Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 928: He probably went to move bricks!

After rejecting Kailin's invitation, Qin Xiaobai did not stay in the municipal building, but drove directly to the school.

Today is the day when Su Wanqing officially ended her student life.

It was just past eleven o'clock when Qin Xiaobai arrived at the school, so the graduation ceremony was probably over.

When he came to the door, he happened to see Su Wanqing holding Jiang Xue, walking towards the school entrance, talking about something.

"Wanqing, is Qin Xiaobai really back today?"

Jiang Xue frowned, with a preoccupied look, after glancing at Su Wanqing, she asked in a low voice.

" Auntie, don't worry, it is estimated that his cousin, Hei Tan, should just return to his hometown, a good living person, not an animal, how could he disappear for no reason? On the way, when you see him, go ask yourself..."

Seriously, Su Wanqing has never seen her auntie, she looks so lost as she is now, where can there be half of the cold goddess of the past.

No wonder.

Jiang Xue has been single for 25 years, and she finally met a man who made her heart move. Suddenly, he disappeared without a sound for several months, and no one can stand it...

At this moment, Su Wanqing saw the wolf cub sports car parked at the door and Qin Xiaobai standing aside, she immediately turned her head to look at Jiang Xue, and said, "Auntie , he's here! If you're too embarrassed to speak, I'll ask you a question!"

Looking in the direction Su Wanqing pointed, Jiang Xue also saw Qin Xiaobai, her eyes flickered a few times, and then she walked over firmly.

"Hello Mr. Jiang!"

Seeing Jiang Xue and Su Wanqing coming over, Qin Xiaobai greeted them politely first.

"That, Qin Xiaobai...Have you contacted your cousin recently?"

"Did you say black carbon? I just took it to dismantle a few days ago...On a phone call..." Qin Xiaobai was halfway through his words, and suddenly realized that he might have missed something, and quickly changed it. mouth.

"Really...really?" After Jiang Xue heard Qin Xiaobai's words, a flash of excitement suddenly flashed on her face, but it soon dimmed again: "He...he Are you ok?"

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help crying and laughing.

The black charcoal scum cat, how can it be bad?

In addition to eating and sleeping, there are many other enchanting cats around…

However, Qin Xiaobai also knew these words, and definitely couldn't tell Jiang Xue, after all, not everyone was like Su Wanqing's silly girl who could accept that her boyfriend was not a human being.

Although when I chatted with Su Wanqing before, I learned that Jiang Xue also suspected Hei Tan's identity as a cat.

But that's guesswork after all. If the black charcoal was to showdown with her, I'm afraid she still wouldn't be able to accept it, so let's forget it for the time being...

"Uh...he went back to his hometown and is working hard to make money. He should come back after a while!" Qin Xiaobai pondered for a while, considering that Jiang Xue was after all Su Wanqing's aunt, so she still spoke to comfort her.

"So, why didn't he call me? I can work hard with him to make money..." Jiang Xue glanced at Qin Xiaobai with some doubts and asked.


Suddenly, Qin Xiaobai felt as if he was about to stop editing, and after thinking for a long time, he found a plausible reason: "Mr. Jiang, you know, men are all about saving face. Yes, Black Charcoal definitely doesn't want you to know that he's moving bricks..."

Jiang Xue: “…”

Although he wanted to ask more about the situation, at this moment, Qin Xiaobai's cell phone suddenly rang, so he had no choice but to stop.

After Qin Xiaobai got on the phone, he just said a few words at random before hanging up.

Then looked at Su Wanqing and asked, "Are you okay this afternoon? Will I take you to see an acquaintance?"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing glanced at him suspiciously, and then asked, "Who is it? So mysterious."

"You will know when you go, let's go, let's go to Xiaobai Internet Cafe!"

Qin Xiaobai sold a pass, and did not tell Su Wanqing about Xiao Shisan.

Xiaobai Internet Cafe?

Hearing this, Su Wanqing's face showed a hint of confusion.

The Empire Network was bloodbathed last night, and the business of Xiaobai Internet Cafe suffered a serious setback. In the morning, when she was holding the graduation ceremony, she saw the vitality girl group in the group and they said, In the morning, except for those who came to strike up a conversation, there was no business at all.

Therefore, after some discussion with three dishes and one soup, it was decided to give them a few days off to let them rest for a few days.

In other words, Xiaobai Internet Cafe has been closed.

" Qin Xiaobai, I forgot to tell you, I discussed with Tuanzi, Sister Xiaoguo and others in the morning, and they have already made Xiaobai Internet Cafe suspend business, Yuner and the others A few were also tired for a long time, so I gave them a few days off... There should be no one there!"

After hesitating for a moment, Su Wanqing still looked at Qin Xiaobai and said.

"No wonder!"

Qin Xiaobai nodded, remembering that Xiao Shisan called just now and said that they had arrived at the door of Xiaobai Internet Cafe, but they couldn't get in, so let him come over...

"No wonder what?"

Su Wanqing looked up at Qin Xiaobai, and didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Nothing, do you have the key to the internet cafe?" Qin Xiaobai smiled and asked.

"Ah, yes!"

" That's it, let's call the Vitality Girl Group and the others back, Xiaobai Internet Cafe is back in business!"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was a little speechless, looked at Qin Xiaobai blankly, and only asked after a long time, "No, it seems that no one comes to play when it opens. After all, we can't play games or something today, aren't we wasting water and electricity?"

"Waste water and electricity?" Qin Xiaobai smiled and then said:

"Don't worry, someone will pay for the Xiaobai team, and the business I said is not to receive customers..."

Of course Qin Xiaobai wouldn't be stupid. He formed a hacker alliance by himself, and then went to be the patron saint of those Internet tycoons. They don't value money, but that doesn't mean Qin Xiaobai won't give them to them.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai will ask them to charge a certain fee for all the benefited imperial websites, and the price will definitely not be too cheap.

To put it simply, it is Qin Xiaobai's Red Guest Alliance, which can protect these websites from attacks.

Of course, if those big bosses think it is expensive, they can choose not to give it. Qin Xiaobai will never coerce others, but if he is attacked by wolf hackers again, he will not care about those websites dead and alive...

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing finally nodded, then exchanged a few words with Jiang Xue before getting into Qin Xiaobai's car.

In about half an hour.

The two came to the door of Xichengtian and Xiaobai Internet Cafe.

But when they saw the situation outside the corridor, they were all a little stunned...

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