Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 924: Dad, is it really you?

"Are you a Destiny Dog?"

"It's me!"

The corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth twitched slightly, and answered simply.

The other party knew the Destiny Dog and called, presumably it was the hacker of that website.

"Our eldest sister cracked your second program, we just wanted to ask, is the 100 million bounty that we said before counted?"

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the second program he designed was actually cracked.

Isn't that the opponent's strength, at least it exceeds the master level? It may even be the same as him, with the strength of the Blue Star Palace!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai was a little excited, but his tone was still very calm: "Of course, as long as you want, you can come to the suite on the top floor of the Blue Mountain Hotel anytime to find me!"

"We're not going anywhere, but our eldest sister wants to see you. If it's convenient, come to the western suburbs of the magic capital, No. 102 Yulan Road!"

After hearing the words of the Western Suburbs of the Magic Capital and Yulan Road, Qin Xiaobai was stunned.

It turned out that the top hacker he had tried to find was actually in the magic capital?

It's a little surprising...

"Okay, I'll be over in about an hour!"

After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Although Liang Chenghai said that he had to deal with the investigation team in the morning, Qin Xiaobai felt that it might be more interesting to meet these hackers.

After walking back to the room, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Su Wanqing, who was still asleep, and the life she had kicked to the ground. He was speechless for a while.

This silly girl... She sleeps and kicks the quilt?

Considering that the temperature of the air conditioner was really low, Qin Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, went to the bed and picked up the quilt from the ground, and covered Su Wanqing again, his eyes on her Zhang Qiao glanced at her face, and then quietly left the hotel.

Half an hour later, Qin Xiaobai followed the address on the phone and drove to the gate of No. 102 Yulan Road in the western suburbs of the magic capital.

In front of him was a small courtyard.

Because of the time, the lime powder on the courtyard wall has fallen off a lot, and a big "demolition" is written on the other side of the wall.

Before entering the door, I heard a chatter coming from inside.

"Fuck! Big sister, can I sue you for cheating on a young boy from a good family? I always thought you were a seven- or eight-year-old grandma!"

"Aren't you still human? A teenage girl made me call my eldest sister for almost half a year..."

"That's right, it's too much. Saying that my reputation is completely ruined. Who would believe that my dignified master hacker actually recognized a little girl as a big sister..."

In the yard, three young people who looked to be in their twenties were surrounded by a girl in black and kept complaining.

, I'll make some tea to entertain you..."

Qin Xiaobai was outside the door. Hearing this girl's voice, he always felt familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember who it was.

Since she was at the door, Qin Xiaobai didn't intend to continue to guess her identity, and knocked on the door of the small courtyard.


The girl in black asked, and then said to a young boy next to her: "Bai Tiao, go to the door, I'll go back to the house to make tea!"


The boy nicknamed Langli Baitiao nodded and walked towards the door.

In a few moments.

He opened the door of the small courtyard, saw Qin Xiaobai standing at the door, looked at him with some doubts, and asked, "You are..."

"Destiny Dog!"

Qin Xiaobai smiled, looked at him at the same time, and answered calmly.

"Are you a Destiny Dog?" Langli Baitiao frowned, and then said, "It looks pretty pleasing to the eye, come in..."

Qin Xiaobai nodded at him, and walked straight into the small courtyard without being polite.

The movement at the door naturally caught the attention of several other people in the yard.

At this moment, their eyes were a little curious, and they looked at Qin Xiaobai who came in.

"By the way, did you call in the morning? Where's the eldest sister you said? I want to talk to her alone..." Qin Xiaobai looked around for a week, but didn't see him. When they got to the eldest sister they said, they asked.


Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the voice.

I saw at the entrance of the main hall, a girl in black clothes, who was staying there dumbly at the moment, there were many ceramic fragments scattered on the ground under her feet, and hot water was being distributed Rising up with mist.

After the black-clothed girl lost her body for a while, her body could not help but tremble slightly, and then her eyes turned red.

Two strings of crystal clear tears fell down her fair and tender cheeks.

Then her voice became a little choked, and while crying, she flew towards Qin Xiaobai: "Dad, is it really you?"

Qin Xiaobai was stupid at that time.

I almost gave her a punch, and I couldn't help crying and laughing in my heart: "Hey, little sister, you can eat rice, but Dad can't shout... I didn't even get married, where is it? such an old daughter?"


The little girl in black who flew over was the little beggar that Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing rescued from the traffickers - Xiao Shisan.

It's just that in the past six months, Little Thirteen has entered a period of rapid development.


Qin Xiaobai didn't recognize her for a while...

"Dad, it's me! Xiao Shisan, don't you know me?" When Xiao Shisan saw Qin Xiaobai's reaction, he was stunned, and then there were tears in his eyes Turn around, look at Qin Xiaobai and ask.

After hearing the name, Qin Xiaobai immediately remembered, no wonder the little girl called her father!

It was the little beggar...


Is this world too small after all? I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here...

"The eldest sister they are talking about, is that you?" Qin Xiaobai glanced at Xiao Thirteen, dumbfounded, and asked.

"Hee hee, Dad didn't expect it, right? The world is so small, I didn't expect it to be here, I met you Dad!" Xiao Shisan raised his arm and wiped his eyes The tears, then turned from sadness to joy, and said with a smile.

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