Live: I Keep Beekeeping Deep In The Rainforest

Chapter 257 Snake nemesis, snake mother!

A large bird of prey.

Fall from the sky.

Lift the cobra out of the water like a kingfisher.

Huge wings fanned the wind whistling.

【Eagle is back!】

[It doesn't seem to be the same one, this one is much bigger! 】

【I seem to see its wings, with a white horizontal band!】


Su Ran live room.

The barrage brushed quickly.

A dozen Eld's deer, like frightened wild horses, jumped and disappeared into the forest.

At this time.

He had time to find the giant bird.

The giant bird was not far from him and fell to the ground seven or eight meters away.

It has the sharp eyes of an eagle and a beak like a hook.

It was estimated to be over 70 cm in size.

It claws on a nearly 2 meters long cobra.

The cobra's tail wrapped around it in pain, but it didn't move, but looked at Su Ran with vigilance.


Behind the giant bird's head, a circle of feathers suddenly stood up.

Su Ran was happy.

He recognized the identity of the giant bird.

He said to the live broadcast room: "Friends, the beast I was looking for has been found.

[Little Angelfish, send 99 likes: Is that the eagle, didn't you say it can only eat small snakes? 】

[Old husband Lin Yanping and 21 sent a plane: This is not an eagle, this should be a eagle. 】

Mr. Lin was the first to recognize the giant bird, which caused a sensation among netizens.

【The legendary eagle!】

[Grip the grass, I remembered, that big bird of Yang Guo, no, it is still a child, it can only be regarded as a small bird! 】

[You guys upstairs are really showy, but it's really the bird. 】

[Pfft haha, it turns out that the king cobra is afraid of it. 】

[It's amazing, it just flew down, I thought it was dark, this strength is indeed enough for the king cobra to eat a few pots. 】

Su Ran looked at the barrage and shook his head:

"Yang Guo is just a fiction in the novel."

"Many people should have heard of this giant bird, and if you are a friend in the south, you may have seen it."

"Its real identity is the second-guaranteed animal snake sculpture.

There is a story recorded in "Han Book of High Five Kings", to the effect that in the second year of Emperor Hui of the Han, Empress Lv, the queen of Emperor Hui, wanted to poison Liu Fei, King of Qi with poison wine. Red eyes, eat the pit viper and wild kudzu, and drink it in the wine with its feathers. This is the origin of the idiom drinking poison to quench thirst. Experts and scholars believe that the poison here refers to the snake eagle. "

"Snake eagles are different from eagles. Most of them are located in the south and eat snakes as their main food, and whether it is a non-venomous snake or a highly venomous snake, it can be eaten without error. It can be said that it is the real natural enemy of snakes."

"Only it can make the king cobra so frightened that it runs away."

Popular science by Su Ran.

It quickly attracted a group of netizens.

[Focheng Ronghai, send 1 card: I remembered, we are called the crested snake eagle, it eats snakes very well, just like eating noodles, the snake does not dare to move when it sees it. 】

[Liucheng Zengzhong laughs: I saw a giant bird in the wild last year. It bit the head of a poisonous snake and scared me to run away. It turned out to be the legendary snake eagle. 】

[Electrician Pharaoh, send 9 likes: We are called the Great Crowned Vulture. We have seen it with our own eyes. This guy killed a 5-meter-long python. The snake was old and miserable. 】


The barrage is like a blowout.

The atmosphere is very lively.

The snake eagle has started a snake-eating show.

It did not tear the cobra, but bit it on the head.

The movement was lightning fast, like a hammer falling.

The cobra's head shattered instantly, and the pain was so painful that the snake sculpture was wrapped even tighter.



Little Linger, who was playing in the grass, flew back as if escaping, and hid under Su Ran's straw hat.


(stab you)

"It stabbed it." Su Ran corrected it earnestly.

(stab you)

There was a humming sound.

Do not know when, hundreds of guard bees have returned to the tree, beside Su Ran.

as the same pilot.

The bees feel the danger.

Su Ran smiled: "Don't be afraid, everyone."

"Snake eagles don't eat bees."

It's not that snake eagles don't eat bees, but they don't look down on them.

Like its relative the eagle, they only stare at more meaty rabbits and pheasants.

Bees are not considered meat in their eyes.

If you have that physical strength, you might as well catch a bird.

At this time.

The snake eagle has bitten the snake to death, but the snake is not dead yet.

Su Ran said: "According to the records, the largest snake that an adult snake eagle can swallow is 1.5 meters."

"They have strong jaw muscles. After smashing the snake's head, they swallowed the snake's body and tail directly into the stomach. After swallowing the snake, they had to stand with their heads held high for a while."

Netizens were immediately puzzled when they heard this.

【Why, is it to show off that it is full?】

[What kind of bad thing is this, the big guy in the bird is different. 】

[I think the snake is too big. The anchor said just now that a snake that is more than one meter must be very uncomfortable to fit in the stomach. 】

Su Ran nodded slightly and explained:


"Although the snake is delicious to the snake eagle, it is not completely dead when swallowed, and it twists reflexively.

"The snake eagle can only hold its head high and expand its trachea to prevent the trachea from being blocked by the snake's body, resulting in hypoxia and suffocation.

"So everyone saw a big bird in the wild, motionless.

"Better leave quietly."

"Don't startle the snake eagles and cause them to die unexpectedly.

[Pfft haha, fresh snakes are the best. 】

[It turned out to be uncomfortable, a little pitiful. 】

[Learn again, thank the anchor. 】

[When encountering a snake eagle in the future, 493 I will help it protect the law and let it eat more poisonous snakes! 】

was talking.

The snake eagle has begun to bite the cobra.

The pink snake meat suddenly turned out.

It was still writhing and looked like it wasn't dead.

Female netizens couldn't bear to look directly and ran away one after another.


The snake eagle tore the cobra in two and began to swallow the longest second half.

It opened its mouth wide, swallowed the nearly one-meter-long snake tail with difficulty, and then stood to bask in the sun.

The snake's tail several centimeters long kept sweeping its head, making people look chilling.

Su Ran was a little surprised and happily told the live broadcast: "It didn't swallow all the snakes."

"It means it's a mother bird.

"Leaving a small section is for the chicks to grab the tail of the snake and pull the whole snake out when they return to the nest.

"This is the unique feeding habit of snake eagles.

Other birds are directly taken back, or spit to the chicks.

The snake sculpture with its head held high immediately aroused the curiosity of netizens.

[I understand, the mother bird gave birth to the child, and the mother snake had to run away, otherwise the whole family would not have enough food for them. 】

[This kind of eagle that only eats snakes is amazing, and suddenly felt at ease. 】

[With such a fierce general in charge, the anchor can rest assured. 】

【Amazing, snake-eating hero!】

【come on. 】


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