Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 618: The whole network is blocked, and the king falls!

That night, after Chen Youlun was taken away by the police uncle, a story appeared on Douyin's major platforms and the hot search list of news headlines that shook the empire entertainment circle.

Shocked: A well-known artist, the king of music, Chen Youlun attempted indecent assault and was forcibly taken away by the police uncle!

There is also a video of the vitality girl group coming out in person and complaining about their contemptible behavior.

Suddenly, the entire empire entertainment circle was in an uproar!

The wall was pushed down by the crowd, and within an hour, several girls and artists appeared on the Internet, and they jointly spoke out, all pointing at Chen Youlun.

What's more, he even complained about his real name, and openly held many multiplayer sports...

There are some people who want to be popular, but at this time, no one will stand up and speak justice for him.

The comments on the entire network are full of curses.

“Just ban the virtuous artist!”

"If I don't block this kind of garbage, I can't stand it anymore as a scum..."

"It's a shame that I used to be his fan! I feel that the world view has collapsed in an instant, and I have blindly powdered a thing that is not a thing for so many years!"

"This man is a repeat offender! There used to be news about his multi-player sports, but then the report suddenly disappeared..."

"This kind of garbage was soaked in pig cages in ancient times..."

"Are you comparing him with pigs? Have you considered the feelings of hundreds of pigs in my family, they almost hit the wall together and died! Woohoo, you have to accompany me to lose..."

"The dismantling group of the anchor's family has silently lit up the light of the right way!"

"Haha, if it wasn't for those animals this time, I'm afraid this thing would continue to be in the entertainment circle!"

"Don't say it, I will give her a few packs of dog food with one hand when the King's Mountain Tour starts broadcasting!"


Even his original fans turned their backs, scolding shameless artists, and consuming fans to deceive the audience. People in the entire entertainment industry are even more disgusted, and they have distanced themselves from Chen Youlun, for fear of getting burned.

The incident fermented until more than 8 o'clock in the evening, Chen Youlun has been blocked by the whole network, and there is no future.

Of course, he was beaten to death by Qin Xiaobai. After entering the prison, he was locked in a cell with a vicious death row prisoner.

After searching around, she didn't find her dog. She also called Qin Xiaobai, but the two guys seemed to disappear at the same time.

Su Wanqing was both angry and worried, so she could only go back to her rental house with the mentality of giving it a try.

But unfortunately, Xiaobai was still not found.

At this moment, Su Wanqing was curled up on the sofa where Qin Xiaobai used to sleep, brushing her phone and sulking.

To be honest, Su Wanqing is not sure if her dog and Xiaobai will come back here, but now she has no choice, she has searched all over the place, but there is no news at all.

When she swiped the news about Chen Tianwang being banned, she was stunned!

The development of things seems to be not quite right!

Why was he suddenly put in jail, and also blocked by the whole network?

Could it be that Qin Xiaobai did it?

While Su Wanqing was thinking like this, Qin Xiaobai had returned to his Erha form and returned to the downstairs of Jianan Community.

Actually, when Qin Xiaobai was in the Lanshan Hotel at the time, he saw Su Wanqing's call, but he was in Chen Youlun's room on business, so he didn't answer her call directly.

Su Wanqing went to Qin Xiaobai's presidential suite to look around. After not finding him, she left angrily.

After the matter was settled, Qin Xiaobai went back to the wandering villa and found that only sister Shen Wenwen was there. Didn't see Su Wanqing, worried that something would happen to her, and rushed back to Jianan Community.

After grinning and returning to the door, Qin Xiaobai slammed the door a few times with his paws as before, and then waited for Su Wanqing to come to open the door.

After the familiar voice entered Su Wanqing's ears, she immediately stood up from the sofa, ran to the door of the room quickly, opened the door, and she saw her dog Xiaobai , was grinning at her smirk...

Su Wanqing stared at Qin Xiaobai with her beautiful eyes, and asked angrily.

Actually, she came back in a hurry, she didn't know about Ergouzi, she didn't know about Chen Youlun teasing Shen Wenwen, and of course she didn't know about Chen Youlun's greedy girl combination.

The only thing I know is that Qin Xiaobai brought the animals to the house again, and this time he played a lot...

Things worth hundreds of millions, don't hesitate to take them apart!

After Qin Xiaobai heard Su Wanqing's words, his face darkened immediately, waiting for her to roar:

"Dare to talk back?" Su Wanqing planned to continue teaching a few words, but after seeing Qin Xiaobai's funny appearance, she really couldn't hold back:

"Pfft... Can you not make this expression every time you make a mistake? My sister really can't help scolding you..."


Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai, shook her head helplessly, then said with a wry smile:

"Do you want to sleep at the door? If you don't want to, let your sister come in quickly and see what this house has been demolished by you, and quickly accompany me to clean it up!"

Su Wanqing glared at Qin Xiaobai before returning to the room.

Qin Xiaobai didn't show her any more politeness, slipped back home, jumped on the sofa, and began to close and rest.

Tidy up?

That's fine...

Let a husky clean up the house, isn't it sure that you can only say it when you are confused?

Someone Qin is quite good at demolishing his home...

Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai who was lying on the sofa and pretended to be dead, with a helpless expression on her face, she said angrily: "Okay, you won't help, right? In such a cold day, I sleep on the sofa by myself at night. Well... don't think about going to my sister's bed for a nap, okay?"

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