Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 636: This time when you dismantle your house, please bring your sister with you!

It's strange to say that at the moment, there don't seem to be too many people in the backyard. Except for a few patrolling security guards, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan have hardly encountered anyone else.

According to the idea of ​​​​black carbon, he originally planned to stun the security guards directly. It was simple and rude.

However, Qin Xiaobai stopped the black charcoal. They came to find the whereabouts of Huahu, so he didn't want to do anything until he found Huahu and Crocodile.

Fortunately, although the security guards also found the traces of Qin Xiaobai and Heitan, they didn't seem to be paying much attention. After taking a few glances, they went to other places.

After searching the garden for about ten minutes, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan came to a huge iron cage, where a tiger covered with scars and bloodstains was locked.

The guy in front of him who is not like a tiger is the one missing from the Wandering Villa.

"Little Flower! Wake up!"

Hei Tan and Qin Xiaobai took three steps together, got up and rushed to the iron cage, and shouted at it at the same time.

The black charcoal drilled directly from the gap of the iron cage, came to Huahu, stretched out its claws anxiously, and touched its body lightly.

Then she stuck out her tongue and licked the wound on Huahu's face.

Huahu is the younger brother of Black Charcoal. He is usually in the Wandering Villa, and their relationship is also the closest. Now seeing it become like this, the taste in Black Charcoal's heart is not to mention uncomfortable.

Seeing Huahu become like this, Qin Xiaobai's face turned dark. Raising his claws, he directly cut off several iron pillars, and then walked into the cage.

Feeling the movement all around, Hua Hu struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and after seeing two familiar figures, tears rolled in Hu's eyes.

When he wanted to say something, Qin Xiaobai covered his mouth with his claws.


Other things, Qin Xiaobai doesn't want to know, just because they caught Huahu and made it like this, this Bronx Zoo, there is no need to exist!


Qin Xiaobai's voice was not loud, but at the moment his cry was extremely cold, even after Hei Tan heard it, he felt his body trembling slightly involuntarily.

Black Charcoal can feel the anger in Qin Xiaobai's heart, it is the same as Qin Xiaobai.

Hua Hu looks very stupid. When he first came to the Wandering Villa, he was beaten and cried not only by Qin Xiaobai, but also by black charcoal. Shadows that never go.

But that's just their internal affairs, outsiders move the animals in the wandering villa, even if they just pluck a few hairs, Qin Xiaobai will never make them feel better, let alone make them like this !

Hei Tan nodded, and was about to turn around when his footsteps suddenly stopped. About five meters behind them, Su Wanqing was walking slowly towards this side.

"Meow Meow Meow!" (Meow star translation: Big brother, sister-in-law is here!) After hesitating for a while, Heitan still looked back at Qin Xiaobai, and then shouted remindingly.

Qin Xiaobai replied coldly, without even looking back at Su Wanqing.

This time, Qin Xiaobai was not joking. He was really angry that the animals in the stray villa were tortured like this.

Even if Su Wanqing stood in front of him today, he would not hesitate to take down the zoo and avenge Huahu.

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Hei! You..."

Su Wanqing originally wanted to ask, what are you doing here, but after seeing the Huahu lying in the cage, her eyelids suddenly twitched a few times, and she did not continue.

Following the cage that Qin Xiaobai broke open, she also got into the cage, and after taking a look at Huahu, her face suddenly became unbearable.

Vaguely, she could recognize the flower tiger, but she couldn't figure it out, how could the flower tiger in the wandering villa appear here, and it was done like this.

"Xiaobai...are you here to save Huahu?" After a moment of stunned, Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai, and then asked softly.

Qin Xiaobai nodded speechlessly, then roared at Su Wanqing.

Isn't this **** crap?

They didn't come to save Huahu, could it be that they beat Huahu like this?

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai seemed to understand her question, Su Wanqing was also a little angry, then looked at the flower tiger under her feet, then looked at Qin Xiaobai, and said:

"Xiao Bai, aren't you very good at tearing down your home? This time, my sister won't stop you, bring her with me! Let's bring all the animals in the villa and tear down this zoo!"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


Qin Xiaobai thought he heard it wrong at the time, what's the situation with this stupid daughter-in-law?

Is what she said true, or is it ironic!

Why would you suddenly encourage me to tear down my house...

Actually, after Su Wanqing saw Huahu's tragic state, she roughly understood what was going on in her heart. Seeing the dying Huahu, her lungs were about to explode.

If the people of the Bronx just caught the flower tiger and put it in the zoo for people to visit, she would not be so angry.

If you can catch it, you will catch it. What is going on in this torture of Huahu?

It is really just an animal, can animals be abused and tortured at will?

This is simply inhumane!

So, she was really angry this time, and finally she was able to experience why her dog always liked to tear down the house before.

After seeing this scene, let alone her dog Xiaobai, even she wanted to demolish the zoo.

Although Su Wanqing was very excited at the moment, she did not completely lose her mind. The platform demolished the zoo for no reason, and the consequences must be serious.

So after pondering for a while, she took out her mobile phone and made a short video of the flower tiger and some other nearby animals, intending to keep it as evidence for future lawsuits.

If you lose money, you must lose money, but by doing this, you can at least protect the stray villa and the safety of the animals.

After all, they are saving their companions, not maliciously demolishing homes and destroying other people's property!

"Xiao Bai, don't be stunned! Hurry back to the villa and call all the animals. My sister is not kidding, tear it down and save Huahu back!"

After Su Wanqing finished filming the video, she saw Qin Xiaobai and Heitan who were stunned over there, and said with a serious face.

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