Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 613: Round up, and lose four billion!

Tear face?

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth, and he didn't even plan to pay attention to this noisy guy.

He went straight to Shen Wenwen, who was slightly greedy. She was going to yell at her, but after thinking about it, she couldn't help it:

"Next time I encounter this kind of unsolvable problem, don't call Laozi, I'll really beat you up and cry!"

Shen Wenwen: "…"

She raised her head, originally intended to say thank you, but after thinking about it, she was afraid that Qin Xiaobai would really hit her, so she simply said nothing, bowed her head and stood Arrived behind Qin Xiaobai.

"I will go to the villa and educate the black charcoal, this is the mastermind!" Qin Xiaobai grinned, and couldn't find a suitable reason to throw the blame on the black charcoal. , just throw it alive and hard.

Anyway, with Shen Wenwen's IQ, she should be able to believe it with just a few words...

The black charcoal far away in the Wandering Villa, I don't know why, suddenly felt that his back suddenly sank, as if being pressed by something.

And when it saw its hair, it felt that it suddenly became darker and brighter, so it silently called: "Meow!" What does it feel like? Could it be that I just exerted too much force and had hallucinations?)

Actually, no matter how stupid Shen Wenwen is, this time she really doesn't think that Black Charcoal is the mastermind. In her opinion, Xiaobai may be the protagonist.

But since Qin Xiaobai said so, she didn't dare to question anything, and nodded silently.

"Are you planning to leave?"

Chen Youlun was black-faced over there. After being fed a mouthful of dog food, he saw Qin Xiaobai planning to take the girl away, and immediately stopped.

"Right! You reminded me that last night you were racing at the gate of the Wandering Villa, crashing my Cullinan, and then killing my dog?"

Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at him, and then said, "Cullinan is not expensive to repair, five hundred thousand!"

Qin Xiaobai is a real person and does not intend to blackmail him.

"It's only half a million. Although I'm not as rich as President Qin, I can still pay for it. Let's talk about her ruining my Ferrari Enzo..." Chen Youlun When I heard about the racing car, I was shocked and said immediately.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Five hundred thousand is not much, but you hit my dog ​​illegally, how do you say it?" Qin Xiaobai had a sneer on his face, looking at asked him.

"It's just a dog! How much is it worth? I'll just buy one and pay you!"

"It's just a local dog? You dare to say that, it is the Internet celebrity dog ​​of our stray villa. It can earn one billion yuan a year from live broadcasts. You say it is a local dog?"

When Qin Xiaobai said these words, Shen Wenwen, who was next to him, glanced at him unconsciously and wanted to laugh a little, but in the end she held back.

Qin Xiaobai seemed to have expected that he would ask such a question. Even Shen Wenwen didn't believe such a lie. It would be really strange if someone took it seriously.

However, Qin Xiaobai didn't intend to make him believe, he just wanted him to refute it silently!

Because tiger fish is his industry, letting Liang Chenghai make a one-billion live broadcast contract is a matter of one sentence. In front of Chen Youlun, he took out his mobile phone and called Liang Chenghai.

"Hey, Mr. Liang, my second dog was killed by an illegal racing car! Our one-billion-dollar live broadcast contract may not be able to continue, and I will compensate for the remaining money. Tiger Fish Platform’s…”

On the other end of the phone, Liang Chenghai listened to Qin Xiaobai's story with a bewildered expression. After a while, he suddenly realized that Qin Xiaobai must be cheating again.

He is so familiar with this way of acting! When even answered the phone and said:

"I'm afraid that won't work, we signed the contract with your magical second dog, the money has been paid, and you want to go back on it now? What about our losses, you must follow the contract Compensate us three times the liquidated damages! Three billion, less than one point, we will see you in court..."

Qin Xiaobai was speaking in an external voice. After Chen Youlun heard this, everyone was stupid!


Fake it!

Isn't it too nonsense... A local dog is worth more than a star?

Who the **** can believe this!

Whether Qin Xiaobai is acting or not, Chen Youlun is not stupid anyway, so he will definitely not believe Qin Xiaobai's nonsense!

However, shortly after Qin Xiaobai hung up the phone, he handed the phone to Chen Youlun and said, "Look for yourself, this is the contract photo with the seal of the Tiger Fish Company!"


Liang Chenghai, the old fox, had already guessed that Qin Xiaobai might be corrupting other people's money, making a full set of dramas, and simply sent a contract with the official seal of the tiger fish directly to his WeChat. .

This instantly made Qin Xiaobai's favorability to him double! Thinking in my heart, Liang Chenghai, the grandson, originally thought he was on the first floor, but he did not expect to have reached the sixth floor.

Shameless...Bah! Astute, he is about to catch up with someone Qin on the tenth floor!

Chen Youlun didn't reach out to pick up the phone, but out of the corner of his eye he still looked at the photo unconsciously. When he saw the photo with the big red tiger fish seal, he was completely stunned!


This **** is okay too?

The boss of the tiger fish is probably not a dog! One billion signing a local dog, such a beastly thing, can the mother do it?

At this time, he suddenly remembered, no wonder so many stars recently wanted to suddenly go to the live broadcast platform and start part-time anchors!

This is too lucrative, right? It's a pity that every time he sees the news of a star live broadcast, he still feels a little bit of disdain for those stars in his heart!

This...the mentality exploded in an instant?

Even Chen Youlun has begun to fantasize at this moment. After this is over, he will find a live broadcast platform and sign a part-time job as an anchor!

After Qin Xiaobai saw Chen Youlun's expression, he didn't know what the **** he was doing, and of course Qin Xiaobai didn't want to pay attention to what he was thinking.

"I said one billion compensation earlier, but now I'm afraid I have to change it. If you don't want more, round it up, and give it four billion! After all, I want to pay Goby three billion in liquidated damages!"

Chen Youlun: "???"

Qin Xiaobai looked at his confused expression, and then continued:

"And what you said just now, this girl ruined your car, can I slander you? She is also an internet celebrity, with a small annual income, tens of millions Come on! Add mental damages and the like, round up to the nearest 100 million!"

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