Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 740: The wall is knocked down!

At this point in the game, even the three commentators on the stage couldn't stand it anymore. Miller shook his head and sighed: "If I were the coach of FBQ, this time for the players The mentality of surrendering decisively in fifteen minutes is definitely the most sensible choice."

"Yeah! Now the glutinous rice has been beaten, the operation is seriously deformed, and the conscious reaction is not even comparable to that of a gold level player like me..." The doll explained his point of view intuitively .

The coaching staff of FBQ soon discovered this problem.

So, he quickly signaled to his team members and asked them to surrender.

Sixteen minutes are over.

In the whole game, the entire FBQ team was killed 21 times, and the mid laner Nuomi gave 19 heads. The entire team did not get a single head or an outer tower. This was also the first time in the professional league that a team was cleared.

Even the former Star Team, which was at the bottom every year, never encountered a clean sheet.

At the end of the first game, the FBQ team walked into the lounge with a gloomy expression.

The coach walked over to Nuomi with a sullen face, stared at him and asked, "Can you still play?

Wild lives in the middle, what can I do? Our jungler is like a sand sculpture, never been here, okay?"

FBQ jungler: "???"


At that time, he stood up and rushed to Nuomi. If the coach and other team members hadn't stopped him, he would have directly punched Nuomi.

"You are so good at throwing the blame, you can still be elected MVP at this level? The middle lane dog is so much better than you?" The FBQ jungler was also drunk, and then scolded:

3 times as much…”

At this point, the coach is no longer on the side of glutinous rice.

"Okay, just say a few words less, glutinous rice will give you another chance, if it's like this, don't blame the team for being ruthless, after all FBQ doesn't raise waste, this sentence is what you said back then of!"

In the lounge of the Xiaobai team, Su Wanqing bought a few bottles of physical hard materials, handed them to a few people, and then said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone! You guys are playing very well!"

"Seven sauce, you don't use this one for the middle lane, I'm going to play Lord of Shadow Stream!" Qin Xiaobai's mouth curled slightly, and then he said to Uzi and the others, "The top one is still not enough. Ruthless! Don't kill you guys, it doesn't even matter if you pretend to be inferior, hehe!"

"Qin Xiaobai, you are really not human!"

After hearing his words, Uzi immediately understood what he meant, and couldn't help but laugh and curse.

"How on earth did this person provoke you?" Feike gave Qin Xiaobai a strange look, and then continued: "If this continues, he will definitely have a shadow, a just People who play in the top professional leagues will definitely not be able to bear this kind of thing!"

"He didn't offend me, but he stole Su Wanqing's fifty spaceships!" Qin Xiaobai replied calmly.


After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, all the members of the Xiaobai team couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This guy just swindled Su Wanqing's fifty spaceships for the sake of others, and he is about to ruin his career, what a...well done!

The short break is over, and the second game is about to begin.

The three commentators on the stage started to comment when they saw that the members of the two teams did not make any adjustments.

"It seems that during the rest time, the coach of FBQ still chooses to trust Nuomi. I hope he can adjust his state and provide us with an even...normal game!"

Originally, the doll was going to be evenly matched, but after thinking about it, it should not be possible, so it was changed to a normal game.

"For FBQ, the best choice is to ban Riven, so sticky rice should feel better..."

Miller made such a point to take care of FBQ fans.

But who knew that the upright Xiao Shuyi said directly: "Isn't this version of Riven one of the weakest heroes? Are all heroes banned?"

As the three commented, Riven was banned from FBQ.

At that time, a few people in the Xiaobai team almost laughed like crazy.

FBQ fans, after seeing the smiles of these people, almost couldn't help but scold their mothers.

However, there are still more fans of the Xiaobai team at the scene. After all, Qin Xiaobai issued 5,000 tickets. Therefore, the voice of FBQ fans was quickly suppressed.

Except Qin Xiaobai chose Jie, the other paths were just playing around.

At that time, when the members of FBQ saw such a strange lineup selected by the Xiaobai team, everyone's face darkened. To put it bluntly, this lineup is completely mocking them.

