Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 962: Black carbon, you seem to have a lot of opinions!

Compared to the small things like theft, what really makes people in the Magic City panic and disturb is that recently, there have been frequent disappearances.

As many as five cases have been reported.

Qin Xiaobai carefully read the reports on the forum for a while, these missing people have a common feature, young, single, and female.

The youngest is about fourteen or fifteen years old, and the oldest is only twenty-five or sixteen years old.

At that time, the first thought that popped into Qin Xiaobai's mind was, is there a flower-picking thief in the magic capital?

But it doesn't make sense.

This kind of thing shouldn't be a gang committing crimes... At least if it was someone Qin, he wouldn't be stupid enough to go to a group to do this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai shook his head and glanced at the sky, it was almost bright.

So he said to the black carbon and the others: "Black carbon, you all sleep in the villa during the day, and after dark, come out with me!"

Generally, when Qin Xiaobai, the boss, said something like this, he was going somewhere to demolish his home.


Black Charcoal's eyes glowed, looking at Qin Xiaobai and asked excitedly.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


After hearing his words, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

How come these guys are like Su Wanqing's stupid daughter-in-law, and they suspect that he is going to demolish the house?

"This time, we are not going to demolish the house, but to be a true light." Qin Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, and then said: "This city of magic capital , It's been a little uneasy recently, and let most of the brothers go out at night to help patrol the city."

There are nearly 400 animals in the Wandering Villa. If they are all sent out, they can cover almost every land in the Magic City.

According to Qin Xiaobai's idea, let each animal be responsible for an area.

In this case, the entire demon city will be under his surveillance, and the dead corners that the camera can't cover is not difficult for these animals.

And relatively speaking, it is more concealed and safer than those patrolling personnel.

Those criminals may never dream that there will be a group of animals watching their every move.


Qin Xiaobai can mobilize the countless stray animals that are mixed in the streets of the magic capital.

You must know that the number of stray animals on the streets of Modu is a very terrifying number.

I dare not say if there are tens of thousands, but at least there are definitely thousands.

Qin Xiaobai thought of this, and suddenly felt that the task, brother of the system, reduced the overall crime rate of the magic city by five points. Doesn't it seem to be too difficult?

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai was also secretly rejoicing, fortunately, he had a good relationship with these stray animals, or else he really relied on his own strength, even if he could fly, think To accomplish this task is not an easy task.

It's just that the animals in the wandering villa didn't seem so interested after listening to Qin Xiaobai's words.


Black Charcoal pouted and mumbled reluctantly.

"Black carbon, your opinion seems to be very big?"

Qin Xiaobai frowned, looked at Black Charcoal, and asked.

After seeing Qin Xiaobai's reaction, Hei Tan shook his head and replied:

If they know the maliciousness of humans, they are going to protect humans, and they must be reluctant in their hearts...)

When Qin Xiaobai saw the black charcoal, he couldn't help but want to beat it and cry.

But after listening to what it said, Qin Xiaobai was silent...


This question, Qin Xiaobai had not considered before.

The stray animals connected to the magic capital are not doing well, they often suffer from starvation, and sometimes they are deliberately hurt by some vicious humans.

Animals also have emotions and thoughts, not puppets.

People hold grudges, and so do animals.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's face suddenly became heavy. After pondering for a long time, he finally thought of a compromise.

"Black Charcoal, you will go out later, contact the animals living in the joint first, and say that I will find a way to improve their situation, in the future on the streets of Modu, as long as they are not Malicious attacks on humans, and absolutely no one dares to do anything to them!

I hope they can participate in this operation, of course, don't force them, all who can come, just treat them as I owe them a favor, and if they can't find food in the future, they can come to the Wandering Villa …”

No way.

This task, Qin Xiaobai has to complete, after all, when the task is completed, the next evolution can be carried out.

Of course he couldn't give up so easily.

Although Qin Xiaobai's promises may consume a lot of energy and money, but for him, the richest man in the magic capital, it is actually nothing...

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, a group of animals in the wandering villa didn't say anything more.

According to Qin Xiaobai's explanation, they began to go to the streets of Modu, ready to persuade those stray animals to join the operation.

When Qin Xiaobai saw this, he did not stay in the Wandering Villa.

Instead, drive directly towards the municipal building.

Since he has promised those stray animals, Qin Xiaobai will still do his best.

What he has to do now is to go to Senator Lin to discuss the protection of stray animals.

In the Bluestar Empire, each province will have some local regulations.

It can be developed by the locality and then implemented.

Therefore, what Qin Xiaobai wanted to talk to Senator Lin was to formulate a stray animal protection system in the magic capital, and then fight for their right to a fair life.


This request is not excessive.

Around six in the morning, Qin Xiaobai drove to his destination.

It was only when he saw the closed door that he realized he had made a serious mistake...

Damn, it's too early!

No one goes to work yet…

So Qin Xiaobai had no choice but to go around the neighborhood first, planning to have breakfast, and then came back.

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