Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 957: Hey, stop now, at least leave a tile for them...


A smile appeared on Qin Xiaobai's face, he released Su Wanqing from his embrace, then looked down at her, and said, "We call this a thief, do you understand? Let's come over and tear down those people's homes!"

Su Wanqing's family thought of their relatives and wanted to save some face for those people, but Qin Xiaobai couldn't bear it.


I don’t know why, Su Wanqing, who became a husky, will have an inexplicable excitement in her heart when she hears the word “demolition”, but after all, she has just become a husky, and she still retains a trace of it Reasonably, looking at Qin Xiaobai, he asked worriedly.

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai glared at her and shouted, "Why are you so stupid? We are not humans now, but two huskies! How could they know? Did we do it?"

After Qin Xiaobai said these words, Su Wanqing blinked a few times, thinking that what he said seemed to make sense.

"Think about it, did you miss anything? Obviously not!"

In order to dispel Su Wanqing's concerns, Qin Xiaobai started the usual tricks.

After hearing this, Su Wanqing carefully recalled what happened.


Did she do something wrong from start to finish?


Seeing Su Wanqing, Qin Xiaobai seemed to be a little hesitant. Qin Xiaobai took a deep breath and continued to flicker:

"Your family treats them as relatives, but what about them? Not only are they embezzling your name, but they are also hacking you everywhere on the Internet. Now it's even more extreme. They go directly to your house to block the door, and they even break up We, can you bear it?"


After hearing this, Su Wanqing's eyes finally showed a trace of hatred.

She doesn't care about other things, but these relatives have the idea of ​​breaking up her marriage with Qin Xiaobai, which she really can't bear!

I immediately shouted at Qin Xiaobai: "Ouch!"

Seeing that Su Wanqing, this stupid girl, has been completely convinced by him, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help showing a smile, and then changed his body and returned to the appearance of a husky.

He took Su Wanqing into the house swaggeringly.

Since Su Wanqing's fifth uncle's family all ran to her house, the house is now an "empty city", as long as the movement is a little smaller and does not disturb the nearby neighbors, then there is no need to worry about being discovered The problem.

At first, Su Wanqing was cautious, she only dared to pull a pillow off the sofa, and then slowly remove it there a little bit, after all, she has no experience.

But when her claws cut through the cloth strip, the velvet inside was exposed, and a complete pillow turned into a pile of rags.

Su Wanqing suddenly felt this feeling of destroying things...

It's more addictive than taking advantage of Qin Xiaobai!

The last concern in my heart has been completely thrown somewhere by her at this moment...

Now Su Wanqing finally understands why Qin Xiaobai is so addicted to tearing down his house!

It's so poisonous, it hits you when you touch it.

Can't stop at all?

A good girl like Su Wanqing has done such exciting things before, and now she seems to have opened a door to a new world.

Each item you take apart seems to unlock a new way to be happy.

Even if there are 100 PUBG boxes now, placed in front of Su Wanqing, she will definitely not run over to lick the bag like before, but will choose to continue to tear down the house!

As time goes by, Su Wan dismantles bigger and bigger things.

From the original pillow, it has become a wardrobe, TV, washing machine, refrigerator and other large appliances. In the end, if Qin Xiaobai hadn't stopped her, it is estimated that Su Wanqing might have torn off the roof of her fifth uncle's house...

"Ow!" (Wang Xingren's translation: Qin Xiaobai, don't stop me! The roof is not high, I can jump up on it, let me remove the tiles on it, Don't stop me, let me go...)

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Seeing that Su Wanqing was completely addicted and unable to extricate herself from the joy of tearing down the house, Qin Xiaobai was speechless at that time.

Can this daughter-in-law still have it?

Is that quiet and virtuous look just pretending?

Is she who she is now?

Things cost us money...)

Qin Xiaobai looked at Su Wanqing's actions, and couldn't help crying.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai forcibly dragged Su Wanqing down, glared at her and roared, "Ow... (Wang Xingren translation: Let's do this first, where is the next one? Let's go now …)

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing finally regained her sanity, looked at a house next to her, and replied, "Ow!" , most of those relatives are in this piece, don't stop me, I'll tear it down first...)

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After watching Su Wanqing rush towards another house, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but twitch a few times.

I thought, it's over! This **** woman is addicted...


You have to stop her a little. Although this is the suburb of the imperial capital, there are hundreds of scattered houses.

Fortunately, although Su Wanqing was a bit superior, she did not completely lose her mind. She did not choose to do anything about the houses of innocent people.

I chose the houses of those relatives.


When he saw the scene clearly, he was almost scared to death on the spot...

After shivering for a long time, he recovered, and then secretly ran back. After calming down, the old man finally picked up the phone.

"Hello! Comrade police? Two huskies in our village went crazy and demolished their homes..."

"What? You don't care? Is it normal for Huskies to tear down their homes? No... They are really tearing down their homes!"


The old man chose to call the police, but when the police uncle heard what he said, he felt a little inexplicable and didn't intend to pay any attention to him.

Husky dismantling the house, isn't it normal?

What all the fuss…

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