Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 959: I stopped it, but you were already crazy at that time, you couldn't stop it!

On a hot day, the relatives of Su Wanqing's house were frightened into a cold sweat, and when they escaped to the downstairs of the community, they were still in shock.

Fortunately, they didn't see the crazy Su Qingshan chasing after them, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.


After taking a long sigh of relief, Jiang Kun glanced at everyone, and then reminded: "Wanqing's jumping off the building, when someone investigates, we can have a unified caliber, we must not You missed your mouth!"

"Then what shall we say then... If Su Qingshan and his wife were killed by our force, it would be difficult, right?"

The woman who spoke was Su Wanqing's distant cousin. At this moment, she asked a little scared.

"emmm...Anyway, it's fine if you don't admit it, the law doesn't blame the public, there's nothing to be afraid of! As long as you don't say that you're looking for trouble, even if it turns out that we've been to Su's house, there's no big problem. After all, we didn’t push it down with our own hands!”

Jiang Kun was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Now everyone will go back first, as long as they are not on the scene, what can they do then?"

"Yes, what her fifth uncle said makes sense! It's a pity that my 30,000 yuan..."


At the same time, the sky is getting brighter.

Su Wan finished demolition of her last relative's house, without any signs of exhaustion at all, her eyes began to look at other houses in the village, her eyes twinkling faintly.

After seeing her appearance, Qin Xiaobai had already guessed what Su Wanqing was thinking.


Su Wanqing, this stupid daughter-in-law, is a little unfinished... This is trying to beat other people's ideas!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help being a little stunned.


Su Wanqing got close to Qin Xiaobai, rubbed him intimately, and asked eagerly.

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

Su Wanqing's husky state was quickly released, and she returned to her human form.

No way!

Qin Xiaobai did not expect that after this silly girl turned into a husky, she would be so irritable, and demolished more than a dozen houses in a row, with no plans to stop at all.

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that hundreds of houses in this village will all be gone.

Although Qin Xiaobai can afford it, it will be dawn soon!

If you are surrounded by a large number of people, things will be troublesome.

Su Wanqing, who had regained her adulthood, shook her somewhat drowsy head slightly. Just as she was about to speak, her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the messy scene in front of her. At the same time, she saw Qin Xiaobai standing beside her.

Suddenly the whole person felt a little bad.

"Ah...this...this, Qin Xiaobai, have you demolished your house again?" Su Wanqing opened her frightened eyes and looked at Qin Xiaobai blankly with an expression of disbelief asked.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai almost gave her a punch.

Are you a fish?

Only seven seconds of memory?

You took it apart?

"It wasn't me, it was you who dismantled it. You still have a hand and mouth, do you feel a little pain, then dismantle the house..."

Qin Xiaobai glared at her speechlessly.

At first Su Wanqing didn't notice it for a while, but now after Qin Xiaobai's reminder, she glanced at her hands in a daze, and then touched her mouth.


I feel a little pain...

Although she doesn't remember what happened just now, the feeling of excitement on her head doesn't seem to have completely subsided. Suddenly, Su Wanqing believed what Qin Xiaobai said.

"Really...I really dismantled it?" Su Wanqing blushed a little, looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked.

"No, I didn't do it at all, you just took it apart, you can't stop it!" Qin Xiaobai suppressed a smile, then raised his hand and pointed The roof of the house, continued:

"Have you seen the roof? I didn't let you go up at that time, but you actually broke up with me, saying that if you won't let you demolish it today, we'll be finished..."

Su Wanqing: "???"

In fact, the latter words are completely nonsense by Qin Xiaobai, just trying to scare Su Wanqing.

"Then... what shall we do now?"

Su Wanqing was about to be flickered and cry, if this matter spreads online, or her parents know about it. There's no way to explain it...

"We have to go out to avoid the limelight, so let's... I booked a long-term private room at the Imperial Hotel, which is similar to the suite at the Lanshan Hotel, let's go there, let's avoid it , but you have to play flying chess with me for a few days, no complaints, no cattle herding!"

Qin Xiaobai grinned.

Su Wanqing: "…"

Actually, Qin Xiaobai had another purpose besides letting Su Wanqing play chess with her.

This stupid daughter-in-law is too soft-hearted.

When the time comes, those relatives come to intercede with the cheeks, and it is estimated that she will be soft-hearted and let them go.

Arrange Su Wanqing in the hotel, when the group of people can't find her, then naturally there is no way to intercede.

Usually this kind of violation of portrait and reputation will not get the understanding of the parties, and will not be lenient when sentencing.

The relatives of her family have done so much, if they don't let them remember, this kind of thing is over now, and I'm afraid it will continue to happen in the future.

However, before they went to the hotel, Qin Xiaobai also considered that Su Wanqing's parents might be worried, so he asked Su Wanqing to call home and say that he was traveling.

Su Qingshan and his wife, who were already desperate, heard a call from their daughter.

Finally recovered from the crash.

After this incident, Su Qingshan and his wife finally saw clearly the faces of those relatives.

The relatives of Su Wanqing's family were all stupid after they went back.

, Goby will formally sue them.

The crime is to slander the well-known anchors of the platform and damage the reputation of the Tigerfish platform, and ask these people to pay a total of 50 million in damages.

After seeing the lawyer's letter, these relatives were all dumbfounded.


They had no idea that things would be so big and they would have to pay so much money.

In the beginning, they had a little bit of fantasy, after all, everyone was relatives, so the Su Qingshan family wouldn't do such a thing.

So they set up a relationship and prepared to ask the Su family for mercy.

Unfortunately, this time the prosecution was not made by anyone from the Su family, but the Goby platform, so no matter how many people they entrusted, it didn't play any role at all...

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