Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 984: The word "talent" is very Qin Xiaobai!

Just when Rayleigh thought the plan was successful, they were stunned and then crazy. The plan to short Gouyu stocks that I had worked so hard to plan for several months was actually cut off by someone...

After the tiger fish stock fell to 1.5 soft sister coins, almost instantly, all the circulating stocks were bought.

It happened too suddenly, and the other party was too fast to respond.

By the time they realized someone was cutting their beard, it was too late.

Boss Rayleigh's face at that time changed from white to black, then from black to purple, and began to roar in the office: "There are spies among us, there must be spies!"

The plan to short the tiger fish has been planned for a long time, and only a few senior executives of Rayleigh know this plan.

It only took one day to report Goby's involvement in money laundering, to spread negative news, and to manipulate Goby's stock price to fall.

Even if some stock institutions discover their intentions after the market opens, it is impossible to gather so much capital to snipe them.


There must be a traitor among them who leaked the short plan ahead of time.

Rayleigh has invested more than 10 billion for this plan.

I originally thought that I could make at least tens of billions of dollars, but now, let alone making money, it is a blessing to keep the pants.

You know, they keep buying and selling stocks, and the capital has depreciated from the first ten billion to less than one billion. in.

There are no tradable stocks in the market now, who the **** can stand it?

It is equivalent to their previous series of fierce operations, all of which have become two hundred and five!

9 billion soft sister coins lost in vain.

Edward almost mobilized the resources of the entire investment bank to acquire all Goby shares in an instant.

His next operation finally made Qin Xiaobai understand what capital operation is.

Sell some stocks at a high price yourself, and then buy them at a high price yourself.

The batch size is small each time.

After repeating this many times, the stock price of Goby finally began to rise.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the stock price of Goby, under their operation, not only returned to the opening price, but also rose slightly, breaking the six-yuan mark.

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng's blood pressure finally dropped. At this moment, the two of them have changed from being worried to chatting and laughing.

In Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, some fans are happy and some are sad.

" The wind on the roof is so strong, I feel so cold without pants, goodbye brothers, I sold all the stocks in my hand when the stock price was one and five! "

"No, brother pants, I bought 200 shares and didn't jump off the building, but you bought 100 shares and you plan to jump off the building? I suspect you are kidding me!"

"Fuck! I forgot, I bought 100 shares and almost thought I was bankrupt... But I still lost a lot of pants!"

"Anchor, you must know the ending is like this, right? Why don't you say it clearly, it will cost me a chance to make a fortune..."

, I will not lose if you believe in the anchor... In the future, please call me the second richest person in the live broadcast room!"

"Little brother upstairs, are you telling the truth? Are there any shortage of girlfriends? I'm not interested in your money, really, I like your character!"

"Go away, you dead shemale!"


Seeing that not many fans lost blood in the live broadcast room, Su Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed:

"Everyone, there are risks in the stock market, so be cautious when entering the market! This thing is similar to gambling, it's a game of capital, and gods fight. Let's still mortals and don't participate casually. A stable job is not bad, but in fact, life doesn’t need that much money, just enough to spend!”

"Anchor, you are right! So, can you give me your richest husband?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

While Su Wanqing was chatting with these fans, Qin Xiaobai had returned to the Wandering Villa and walked into his live broadcast room.

Seeing Qin Xiaobai coming back, she stood up from the chair, walked over to him, and asked with concern: "Is the matter over? Lose money?"

"Yeah! I made a small profit, but it's only more than 40 billion..." Qin Xiaobai replied casually in a very calm tone.

Su Wanqing: "…"

Listen, is this still human?

Only 40 billion…


The word "talent" is very Qin Xiaobai...

It's not human!

At this moment, the fans of Su Wanqing's live broadcast room exploded instantly after hearing the conversation between the two, and they started barrages on the public screen.

"Fuck! You two show affection and we will endure it, but you can't stand the show of wealth like that!"

"You listen, do you say anything? It's only more than 40 billion... I vomited!"

"Fuck! I'm so inflated, and now I even dare to participate in the discussion of things that make more than 40 billion..."

"Dog King! Hurry up, send some red envelopes to celebrate, not a lot, just 100 million!"

"Dog Emperor: Can you guys have a little bit of ambition, even if you have a million points?"

"Don't say it, I vomited! I am pregnant with the dog emperor, and the father of the child is you. Without tens of billions of comfort, it will not be good..."


Originally, Qin Xiaobai planned to go directly to Black Charcoal to carry out today's task, but at this moment, a cold and ethereal voice suddenly came out of his mind.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface to check it in time!"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After hearing this voice, Qin Xiaobai was speechless!

System brother, are you **** kidding me?

Hasn’t I given up on the previous task of abusing my wife?

There should be a quest cooldown phase, how come the quests are refreshed again... This **** unscientific!

Is it the guy in the system who drank a lot of fake wine at night and forgot about it?

Qin Xiaobai was stunned, but finally opened his property panel.

When he saw the refreshed quest, he couldn't help laughing...

"Qin Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?" After Su Wanqing saw Qin Xiaobai's expression, her beautiful eyes blinked a few times, and asked in a daze. road.

"No...Has the black charcoal gone out?" Qin Xiaobai asked suddenly.

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