Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 968: You caught her, it wasn't for flying chess, it was a waste, right?

The sound of wind poured into the claustrophobic mine mouth, making bursts of strange sounds.

Sounds a little scary and creepy.

After Qin Xiaobai activated the silent stealth skill, he looked like a ghost and quickly got behind the two.

"Pharaoh, go down first and let those people prepare. I will come down with this little girl in a while, and come in five minutes, hehe!"

The middle-aged man with a scar on his face took out a stack of red banknotes from the pocket of his clothes and shoved it into the hands of his companions while laughing.

Now that they have returned to their base camp, the scarred man's heart is beginning to be unbearable again.

No way.

Li Xiaomeng's appearance and figure will indeed make many people have the idea of ​​earning money for three years and never losing money after seeing her.

What's more, these people are all vicious people, and they are doing business with a knife and blood.

One more crime, in their opinion, it doesn't matter at all.

The man known as Pharaoh looked at the stack of money in his hand, and glanced at the man beside him with disgust, but did not discourage him any more.

Put Li Xiaomeng with her back on the ground, and then said coldly: "Don't miss the surgery time, someone will come to take the organs in the middle of the night, if it is delayed, we both will Nothing is going to end!"

"Sure, hey, you know me, it won't take much time!"

The scarred man grinned and smiled. After seeing his companion agree, the smile gradually began to distort.

After hearing the words "operation, organ", Qin Xiaobai, who was standing not far behind them, seemed to have guessed the purpose of these people and kidnapped Li Xiaomeng.

However, what makes Qin Xiaobai speechless is that such a beautiful young lady, you kidnapped her, not to play flying chess, but to take away her organs...

Isn't this **** waste?

Organ trafficking is such a crazy thing, these guys can do it...

Actually, Qin Xiaobai's guess was right, this is a dark organization that is running around everywhere, and they are clear and clear that they make huge profits by selling human organs.

And their methods are relatively clever.

Every once in a while, a place is changed, never more than ten days in one place.

Today is also their last business in the magic capital.

After making this vote, these people will choose to go to the next location.

And to be on the safe side, most of the targets of this group of people are single young women, mainly because these women are easier to succeed.

At the same time, when they arrest people, they will also release some smoke bombs. For example, when they arrest Li Xiaomeng, they make a foreshadowing to make people mistakenly think that she was caught by the monster at the bottom of the lake. Beast swallow attacked.

Just as the scarred man walked up to Li Xiaomeng and was about to reach out to untie her clothes, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a white figure not far away, grinning at her smiling at him.

At that time, he felt a coolness spread from his calf to Tianling Gai in an instant.

Although they are all wicked, they are not strong enough to be fearless.

So, when he saw Qin Xiaobai, he was still frightened.

But soon, the scarred man breathed a sigh of relief.


Just a Husky...

"Pharaoh, go and drive that husky away, this **** is standing there staring at Laozi, and I always feel a little hairy in my heart..." The man with the scar looked up at his companion and instructed said.

"It's not easy for me to handle this amount of money! Add another five hundred, and I'll kill this Erha."

Pharaoh weighed the money in his hand, obviously reluctant.

"One hundred!"

The scarred man snorted coldly, and then added: "No more!"

After hearing the conversation between the two, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened.


Are you **** joking?

Li Xiaomeng's body is worth a stack of soft sister coins, and his Qin Xiaobai, who has a noble Husky bloodline, is only worth a hundred yuan?

Is this clearly looking down on him, someone Qin?

So, Qin Xiaobai was angry at that time, and he didn't bother to listen to the nonsense of the two anymore.

While the two were bargaining, the body suddenly moved.

Then Qin Xiaobai raised his paw and knocked him unconscious on the spot.

The man with the scar on the forehead, seeing this scene, his legs began to tremble a little, and he looked like he had seen a ghost, and shouted in horror: "Fuck, there are ghosts! Husky! I'm fine..."

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai, in his eyes, is a devil in a husky skin, okay?

Although the scarred man is a bit wretched, he is not stupid.

Therefore, he couldn't control the three seven twenty one, and jumped directly down the cave of the mine.

Qin Xiaobai stared blankly at his actions, and couldn't help but admire him.


This Nima is a ruthless man... Isn't there a rope ladder next to the well?

Does this guy dislike the speed too slow?

Qin Xiaobai did not hesitate, got up and walked directly to the entrance of the mine, then glanced down.

This mine is not straight down.

Only the first section, about seven or eight meters, went straight down, and then began to have a certain slope, meandering to the depths.

No wonder the man with the scar didn't fall to his death just now!

What surprised Qin Xiaobai was that in addition to the mourning man with a scar, there were about seven or eight people around him at the bottom of the mine.

But from the looks of it, he doesn't want to be a good guy.

"Scar, what the **** is going on with you? Is there anything on it?"

One of the bald-headed men looked at the scarred man and asked in a cold tone.

"Old... Boss! Up... there is a... white devil husky on it, we have been targeted by him!" The man with scars endured the severe pain, and answered with lingering fears.

The bald man: "???"

After listening to the words of the scarred man, the bald man was speechless.

Looking at the scar, he asked fiercely: "Are you **** kidding me? Husky, devil? Do you **** think I'm retarded? It must be you and Lao Wang I didn't catch anyone today, so let's find an excuse... The one who will be acquired is about to come, and there is still one left, or use yours to make up the number!"

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