Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 622: The anchor for dinner, killed three teammates in a single game...

Cheng Xiaoguo's mentality really collapsed, she watched the black and white TV with a dumbfounded expression, and was beaten by her true love fans and two trolls, she could still accept this when she thought about it.

After all, they said on the plane earlier that there are no idols in e-sports.

The ghost knew how far she had climbed before she hid in the smoke bomb thrown by Xiao Tuan Tuan. She had hoped in front of her, but suddenly Su Wanqing was not killed...

This is the hope that gave her, and then it was gone!

"That, Wanqing, can I report you? You definitely did it on purpose, woohoo!" Cheng Xiaoguo asked in the team chat with a look of hopelessness.

Su Wanqing: "…"

Fans in the live broadcast room of the two almost went crazy when they saw this funny scene.

"Fuck! Anchor, run away, now Brother Gou's fans are talking about coming to blast you!"

"Brother Dog: What the **** did I do! I was knocked down by my true love fan, and my best friend made up for it, my mentality collapsed!"

"Every time I gain three pounds during the festival, and every time I watch the anchor play games, I feel like I will gain ten pounds in one night. In my mouth..."

"I originally wanted to have a late-night snack, but now I'm being supported by this meal!"

"Anchor, what's the matter with you? When you come back after a new year, how come you've become such a ghost?"

"Anchor, it's not good! Hurry up and let your Erha come out to save the scene, otherwise this song is really going to be like the one you sang before, it will be cold..."

"Shocked: A certain tens of millions of great **** game anchors brought her boyfriend home for the New Year, and after returning, she fell directly back to the anchor of the meal, what happened to make her so decadent, please watch the large-scale Zhenxiang documentary, " The Fallen Road of a Gifted Girl"."

"Fuck! Upstairs, you are not from our UC shock department, but what you just said, don't say anything, come to the company tomorrow to report, shock the deputy director level, the world is waiting for you to be shocked …”



Su Wanqing's face was embarrassed when she saw these barrages, and her heart was even more depressed.

Shouldn't it be?

Such an obvious mistake, according to her previous Cao work, it is impossible to appear?

Is it really like what the fans say, I suddenly and inexplicably changed dishes...

At this moment, she could only smile awkwardly in the face of the camera, and then in the team voice, she explained: "That... Sister Xiaoguo, I really didn't mean it, when I..."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Cheng Xiaoguo interrupted her directly and said angrily.

Of course, Su Wanqing knew that Cheng Xiaoguo was joking and said so, after pondering for a while, she nodded and replied, "Okay, Sister Xiaoguo! Don't worry, this one is only very stable. ,do not worry…"

It's just that Su Wanqing, who was explaining to Cheng Xiaoguo, didn't see the smile on Qin Xiaobai's face, Erha, who was next to her.

Qin Xiaobai is similar to the fans. Seeing Su Wanqing's cooking, he almost went crazy with laughter.

This silly girl is still fantasizing about taking them to eat chicken?


Too naive...

Today is the time to let her know that without his assistance from someone Qin, she is nothing! See if this silly girl dares to swell in front of him.

Qin Xiaobai thought so, and continued to look at the computer screen.

Cheng Xiaoguo's sacrifice, although meaningless, but the game still has to go on, after all, there are Xiao Tuantuan and Dui Xiaomei!

If there is only one left, maybe Su Wanqing will choose to self-leak and end the game.

But there are still three left, so the game continues.

Xiao Tuantuan and Dian Xiaomei got into Su Wanqing's car in fear, and reminded in the team: "Wanqing, stop showing off, drive well, we are really afraid that you will suddenly pull over the car. It exploded, and then died collectively..."

Su Wanqing: "…"

"No! Now my driving skills are very stable, and there will be no accidents!" Su Wanqing replied silently, in fact, she was also a little flustered.

I am afraid that I will suddenly be like Xiao Tuan Tuan, with a crow's mouth.

Although they are all very poor, and they don't even have the second-level suits, they are at least safe. They haven't encountered any players, so they are still safe for the time being.

"Hey, this drug circle seems to be on the N port side. Let's find a house to guard it first, Gou Yibo is also good!"

Xiao Tuantuan looked around the map, and then reminded in the team.

"I think it's okay, Wanqing, what's your opinion?" The little girl also asked.

Due to the previous wave of Cao's mistakes, Su Wanqing felt a little nervous while blaming herself, so she didn't plan to block the bridge and then find someone to collect the toll.

As soon as he agreed with Xiao Tuantuan's proposal, he said, "Mmmm! Gou Yibo, let's be a little bit cowardly, anyway, as long as we can eat chicken, whatever..."

After the three discussed it, they quietly touched the far place, abandoned the car, and chose to walk directly to the N port housing area.

After all, the target of the vehicle is too large, and it is easy to attract the attention of other players.

I didn't even encounter a ghost on the road, and directly occupied the second floor of a house.

Su Wanqing was in charge of the assault, holding a machine gun ready to fire at any time.

At this moment, another full team of four hurriedly came to the wall under their feet, as if exchanging supplies and equipment.

After Su Wanqing saw this scene, she suddenly snatched away what was in her hand, and then replaced it with a grenade.

She is not sure now if she shoots and kills all four people, but if it is replaced by grenades, Su Wanqing can be sure that the four people will die without a doubt.

With this thought in her heart, Su Wanqing pulled off the grenade and read the seconds silently in her heart.

Just when she was about to explode for a second, Su Wanqing was about to throw it out the window when she slipped her hand and threw the grenade directly on the wall of the room.

After a ding, it bounced back.


After a muffled sound, the grenade exploded, followed by the game screen prompt, the game is over...

At that time, Xiao Tuantuan and Duan Xiaomei, who were performing their respective duties, were all stunned!

No idea what happened.

After knowing that the two of them turned on the playback function, they were all stupid...

And the fans of Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, after witnessing the whole process, the fans laughed crazy again.

"Fuck! Anchor, go back and swim. It is estimated that the fans of Sancai will have to hammer us to death. Are you sure that the anchor is not playing them?"

"Hahaha... Anchor, you haven't learned the essence, there are enough royal and four professional players, you this thunder... three teammates, cow!"

"Hahaha, four kills in a single game, three teammates!"

"This Cao work, is the anchor stone hammer ready for dinner?"

"No, no! I'm almost laughing out of tears, go take off your pants and calm down!"

"Anchor, we have nothing against you, why do you want to laugh at us? Do you want to inherit my debt?"

"Get down, anchor, Xiao Tuantuan and the three of them have already reported you..."

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