Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 989: Let's do a haircut together!

After the trouble was resolved, the four went to the Lanshan Hotel to have a simple dinner, and then Qin Xiaobai took the black charcoal and started his daily work.

This night, the magic city was much calmer.

After four o'clock in the morning, the two still found nothing.

"Hei Tan, you have to go to class tomorrow, come here today, let's go back to sleep!"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the black charcoal helplessly, and then said leisurely.

"No, boss! You really plan to let me go to school..."

Black Charcoal is a little speechless. As a cat, he prefers to live like this, how boring school is!

"Or else? Jiang Xue is a graduate student. You are not even a primary school student. If you don't work hard, you will not be able to pass the test of your mother-in-law in the future!" Qin Xiaobai curled his lips, annoyed said.

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Heitan was speechless for a while. Is it still a human thing to force a cat to go to school?

However, he also knew that Qin Xiaobai arranged this for his own good.

Therefore, although I was a little reluctant, I didn't say anything more.

After returning to the Wandering Villa, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan went to bed separately.

side, kissed him on the face.

Then went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for today.

She ate a little by herself, then left some for Qin Xiaobai, and wrote a note: Qin Xiaobai remembers to eat when she wakes up. Today, Xiaomeng and I made an appointment to go to the library in the morning , and then go shopping in the afternoon to get my hair done.

After doing all this, Su Wanqing left the Wandering Villa with her bag on her back.

Su Wanqing and Li Xiaomeng were in the school library, reviewing all morning, and soon it was twelve noon.

At this time, Li Xiaomeng stood up, walked in front of Su Wanqing, and said with a smile: "Wanqing, it's time, let's go eat!"

"Okay, I'll clean up!"

Su Wanqing nodded and put away the books on the table.

"By the way, Wanqing, in the afternoon we will go to the beauty salon I mentioned yesterday, I got it on Douyin, I heard that it is very good, many celebrities go to them Where's the hair done!"

Li Xiaomeng glanced at Su Wanqing's long hair, and said enviously, "Wanqing, your hair is so beautiful!"

Su Wanqing smiled lightly, and then praised Li Xiaomeng: "Isn't your hair nice? By the way, which one are you talking about?"

"I haven't been there! It's in a university town. Anyway, Douyin has a high rating, and many people give them a thumbs up! Near the school, it shouldn't be too expensive..." Li Xiaomeng thought for a while and replied.

"That's good, I went out today and forgot to bring my wallet. I only have a few hundred dollars in my bag, I'm afraid it's not enough!" Su Wanqing stood up and walked towards the door with Li Xiaomeng. speak up.

"It should be enough, I still have more than 2,000 yuan in my mobile phone, and a haircut is not so expensive! Besides, if it is not enough, I will leave you there and I will If you don't believe me, Qin Xiaobai won't take money to redeem you, hee hee!"

Li Xiaomeng said with a half-joking smile.

In the food street near the university town, after a lunch, the two walked towards the beauty and hair salon that was highly rated on Douyin.

The commercial street of the university town is not very big, and soon Su Wanqing, led by Li Xiaomeng, came to the entrance of a beauty salon called "Magic Time" in the university town.

Li Xiaomeng stopped, pointed to the store in front of her, and said:

"Wanqing, this is it, let's go in and see!"


Su Wanqing nodded, thinking that she's all here, so let's go in and have a look, and her hair has not been done for a long time.


As soon as the two opened the door, they were startled by a high welcome.

After the voice fell, a young man with dyed green hair walked in front of them and said with a smile: "The two beauties, are you here to get your hair done? Our shop is doing activities today, various All services are discounted for 388 for a set, do you want to experience it once?"


Li Xiaomeng and Su Wanqing glanced at each other and felt that the price was more reasonable, so they nodded without any hesitation.

"Then give us two and make each of the 388 packages you mentioned. By the way, what services are there?"

But to be on the safe side, after Su Wanqing pondered for a while, she still decided to ask.

"Beauty, this 388 package includes shampooing, trimming, shaping, dyeing and perming, etc..." The young man explained while taking the two of them to the place to wash their hair.

"Two beauties, lie down and try, let them give you a full scalp treatment first... Then we'll talk about other things."

After listening to his words, Su Wanqing and Li Xiaomeng were no longer suspicious and lay down on the sofa where they washed their hair.

Then two young female technicians came up to them and started washing their hair and giving them a scalp massage.

"Two beauties, do you want domestic shampoo or imported shampoo?" At this time, the technician who was washing Su Wan's hair suddenly asked.

"Is there any difference?" Su Wanqing closed her eyes and asked in confusion.

"Wanqing, let's try this imported shampoo!" After hearing this, Li Xiaomeng smiled slightly and suggested.


After listening to Li Xiaomeng's words, Su Wanqing didn't think any more and nodded in agreement.

Soon, the step of shampooing the two of them was completed. After drying their hair with a towel, the technician said with a smile, "Two beautiful women, are you satisfied with the service this time?"

Tell the truth.

Su Wanqing and Li Xiaomeng didn't think the service was so good, it was similar to an ordinary beauty salon, and there were no fans who left messages on Douyin videos, as exaggerated.

But considering their difficulties, I said casually: "Not bad!"

"That's good, two beauties, please come with me, the hairdo is on the second floor..."

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