guessed that it might be Su's mother who went out to buy vegetables and forgot her key.

However, when he walked over and opened the door, Qin Xiaobai was stunned.

Jiang Xue, who was standing at the door, was also stunned.

After looking at Qin Xiaobai for a while, Jiang Xue asked in surprise, "Qin Xiaobai, why are you at my sister's house?"

"You said it's your sister's house, so I don't need to explain to you, right?" Qin Xiaobai pouted and answered, and looked at Jiang Xue's arms with some surprise. Yes, that black mass.


It is a black cat, which looks a little smaller than Black Charcoal, but more swarthy. I don't know why, when Qin Xiaobai saw this black cat, he suddenly had the urge to laugh...

Jiang Xue, this dead woman, turned the black charcoal green!

Poor Charcoal doesn't know anything about it.

When I was chatting with Hei Tan, Hei Tan always said that if he could turn into a human like Qin Xiaobai that day, he would definitely come back and pounce on that dead woman Jiang Xue.

If you know about the black charcoal, I don’t know if you will vomit blood!

Qin Xiaobai's height is relatively high, looking down at the black cat in Jiang Xue's arms, her eyes will always make her feel strange, as if she is not looking at the cat, but ball…

In addition to what Qin Xiaobai said just now, it's really a little flat.

So, Jiang Xue's face sank at that time, she glared at Qin Xiaobai, and said, "Have you seen enough? Wanqing is blind, how could she like you as a lecher..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


After listening to Jiang Xue's words, Qin Xiaobai almost gave her a punch.

Damn, what nonsense is this stupid woman talking about?

She doesn't think that someone Qin is greedy for her body?

Or are you greedy for the body of this black cat?

"A woman's mouth is a liar!" Qin Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, moved a way from the door, and then asked, "Have you considered the feeling of black carbon? I know you have another cat..."

"Black charcoal? Why did that scumbag even mention it? I'd probably have forgotten about it! How can the black hair be so good now!" Jiang Xue replied indifferently.

After finishing the words, Jiang Xue reached out and touched the soft and dark fur of the black cat in her arms. And the black cat also stuck out its tongue very obediently and licked the back of Jiang Xue's fair hand...


Qin Xiaobai can't stand it anymore.

He's heard of licking dogs, but licking cats is okay too?

The key to these two guys, this is the naked show of affection in front of him...

I was fed a mouthful of dog food early in the morning, who the **** can stand it!


Qin Xiaobai suddenly reacted, and then he was speechless.

It should be black charcoal who can't stand it, what does it have to do with him, someone in Qin!

However, in order for his little brother to shed less tears after learning the truth, Qin Xiaobai still frightened the black cat: "Hey, black cat, you better not let me see it again. That scene just now!"

The black cat obviously understood Qin Xiaobai's words, and it thought that Qin Xiaobai was Jiang Xue's boyfriend, so the cat grinned and licked a few times.

Then proudly held her head high and shouted at Qin Xiaobai: "Meow meow?!" (Meow star translation: I licked, what can you do? Hit me, hey ~ Out of breath?)

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

At that time, Qin Xiaobai wanted to grab the black cat from Jiang Xue's arms, throw it downstairs and fall to his death...


This black cat in front of me is a lowly saint in full-level **** costume, right? This sounds like a **** shame...

"There used to be a black cat as crazy as you. Guess what happened to it later?" After Qin Xiaobai calmed down, he stared at the black cat and asked.


The black cat called black hair by Jiang Xue looked at Qin Xiaobai with disdain, then licked Jiang Xue again, and then asked.

"Hehe, I didn't mean to scare you! Later that thing was gone. If you don't believe me, ask this dead woman! She gave it to her and cut it off..."

"Qin Xiaobai, who are you talking about killing women? No, you've been murmuring for a long time here, are you talking to me?" Jiang Xue looked at the man who had been talking for a long time Qin Xiaobai looked inexplicable.

As for Qin Xiaobai's ability to understand animals, Jiang Xue didn't know about it because she had relatively little contact with him.

At this moment, Su Wanqing's door suddenly opened.

Su Wanqing rubbed her messy hair and walked out from the inside with a sleepy look on her face. After seeing Jiang Xue, she suddenly woke up a lot and asked quickly:

"Auntie, why are you here so early? What are you talking to Qin Xiaobai?!"

"Damn girl, I rang the doorbell for a long time, and he was the only one who opened the door. How could he come to your house?" Jiang Xue asked Su Wanqing who was confused.

"I came here years ago, my parents know it..." Su Wanqing explained helplessly, and then asked: "By the way, Auntie! You said last night that you would let me accompany you. What are you going for?"

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Jiang Xue stopped worrying about what happened just now, walked to her side, pointed to the black cat in her arms, and said, "Look, this black cat Does it look like the black charcoal I lost?"

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