Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 631: This... is it going to demolish the house again?

Black Charcoal is a little dazed, not sure if he should believe Qin Xiaobai's nonsense.

Do whatever it takes to throw the pot at it...


Is he a dog?

Hei Tan reluctantly followed behind Qin Xiaobai, occasionally looking back at Su Wanqing's actions. Seeing that she had already returned to the house, she was slightly relieved.


Actually, Su Wanqing was worried about these two guys, and ran out to demolish the house again, went back to the room, put on a coat, and followed them.

But when she came out again, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan had disappeared.

At that time, Su Wanqing was in a hurry!

Unfortunately, the elevator seemed to have to wait for a long time to reach her floor. After biting her red lips, Su Wanqing resolutely ran down the stairs.

No way!

She is really panicking now, the goals of these guys are getting bigger and bigger, last time it was the sports car of the king, this time it may be the office building of the councilor...

Black Charcoal knew that Qin Xiaobai could transform into a human, so Qin Xiaobai didn't have any worries about it. He went directly to a familiar place, and after recovering his human form, he drove with Black Charcoal and drove straight. Went to the wandering villa.


"Like me?" Qin Xiaobai's mouth twitched, then glanced at Hei Tan and asked, "Hei Tan, tell me the truth, have you already replaced it in your heart? Someone Qin has an idea?"

Black Charcoal: "…"

Heaven and earth conscience!

Hei Tan thinks that he absolutely does not have this idea, and the reason why he wants to be like Qin Xiaobai is also because of it, he still has some thoughts about Jiang Xue.

Although it has not seen Jiang Xue for a long time, Hei Tan has never forgotten the idea of ​​​​pushing on that stupid woman.

How wonderful to be like Qin Xiaobai! You don't have to worry about your mistress at all, it's green on his affairs.

After seeing the appearance of Black Charcoal, Qin Xiaobai had already guessed something in his heart. After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai finally did not adopt Jiang Xue another black cat. Tell Black Charcoal.

The reason, of course, is that he is afraid that he will know that he has been green, and he can't think about it for a while, and his emotions collapse directly...

"Hei Tan, you! Don't imagine being like me, unless the aura recovers, otherwise you probably won't be able to play!" Qin Xiaobai shook his head, then took another look at the black tan , and then said:

"Besides, has that thing recovered?"

Black Charcoal: "…"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Heitan's face darkened.


Although it was originally dark, but now it seems that it is definitely more dark...

If someone else dared to laugh at it like this, Black Charcoal would probably be able to hammer him to death on the spot. Is this its inverse scale?

Touch it!

But in the face of Qin Xiaobai, it dare not and will not do it...

"By the way, black charcoal! Does Shen Wenwen know about this?" Qin Xiaobai suddenly remembered the woman, and then asked again.

She comes back on time every day now, feeds us some food, and is in the hospital the rest of the time! )

Black Charcoal explained.

Actually, it doesn't know what it is talking about, it just repeats what it heard, the conversation between Shen Wenwen and the expert doctor.

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai nodded, but did not continue to say anything.

It's right!

He did arrange a private doctor for Shen Wenwen's sister, but the conditions of the Wandering Villa were still too rudimentary, and there was no medical equipment for examination.

As long as her sister is fine and she is hospitalized for examination and treatment, the problem is not too big.

It's better if she doesn't know, lest that stupid woman also worry about it.

One person and one cat, chatting all the way.

Soon, they came to the gate of the Wandering Villa.

After Qin Xiaobai parked the car, he glanced around the Wandering Villa and suddenly felt that it would be better to install some surveillance cameras in the future.

The last time about Ergouzi, and now the disappearance of Huahu and crocodile, if there is monitoring, it will not be so troublesome, just call the monitoring out and check it out.

While thinking like this, Qin Xiaobai had already brought black charcoal into the wandering villa.

Suddenly, a large group of animals had gathered around.

When Qin Xiaobai saw this scene, he was speechless.

What happened to these guys?

Why are everyone so excited now...

Not to demolish the house!

However, before Qin Xiaobai could ask questions, the roar of a car came to mind at the door of the Wandering Villa.


Su Wanqing finally arrived in time.

At this moment, she just parked the car and was about to get out of the car and walk towards the villa.

As soon as Qin Xiaobai heard Cullinan's familiar voice, he was shocked and ran to the direction of the wooden building at random.

The animals in the Wandering Villa were stunned.

Especially black charcoal, his eyes are full of deep contempt.

This fellow Qin Xiaobai, he just bragged to him that he was not afraid of Su Wanqing, but now that his sister-in-law hasn't come, is he running away?

This fucking…

In the wooden building, Qin Xiaobai has returned to the appearance of Erha, he is not as vain as Su Wanqing and the animals think.

It's just that he was in the form of a husky just now and walked with black charcoal. Now if he appears in human form, and Su Wanqing can't find her Erha.

It will definitely be suspected by that silly girl!

Of course, Qin Xiaobai had already had a showdown with her, but she didn't believe there was any way. At this time, it was more important to find the whereabouts of Huahu and Crocodile.

Qin Xiaobai didn't have the time to explain those things to her, not to mention that he couldn't explain it at all for a while.

At this time, Su Wanqing had walked into the Wandering Villa.

When she saw the familiar scene in front of her, she almost went crazy!

She is too familiar with this battle...

A few times before, her dog Xiaobai gathered here before taking the animals to demolish the house!

Is this really as she guessed, is she going to start demolishing the house again?

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