Shortly after the start of the game, as the Xiaobai team discussed in the lounge before, the top and bottom lanes are all small disadvantages.

After all, the lineup is flawed.


Three minutes later, Qin Xiaobai began to behave like a human again. After rising to the second level, he directly killed the glutinous rice that was consumed into blood.

The three commentators at the scene really couldn't find their lines and were defending Nuomi.

A Syndra was robbed and killed in the second level, who would dare to believe this?

The FBQ fans in the audience couldn't take it anymore and began to turn their backs and scolded glutinous rice.

"Fuck! This orphan really took the money from the Xiaobai team, and he started to give it away!"

"The professional leagues have begun to crack down on fake matches? Didn't the official come to investigate?"

"Damn, I took those fifty spaceships to go home for a funeral, right? So short of money?"

"Excuse me, I am at the bronze five level in Zaun, can I go to FBQ to play the mid lane? I feel that I am much stronger than this sand sculpture..."

"Brother, be more confident and remove the word "feeling", you are so much better than this trash mid laner."


Nuo Mi is completely stupid, he really has no excuses this time, it can be said that he was caught by the jungler in the last game, but what about now?

I was killed alone...

As the ace of FBQ, is he shameless? The other party didn't take him as a human at all...

But the level is too different.

Even if Qin Xiaobai was half-blooded, glutinous rice eventually fell.

After killing the glutinous rice twice, Qin Xiaobai returned to the spring and replenished a Twilight Blade.

The equipment and levels were both crushed, and the ruthless killing began again when they returned to the line.

You don't even need ultimate skills, you can only add WQE and flat A, and you can take away the crispy glutinous rice...

In ten minutes, the glutinous rice man stayed, and died eight times! His teammates really couldn't stand it, and they directly sprayed in the team's voice.

The FBQ coach under the stage had a dark face and shook his head, as if he had given up any hope of winning.

But this time, he did not continue to let the players surrender, no matter what, if they surrendered twice and got a clean sheet twice, they would definitely not be able to get along in the professional league.

You can lose, but you can't be so embarrassed.

So, at this moment, the coach of FBQ has given up glutinous rice in his heart.

He even thought about the lines of the post-match interview.

Fans, sorry!

All of this is a pot of glutinous rice. It is a dish for my wife. It has failed your support. The performance of other FBQ members is still OK. Termination.

In addition, the team will hold him accountable for the negative impact he has brought to the team. I hope everyone can continue to support the FBQ team.

If the last game was the shortest game in the professional league, then this game, the absolute empire professional league, is one of the longest.

The game went on for nearly an hour.

In the whole game, Nuomi was killed 39 times by Qin Xiaobai...

Qin Xiaobai once appeared at the gate of the spring water of the FBQ team, waiting for the glutinous rice to revive in the spring water, and then EWQ killed him.

Due to the rest time, Nuomi had a quarrel with his teammates, so their team is now seriously at odds, and there is no one to rescue the poor him.

Let Qin Xiaobai be near the spring and do something wrong...

Until the final referee, I couldn't stand it any longer, and forcibly ended the game on the grounds that glutinous rice treated the game negatively, hung up, and gave away the first person.

At the end of the game, Nuomi directly smashed the computer and keyboard of the live game.

We were directly represented by the security guard on the scene.

Shortly after the incident, Riot officials even issued a punishment announcement, which roughly means that the professional player Nuomi of the FBQ team has a negative attitude towards the game, giving away people, hanging up, insulting the referee, and destroying the game equipment and other bad behavior.

It will be disqualified as a professional player and a fine of 100,000 yuan will be imposed.

Of course, the FBQ team, for the sake of reputation, naturally couldn't come forward to protect him, so they issued an announcement. Announced the termination of the contract with Nuomi from now on, and demanded a claim of two million soft sister coins for the negative impact he had on the team...

The glutinous rice who was sent to the mental hospital by the security guards, after seeing these two announcements, everyone is stupid!

Of course, his Goby Live account was also permanently banned by Goby officials for the reason of negative competition!

The reward income in it is all returned to the party…

The little white team that won the first race finally received the attention of the major teams in the empire, and they began to study their games!

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