Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 10

As if aware of her state just now, her face turned even redder.

Immediately, she recalled that the self just now... actually entered the barrel with the phantom...


If it wasn't for Lynn's voice, maybe she really couldn't help doing that.

"Thank you master, I'll finish wiping it for you."

Alisa said gratefully.

She knew that Lynn had deliberately sounded out to remind her.

Alyssa played the elf this time, wiped Lin En's back, and retreated as if fleeing.

Because she was afraid that it would be later, she couldn't help it anymore.

"I'm going to take a shower too."

Alyssa felt something weird about herself and decided to take a bath too.


The alternation of day and night in the abyss is not bright, because the sun and the moon are too far away from the abyss, the influence is negligible, but the influence actually exists.

After taking a bath, Lynn finished eating the roasted pig's head and rested.

Today's harvest is still good, and a demon has been solved, the territory has expanded, and there have been more subordinates. Lynn is in a good mood.

Lynn woke up early the next morning.

After waking up, Lynn felt that something changed at the entrance to the abyss a few kilometers away.

Lynn flapped his wings and flew over.

After flying over, Lynn felt...the position of the entrance to the abyss in the human world seemed to have changed! .

Chapter 16 The Kingdom of War! Rose War!

Lynn flapped her wings and flew out.

As soon as he flew out, Lynn felt...the position of the entrance and exit of the abyss in the human world has indeed changed.

The abyss and the human world are not connected together, they are two different worlds.

And the position of the abyss is constantly moving.

This entrance and exit is only equivalent to a portal. As the position of the abyss and the human world changes, the corresponding position of the entrance and exit in the human world will also change.

Lynn flew in the sky, looking down.

It was no longer the place where he caught wild boars and found Alyssa.

But a whole new place.


In the distance, there was a shout of killing.

Lynn looked, and saw not far away, there was a city that wasn't too small.

At this time, outside that city, tens of thousands of soldiers are attacking that city.

The defenders in the city fought fiercely with the attackers.

At this time, in the distance, a cavalry rushed over from a distance.

Among the cavalry, the leading knight held a banner with a golden rose that was particularly conspicuous.

And on the city wall, there are also banners of golden roses.

Apparently, this cavalry was the city's reinforcements.

"Come on, for the glory of the queen!"

Shouting, the knights rushed towards the dense crowd of soldiers.

Seeing this, Lynn opened the live broadcast room.

In the dark live broadcast room, there were already thousands of people waiting.

"The anchor is finally here? Wait for me to die."

"Anchor, after you stopped broadcasting yesterday, we analyzed it. The possibility of your time travel is 80%, and the possibility of acting... WOC, what are those people doing?"

"A lot of people, is this a war?"

"Exciting, the anchor flew over to take a look."


The war outside the city instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the live broadcast room, and a large number of netizens became excited.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is also constantly rising.


Outside the city, the cavalry quickly engaged with another army.

The number of cavalry was no more than a thousand, and they still launched an attack in the face of an army dozens of times larger than their own.

The impact force of the cavalry was brought into full play by them.

They rushed into the enemy's battle formation, knocked the soldiers inside to the side, and killed a large number of soldiers.

But soon, they fell into a tight siege, and were killed by tens of thousands of soldiers, only a few escaped.

As soon as the cavalry died, the city was left alone, and was quickly captured by tens of thousands of soldiers.

"It's so intense, this kind of war looks more enjoyable than watching a movie~"

In the live broadcast room, the number of netizens has risen to more than 10,000, watching with gusto.

That's how the city fell.

At this moment, Lin En's thoughts moved, because he noticed that the escaped cavalrymen were heading in his direction.

Lynn flapped his wings and flew down.

"The city of Baldur has fallen, and only a few cities remain of the Queen."

"We tried our best, report the situation here to the Queen."


The few cavalry said in frustration.

At this time, a figure flashed.

Lynn appeared in front of them.

"There are enemies..."

Before the cavalry could finish speaking, they were completely stunned.

Lin En flew in front of a cavalryman and said calmly, "Where is this place? Who is your queen? Who is the enemy?"

The cavalryman said: "This is the Kingdom of Plantagenet, our queen is Princess Rose, our enemy is Princess Caiwei, the king died of illness, Princess Rose and Princess Caiwei are fighting for the throne, but Princess Caiwei has the support of the church, we are not opponent.".

Chapter 17 Desperate Princess Rose! The voice of temptation!

This war in the Plantagenet Kingdom is also known as the Rose War.

In order to compete for the throne, the two princesses both claimed to be queens, and then a war broke out.

The banners of the two princesses are all roses, but one is gold and the other is red.

In this world, roses are also regarded as roses by some people.

Not so finely divided.


After getting the news, Lynn flapped his wings and flew away from here.

"What just happened?"

As soon as Lynn left, the soldiers woke up and couldn't remember what happened.

"Maybe I'm too tired. Let's go back quickly and report the situation here to the Queen."

Another soldier said.


Several soldiers rode their horses all the way to the north.

After running for more than twenty kilometers in this way, they arrived at a small town.

There were hundreds of soldiers in that small town at this time.

In a gorgeous tent, a woman dressed exquisitely and wearing a crown sat there, with some eagerness hidden in her face.

"Huh? The queen is here?"

The soldiers who came back were a little surprised when they saw the gorgeous tent.

Obviously, they did not expect that the Queen would be so close to the front line.

These cavalry rushed up to report the battle situation.

"What? Baldur has fallen."

After hearing the news, the woman in the crown turned pale.

"Yes, Queen, they have too many troops. We launched a charge, but we failed to repel them. Even the head of the legion was killed by a temple knight of the Holy See."

said the cavalryman.

The face of the woman with the crown became a little ugly.

"Go down first."

she said.

"Yes, queen."

Several cavalry left.

"Queen, what should we do? They have the support of the Holy See. We are inferior to them in terms of the number of soldiers and the number of high-level fighters."

In the tent, a maid said.

The crowned woman's brows were tightly furrowed, and she was also worried.

Now that the war has been fought, her defeat is basically a certainty.

The throne of the Plantagenet Dynasty is no longer with her!

The nobles who are still supporting her have also become unprecedentedly rare.

It can be said that the defeat is doomed!

However, she is not reconciled!

Because if she fails, she will be dealt with by the opponent. Although the opponent is her own sister and will not kill her, the opponent is very likely to marry her to a nobleman, or even a bad old man.

With monstrous power right in front of her eyes, how could she be willing to lose it? And then marry a bad old man?


Princess Rose knew that she was powerless.

Although she still has a few cities in her hands and a small number of nobles supporting her, the opponent has already won 90%.

There are more nobles supporting the opponent, more troops of the opponent, and the support of the Holy See!

The Holy the mouthpiece of God.

It's a pity that Princess Rose kept praying, but she didn't get any response from God.

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