In the end, at the insistence of Black Charcoal, Jiang Xue had no choice but to shake her head and followed him into the restaurant.

Strictly speaking, this restaurant called Tang Zhige cannot be counted as a three-star Michelin restaurant. Magic City is only a branch of Tang Zhige, and the store in Shanghai was included in the Michelin Red Guide ".

Even though this is just a branch, it still has its uniqueness. Although it is not as luxurious as the Arashiyama Hotel in terms of decoration, it has a very special classical taste.

There are not many tables in the shop, maybe only a dozen tables.

Perhaps because the magic capital has not yet reached the level of first-tier cities, even if Heitan and Jiang Xue did not book in advance, there are still two empty seats after coming.

The two chose a seat by the window.

Black Charcoal is full of gentleman style, and handed over the right of ordering to Jiang Xue.

However, when Jiang Xue saw the price on the menu, she felt a little uncomfortable. The things here are really expensive, and it's a bit unbearable.

After hesitating for a while, she finally couldn't do it, she pushed the menu in front of the black charcoal, and then said softly, "Why don't you come..."

"Come on!"

Black Charcoal took over the menu, and then he was suddenly stunned.

It's not because of the price, but...he doesn't know how to read!

No way!

Who made him a cat?

Although he used to follow Jiang Xue, and then followed Qin Xiaobai, he could understand people's words, but after all, he never went to school, so it's not surprising that he didn't know words.

The waiter standing by the side asked, "Do you have any fish here?"

After hearing the guest's inquiry, the waiter on the side replied respectfully: "Yes sir, this cherry fish is the signature of our store, the taste is very special, and it is limited every day. There are only ten servings left!"

"Okay, then give us ten!" He said seriously after pondering for a while.

Waiter: "???"

Jiang Xue: “…”

When the black charcoal said the words, the waiter standing by the side was speechless!


Is there such an order?

You want ten servings of sakura fish, and the other guests will also eat wool...

After Jiang Xue heard Hei Tan's words, she was also full of black question marks.

Just now she also looked at the price of sakura fish. It costs 1299 for just one serving. She ordered ten points all at once. Does that mean that the black charcoal guy will eat 10,000 yuan with one mouthful? many?

This is almost equivalent to her salary for more than a month... Is this black carbon guy still a man who can live a good life?

"Sir, are you sure you want ten sakura fish?"

Although the waiter on the side was a little speechless, but out of professional ethics, he did not laugh at the black charcoal. Anyway, at present, no customers have ordered this dish, and the restaurant has no rules saying that guests are not allowed Order ten of the same dish.

So he opened his mouth to confirm.

"Yeah! It's only ten servings, I just checked it, the portion of your dishes is a bit small, and ten servings are probably not enough for me to stick between my teeth! Emmm... Other dishes are also available A few are ready!"

Black Charcoal thought for a while, then added.

Waiter: "…"

This is probably the most bizarre customer I have seen since the waiter started working. I wanted to laugh in my heart, but in the end I held it back, nodded and replied: "Okay sir, Please wait a moment, two!"

After all, there were other diners in the restaurant, after hearing Hei Tan's strange way of ordering, they couldn't help but whisper.

"I'm afraid this person is a tough guy, right? When a three-star Michelin restaurant is a roadside stall?"

"It's either a hillbilly or a nouveau riche, with no cultivation at all! It looks like a sand sculpture!"

"I really want to get out of this restaurant immediately and eat in a restaurant with such a person, he doesn't feel ashamed, I'm a little embarrassed..."

"That's right, I don't know which lady opposite him, how could she like such a sand sculpture!"

"What do you need to say? It must be because of his money. It looks like a green tea bitch. It's not for money. Who would go out to eat with such an uneducated person!"

"Forget it, stop talking, that guy is looking back at us!"


Although the voices of the surrounding people were not loud, they still fell into the ears of Hei Tan and Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue's self-esteem is very high, she must be a little bit unbearable to be talked about like this, she blushed and did not dare to look up.

When Heitan heard those people talking about him behind his back, he had a thick skin and didn't feel anything at all, but those people were talking about Jiang Xue, and his face turned dark at that time.

He glared at the diners around him.

Fortunately, those people closed their mouths immediately, and the black carbon did not erupt directly.

"Never mind those people, let's eat ours!"

Black Charcoal turned his head, glanced at Jiang Xue whose face was flushed in front of him, and said something.

At this time, four guests walked in together at the door of the restaurant.

Two men and two women, it seems like two couples.

Clothing is very particular, and at first glance, it is either rich or expensive.

If Qin Xiaobai was here, he would definitely know one of them, and that person has some connections with him.

A young man headed by the restaurant glanced at the restaurant, and then said to the three people around him: "Fortunately, there is an empty seat, why don't the four of us squeeze and sit at a table? ."

After hearing this, the other three nodded.

At this time, two plates of the sakura fish that Hei Tan had just ordered had already been served, and the waiter said politely: "Two guests, this is our signature sakura fish, and the rest It's still working, you two take it slow!"

The black charcoal was not polite. As soon as the dish was served, he inserted a piece into his mouth, and then his eyes lit up.

It tastes delicious!

It is many times more delicious than the bamboo rat roasted by Qin Xiaobai.

"Don't be stunned, try it!"

Seeing Jiang Xue in front of him didn't do anything, Hei Tan couldn't help but say something to her.

However, before Jiang Xue could answer, a young man suddenly walked by and stood in front of them.

"Sorry for disturbing you! That... The waiter said just now that you have ordered all the sakura fish here. I don't know if I can give you a few copies. Both of my friends came from Chuancheng. of."

The young man asked with a polite tone, smiling at the black charcoal.

It's just that the black charcoal was a little upset by the discussion of the group just now, and he didn't have the heart to pay attention to the other diners here.

Besides, as a cat.

I have a natural habit of protecting food. I want to take a fish out of a cat's mouth. Isn't this a joke?

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