Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 918: What's wrong with doing something? Why are we being forced to do math problems...

After Qin Xiaobai made some bluffs and strongly assured that they would never let them play flying chess with them, four women, three dishes, one soup, followed him back to the hotel suspiciously .

Although Qin Xiaobai didn't speak much along the way, but in his heart, he has greeted the ancestors of the system's brother for eighteen generations no less than a hundred times.

If he remembered correctly, half a year ago, this guy from the system was not even able to do simple elementary math addition.

There was a time when he forgot how many evolution points he had accumulated.

Now there is a quaternary cubic equation task...

This is your sister's... System brother, shouldn't he be saying that he didn't pay attention and sneaked out to college?

What about rounding up?

Now that such a complicated math problem has been solved, who dares to believe this!


The five took two cars and returned to their previous hotel room.

After entering the room, Qin Xiaobai glanced at a few people with a smile, and then said to them mysteriously: "You guys wait here for a while, I'll prepare..."

Three dishes and one soup: "???"

After seeing Qin Xiaobai's eyes, several people couldn't help but feel a little hairy at the same time.

Although I didn't see him take out a box of flying chess, I always felt that things were not as simple as they imagined.

"Wanqing, what are Qin Xiaobai doing with the A4 paper of the printer and the pen next to it?" Cheng Xiaoguo glanced at Qin Xiaobai's actions, then turned to look at Su Wanqing blankly, asked.

After hearing Cheng Xiaoguo's question, Su Wanqing shook her head helplessly: "This... I don't know?"

At this moment, Xiao Tuantuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she screamed: "Oh~ I seem to know what he is going to do, isn't there a game called who is undercover recently? Qin Xiaobai wants to play that..."

"Who is the undercover game, can it be considered a carnival?" Little Sister Dui asked speechlessly.

"It's interesting! At least...better than Ludo, isn't it?"

"Um...that's right!"

As they discussed, they looked at Qin Xiaobai who was writing hard inside through the glass wall of the reception room.

About ten minutes passed, Qin Xiaobai put down the pen in his hand, picked up a few A4 characters that he had placed on the table, then checked it with his eyes, and nodded with satisfaction , came out of it.


After a while, he came to the sofa where the three dishes and one soup were located, and while sending the A4 paper in his hand to them, he said: "Each one, no time limit, until the answer is correct! "

Several people glanced at Qin Xiaobai suspiciously, and then took the paper from him.

Just a casual glance at what was written on it.

Suddenly, the four women with three dishes and one soup became stupid on the spot! On the A4 paper, a large series of numbers, symbols, English letters are densely written...

"What... what is this?"

"Qin Xiaobai, what the **** did you write, it feels like you're drawing a talisman, it's ugly..."

"Um...I know some numbers and letters!"

After scrutinizing for a while, Su Wanqing recognized it, looked at Qin Xiaobai strangely, and asked, "No, Qin Xiaobai! Huh?"

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Sancai was speechless and asked in unison, "So, are these math problems?"

"Yes! The exciting game we play tonight is to solve math problems! Let's start... Do everything right before you can go to bed!" Qin Xiaobai smiled and said calmly. said.

Cheng Xiaoguo: "???"

Little girl: "…"

Small group: "!!"

Su Wanqing: "?...!"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the four women's hearts collapsed directly.

Is this guy human?

In the evening, in the hotel, alone men and women, what are they doing wrong, their heads are so funny, do they think about doing math problems?

The key point is that ordinary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are fine.

This...what kind of equation, I can't understand it, what should I do?

"Qin Xiaobai, are you kidding us? What about the carnival, it turned into a math problem for Mao..."

Before Qin Xiaobai was in the Gucci store, helping Cheng Xiaoguo to save the siege, she was about to be moved, but when he took out these equations, those moves all turned into resentment.

Is this still a human thing?

He pulled four girls to do math problems at night, and the wonderful men all over the world were probably not half as good as Qin Xiaobai...

After hearing Cheng Xiaoguo's words, Qin Xiaobai's face suddenly darkened.

Give them a few vicious glances: "Why, you want to repay your debt? You just said it on the live broadcast, as long as you don't play flying chess, you can do anything! Whoever repents is who. It's a dog, forget?"

Three dishes and one soup: “…”

When Qin Xiaobai finished saying these words, the other three almost couldn't help but beat Xiao Tuantuan to death.

This crow's mouth!

What can't you do, let your sister be the first...

Seeing that the other three looked like they were going to kill her, Xiao Tuantuan asked innocently:

"Why do you see me like this, I'm right, but don't you agree? Or let's just go back and regret it, there's nothing wrong with being a dog anyway, at least you don't have to do it anymore You worked hard, didn't you?"


"Shut up!"

The fans in the live broadcast room of several people witnessed the whole process and almost died of laughter one by one.

"Damn it! It's really beating, this guy, the dog emperor, is really not a **** human being, why does God do math problems?"

"I feel that the dog emperor is deliberately trolling them! With the IQ of these girls, let alone a quadratic equation, it is a quadratic equation, I'm afraid it can't be done!"

"The Emperor Dog must have done it on purpose, he definitely wanted to see a few of them boiled into panda eyes!"

"Fuck! This guy is still not human, he dragged four women into the hotel, and then asked them to do math..."

"I want to ask, is the way of communicating with girls changed now, is it not there anymore, drink more hot water? Is it possible that only flying chess and math problems can get Miss Sister your love?"

"Don't say it, I'll take off my pants and come back, anyway, I'm afraid they won't be able to answer it for a while."

"Brother Xiantian Daoti, I think you don't have to come back. I'm afraid all four of them will not be able to come back in this life, remember to nail the coffin board to death..."

"Come on, come on, it's open! Bet on the nails, guess when three dishes and one soup will be able to solve these math problems!"

"??? It opened, how come the nails can be used as a bet now?"

"I just want to win you some nails, and then nail the coffin of Xiantian Taoist brother to death, and ask me to return his pants every day when I see me, who can stand it?"


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