Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 123

But after splitting into two halves, the two halves of the black hole "swish" and fled in two directions!

From a visual point of view, it looks like a big black ball was split into two hemispheres, and then separated and fled!

In other words, if Lynn wanted to catch it, he had to find out which hemisphere contained the Shadow Demon King!

"The abilities of these demon kings of the Shadow Dynasty are somewhat special."

"However, the anchor can crush everything with absolute strength."

"There is also a Shadow Demon King who hasn't shown up yet. Be careful, anchor~"

"I feel that the Shadow Demon King might also be the Great Demon King!"


In the live broadcast room, seeing that the Shadow Demon King escaped after the light-absorbing domain was cut open, netizens became heatedly discussed.


On the battlefield, seeing the Shadow Demon King fleeing, Lin En flapped his wings and wanted to catch up again.

However, at this moment, a pair of devil's claws suddenly appeared, grabbing at Lynn's heart.

Then Lin En was pierced through!


"Nimma, the anchor has been attacked!"



Netizens screamed in the live broadcast room, but their voices hadn't fallen yet. Above the pair of devil's claws, a big sword suddenly appeared, slashing at the back of the devil's claws.


There was only a loud impact sound, and then, a figure fell heavily from the air.


This figure hit the ground directly, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

On the ground, those dense servant demons were directly shaken to the sky!

It looks like putting a lot of peanuts on a trampoline and then throwing a stone on it.

At the same time, Lynn, who was pierced by the devil's claw before...disappeared!

that Lynn...

It's just an afterimage!

When the Shadow Demon King approached, Lynn had already spotted him!

Don't forget, in the last lottery draw, Lin En got a skill "Eye of True Sight"!

No matter how good the Shadow Demon King's concealment ability is... Lin En still discovered its clues after it approached.

Then, Lynn directly launched the Wing of Speed.

Yes, Speedwing, not Netherwing.

The spatial fluctuations caused by the wings of the void can't fool the Shadow Demon King.

But after LV5's Wing of Speed ​​is activated, it has a special effect, that is afterimage.

It can leave an afterimage in place that lasts only 3 seconds, which is enough to confuse the real one.

This afterimage... really drew the Shadow Demon King out.

Then Lynn circled around it with the wings of speed and invisibility, and gave the Shadow Demon King a sword!

Sure enough, the Shadow Demon King has quite hard/hard armor, and Lin En's sword...couldn't kill it!

However, even though he didn't kill the Shadow Demon King, with Lin En's current strength, that sword was enough for the Shadow Demon King to bear.

"What happened? The host is fine!"

"What else can there be, the silly X demon king failed in the sneak attack, but was abused by the anchor~"


"Husband is amazing!"


Seeing that Lin En was fine and sent the Shadow Demon King flying, netizens heaved a sigh of relief.


On the battlefield, Lynn's movements did not stop for a moment.

He didn't care about the fleeing Shadow Demon King at all, but with a shake of his wings, he turned into a stream of light again and rushed towards the Shadow Demon King.

After the Wings of Speed ​​were launched at full power, Lynn's speed was extremely fast!

On the ground, after the Shadow Demon King hit the ground heavily, he immediately activated his concealment ability, but Lin En had already caught up and struck with his sword again.

The Shadow Demon King narrowed his eyes, and blocked it with a huge trident-like weapon in one hand.

"How did you see me!"

The Shadow Demon King roared.


Lin En didn't say a word, the big sword slashed on the weapon of the Shadow Demon King. Below the Shadow Demon King, the ground shook violently, and the surrounding rocks burst directly, killing many servant demons who had just been shaken to the sky and fell down again!

Immediately afterwards, Lynn flapped his wings, and the space around the Shadow Demon King began to shatter!

"Hmph, don't think I'm afraid of you just because you're the Great Demon King!"

The Shadow Demon King roared, and immediately behind it, a huge, extremely hideous shadow began to rise!

The huge shadow was hundreds of meters high, holding a knife in one hand and a stick in the other. It held a knife and slashed at Lin En fiercely.

"Wow, it's scary!"

"This shit is a 400-meter sword!"


Netizens in the live broadcast room had just begun to discuss, but Lin En had already disappeared in place.

And just after he disappeared, the knife appeared at the place where Lin En disappeared, and it slashed across without a sound!

Some demons and servants in the path of the knife were cut in half before they had time to react!

This knife cuts them as easily as cutting tofu.

Although many demons and demon servants were cut... But when the knife was cut down, there was no sound of wind, not even the air!

As if, this knife is only virtual and does not exist!

But it clearly cut through so many demons and servants!

And, it's surprisingly fast.

The huge shadow just swung the knife, and it went directly to Lynn's place.


"Don't run!"

The Shadow Demon King roared angrily, turned into a stream of light, and rushed into the sky.

The breath on it is incomparably amazing!

Around, even the demons and servants in the Shadow Dynasty can't help but feel a little shivering!

Lord of Shadows...

He is also a big devil!

It's just that its ability is a bit special, a bit similar to an "assassin", good at concealment and sneak attack, completely different from the powerful demon king of Monroe who is good at melee combat.

This also leads to its poor ability to face the front.


The Shadow Demon King also has his own cards.

When the huge shadow behind it is activated, even a powerful demon king will not be willing to fight it.

"Who told you I ran away?"

However, as soon as the Shadow Demon King finished speaking, he heard Lin En's cold voice.

It raised its head, and saw Lin En flying into the sky at some point, and Lin En's wings flapped rapidly.

But this time, the flapping of Lynn's wings did not cause any strong wind or storm.


The Shadow Demon King's expression immediately changed.

Because it feels that the surrounding space is in an unstable state.


In the next second, as if a piece of crystal was instantly shattered into countless parts, the space around the Shadow Demon King was instantly shattered!

As soon as the space was broken, a real black hole appeared around the Shadow Demon King.

Void Exile!

The Shadow Demon King didn't expect that Lin En's understanding of space had reached such a terrifying level!

The face of the Shadow Demon King changed!

If this falls in... don't know where it will go.

Even with the strength of the Great Demon King, even if he falls into the lower abyss, he can survive, but he is afraid of falling into some dangerous places.

In the unknown space, who knows what is hidden, what if you meet a demigod?

Or fall into the depths of the abyss, with the strength of the Shadow Demon King, it is possible to fly for thousands of years and not find the way back!

In fact, even if there is no danger, if you fall in like this, and land not far away... But by the time he comes back, the war will be over long ago!

So, he can't fall in!

The Shadow Demon King flapped his wings and was about to fly out of this black hole area.

But Lin En slashed out a long sword light.

At the same time, a sword light and a huge beam of light rushed down from several other directions.

"Block me!"

The Shadow Demon King roared.

The shadow behind him also let out a silent roar, and the knife and big stick in his hand went up to meet him, blocking all the attacks.

At the same time, the Shadow Demon King turned into a beam of light and rushed out of the black hole.

But the Shadow Demon King just rushed out of the black hole, and the next moment, Lin En's wings flapped hundreds of times in just one second.


The shadow several hundred meters high created by the Shadow Demon King was blown away, and fell into the black hole, where it went, and the black hole returned to normal with Lin En's fanning.

The face of the Shadow Demon King changed dramatically!

It finally knew Lynn's purpose.


What it was targeting was its hole card, that huge shadow, which it obtained from a secret abyss, from a fallen demigod's hole card!


Its cards are gone!

At least, it's gone in a short time!


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