Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 738: Take a look and even think of the baby's name!

On the morning of February 28, all members of the Xiaobai team, including Su Wanqing, went to Shanghai.

Today is the opening game of the Pro League.

Starting at one o'clock in the afternoon, the first game is the match between the old strong teams FPX and IG in the Empire Division, and at four o'clock, there are two new faces, the Xiaobai team and FBQ.

Wukesong Gymnasium has been full of spectators since the morning.

The liveliness is not inferior to that of the concerts of various first-line stars.

Qin Xiaobai and the others got off the plane, hurriedly had lunch, and then took a taxi directly to the gym.

Some trivial things such as identity verification and registration information were all done by Su Wanqing, and everything went relatively smoothly.

Afterwards, a few people came to the team's lounge under the leadership of the official Riot Games staff. Since the game time had not yet started, a few people were in the lounge and watched IG and FPX the match of.

At 3:40 in the afternoon, the two teams played three rounds, and IG finally defeated FPX 2:1.

At this time, a tournament staff walked into the lounge of the Xiaobai team, smiled and reminded: "Several, it's your turn next, go to the scene to prepare!"

"Okay, thank you!" Su Wanqing replied politely. Then he turned around and glanced at a few people, with a sweet smile on his face, and said to Qin Xiaobai and the others: "Several people, it's up to you next! Come on!"

I can't raise pigs..."

"Hehe, I'm still humble, I don't know who it is, they made the kings of the Goryeo suit cry!" Uzi looked relieved, then glanced at Zero beside him, and said with a smile Said: "Let's go, the dog egg group is finally going to the arena again!"

zero did not speak, nodded to Uzi, then got up and walked out of the lounge.

"Brother Feike, I'm playing the first mid-lane in the past two days, don't you have any opinion?" Qin Xiaobai glanced at Feike's face and asked with a smile.

"Take it lightly, the other party is a newcomer after all, don't make him cry..." Feike shook his head and patted Qin Xiaobai's shoulder, his face full of thoughts about the FBQ mid-laner Sympathy for sticky rice.

Before coming, Feike already knew that Nuomi deceived Su Wanqing of fifty spaceships. Therefore, when Qin Xiaobai proposed that he wanted to play the mid-laner in these two events, Feike agreed without any hesitation.


The players from both sides came to the stage and got in front of their respective computers.

The lights began to fall on several people in turn.

The three commentators, Doll, Miller, and Xiao Shuyi, began to impassively introduce the two teams and the contestants.

"Okay, thanks for the wonderful game IG and FPX brought us just now. The next two teams are Xiaobai and FBQ."

"Yes! Seriously, I really didn't expect that the Xiaobai team could dig Feike, and even retired Qijiang and Uzi agreed to come out. It is worth mentioning that there are Veteran zero, and the top three top laners in the Korean server, at first glance, their strength is really strong!"

"Well! Although FBQ is a new team that has just been promoted, their strength should not be underestimated. Captain Nuomi has won the annual MVP of the secondary league for three consecutive years. Others The team members have all made the top ten in the national uniform this year!"

Three professional commentators introduced the overall situation of the two teams according to the routine.

At this time, the careful doll suddenly found that the mid laner of the Xiaobai team seemed to be different from the list provided before, and couldn't help but said again:

"Hey, the mid laner of the Xiaobai team seems to have suddenly changed. It seems that it is not the Feike that everyone expects, but a newcomer who has never appeared in the professional arena..."

"Yes, maybe everyone is not familiar with this professional player whose ID is called Mother Hunter. Shuyi heard that you met this person in the ranking before, can you follow Let us introduce him."

Miller recalled what Xiao Shuyi had said before the game, looked at her and asked.

"emmmm... how do you say it? I did meet him a few times in the Korean server before, and then I OB for a period of time. This player is very strong, there is no fixed position, basically all Choose to fill, I have seen him play top laner, mid laner, jungler, AD and support.

In almost every game, his opponent basically exploded within ten minutes, and almost no need to rely on the jungler, the kind that can be directly exploded online..."

Xiao Shuyi looked into the microphone, and after thinking for a while, replied.

After hearing the words of the three commentators, there was an uproar and discussion.

"Fuck! This little Shuyi is too licking, isn't she? Could it be that she is greedy for the body of the mid laner... Seeing that he is handsome, he is crazy, he is not professional at all, okay? "

"Wow, that little brother in the middle lane is really handsome. He's not a star, is he too talented to play games?"

"Miss upstairs, can you wipe your saliva clean and it drips into my hair..."

"Fuck, I just glanced at him, and now I even think about the name of the child in the future!"

"Hehe, woman! It's superficial. If you guys see the dog emperor's Tianxiu operation later, will you even think about the inscription on the tombstone?"

"Hey, if a man can have one-tenth of the little brother on stage, the old lady can marry him..."

"One tenth? Are you talking about height or length, I seem to have it, lady upstairs, do you want to consider me?"

"Bah, get out!"


While there was a lot of discussion on the spot, the referee had already checked the equipment of the players and signaled that the game could start.

"Okay, all viewers and fans watching the live broadcast, hello everyone! You are watching the League of Legends Pro League, the second game of the Spring Split opener."

"Yes, there will be the Xiaobai team and the FBQ team next to present you with exciting games at the airport."

"Now what we are seeing is the ban on the selection of coaches from both sides..." Xiao Shuyi felt that she had nothing to say, so she could only shift the topic to the game itself.

"Cough, Shuyi, Xiaobai has no coach..." Miller coughed awkwardly and reminded.

The audience was immediately amused by Xiao Shuyi, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Xiao Shuyi also realized that she said the wrong thing, and quickly added: "Come on, let's take a look at the ban on both sides, FBQ is a regular ban, and they bear more pressure. Big, there are versions of strong heroes to ban, and of course there are limited rights to choose..."

Doll Miller glanced at each other and wanted to laugh, isn't this nonsense?

However, Xiao Shuyi is not a professional commentator in the strict sense, and the two of them did not hold on to this topic and returned to the topic.

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