Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 133

In the Demon King's City, the Shadow Demon King and the Shadow Demon King flew out after hearing the sound.

The Shadow Demon King and the Shadow Demon King hadn't thought of anything else these two days.

The blood bond was too strong, and when the Shadow Demon King realized that he couldn't get rid of it, he had no choice but to accept his fate.

"Demon Lord, what are your orders?"

After the Shadow Demon King flew out, he said.

Its name for Lynn is different from that of Sylvie and the others. It adds a word "devil" in front of "lord", the devil master.

The Shadow Demon Lord also referred to Lynn as the Demon Lord.

Lin En said lightly: "It's okay, let's practice with you and show your full strength, Sylvie, go."

"Yes, Lord!"

After Servi finished speaking, she flapped her wings and flew towards the Shadow Demon King.

"The devil is going to let her fight me?"

The Shadow Demon King said.

Lynn said: "Yes, I hope you can hold on for a while."

Hearing Lin En's words, the Shadow Demon King felt a little unconvinced!

Lynn just beat it.

But even if Servi is a fallen angel, in the previous battles, she was only a line stronger than the Shadow Demon King. How can she fight against a big demon king?

"Yes! Demon Lord!"

The Shadow Demon King wisely didn't argue, and for demons, he often didn't bother to argue with words.

It wants to defeat Servi with its own strength, and let Lynn know that although it is defeated, it is not someone who can be underestimated!


At this time, a large number of demons had already flown out of the Demon King City, watching the show.

In the live broadcast room, after learning about Lynn's plan, netizens also talked about it.

Some netizens felt that it would be very difficult for Servi to defeat the Shadow Demon King, some netizens thought it might be possible, and some netizens were betting with others.


The Shadow Demon King has already consciously flew away.

This guy was also scared of being beaten.

"bring it on!"

The Shadow Demon King has already made preparations. It wants Servi to make the first move. Only in this way can it reflect its stronger strength!

It wants to show Lin En that it is the Shadow Demon King, and it is not something that Lin En can bully just by any of his subordinates!

Opposite to the Shadow Demon King, as soon as its voice fell, Servi moved!

"Space shuttle!"

The Shadow Demon King was not surprised, because he knew that Servi would also travel through space.

If it is Lynn's space shuttle, it is still quite empty, because it can't beat it at all after being approached by Lynn.

Although Sylvia is also a melee-type angel, she is only a tenth-level Selwei. Even if the Shadow Demon King is an assassin-type Great Demon King, she is not afraid!

Therefore, as soon as Servi felt the fluctuations coming out of the space, the Shadow Demon King advanced instead of retreating, and the weapon in his hand had already attacked.

In the next second, an angelic sword suddenly appeared, attacking the Shadow Demon King with terrifying energy!


There was a loud bang.

Immediately afterwards, the angel sword scored many marks in a short period of time.


The roar of the Shadow Demon King sounded.

Because, under Serve's attack, it seemed to be unstoppable, and kept retreating!

"I knew that something must have happened to Miss Sylvie, sure enough~"

"It's so fierce, even the Great Demon King can fight head-on~"


In the live broadcast room, seeing the Shadow Demon King constantly backing away amid Servi's rain-like attacks, netizens were a little speechless.



The Shadow Demon King roared again and again.

At this time it...

I was stunned!

Obviously Servi's power is only at the tenth level.

However, Servi used that tenth level of power to beat it completely powerless!

"I'm going to do my best!"

The Shadow Demon King no longer believes in evil!

It's the big devil!

Above the sixth level, the gap between each level is quite large, and those within the challenge of stepping up the level become quite difficult.

Let alone more than tenth order.

Each level is worlds different.

How could a fallen angel of the tenth rank beat it!

With its roar, black air began to surge around the Shadow Demon King.

It started to invoke the power of rules to attack!

But the black air around it surged, and a golden symbol flashed on Servi's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, Servi slashed down with a sword.

"Break it!"

The Shadow Demon King also roared and counterattacked back.


The collision of energy instantly swept away the surrounding air.

In the next moment, a figure fell heavily from the sky, smashing the ground into a big hole again.

In the middle of the big pit, the Shadow Demon King got up in a panic.

"I'm going to go, Miss Servi is too fierce~"

"Amazing my sister~"


[Masked Big D] Reward the anchor with 100 super rockets, and leave a message: This is for Sister Servi!

In the live broadcast room, the netizens were all in high spirits, and some netizens also gave rewards.

Well, Servi has quite a few fans in the live broadcast room now.


"Ah, ah, come again!"

The Shadow Demon King has collapsed!

After using the power of the rules, Servi became even more fierce, knocking it into the air with one blow!

So, as soon as it stood up, it kicked on the ground violently, flapped its wings vigorously again, and rushed to the sky again.



The Shadow Demon King was knocked into the air again.


The ground shook again!

"Haha, are you satisfied now?"

"Shadow Demon King: Please save me some face~"

In the live broadcast room, netizens enjoyed watching.


"She is so powerful!"

In the distance, the Shadow Demon King saw that Sylvia was so powerful that even the Shadow Demon King could be crushed. He couldn't help but think of the scene of being brutally abused by Sylvia and the angel Jane before, and the whole place was chilled.

"Even his angels are so powerful..."

The Shadow Demon King suddenly felt that the future was bleak, because as Lin En's power became stronger and stronger, their fate of cannon fodder might never be shaken off.

But being cannon fodder is better than dying.

The Shadow Demon King comforted himself like this.


"Ah, ah, I don't believe I can't beat you~ It was the devil who asked me to fight with all my strength, don't say I bullied you!"

After being split into the air for the second time, the Shadow Demon King still didn't believe in evil.

It flew into the sky suddenly, and the whole person had disappeared into the camera.

Yes, this guy has activated his super stealth ability.

Even the live camera could not capture where it went.

"I'm going, it's getting dark."

"Miss Servi, be careful~"


In the live broadcast room, netizens became worried about Servi.

In the sky, seeing the Shadow Demon King hide, Lin En didn't have the slightest intention to remind him.

He was already sitting on a big red throne, looking at it leisurely.

Below, Servi held the Angel Sword in both hands, watching her surroundings vigilantly.

From her side, the Shadow Demon King had already sneaked over, but Servi didn't notice it yet.

"Hmph, you lost!"

The Shadow Demon King hummed softly in his heart, and rushed towards Servi.

With its speed, no one can escape a sneak attack at this distance.

However, it had just rushed out before Servi noticed it.

But it was too late for Sylvie to fight back.

At the critical moment, Servi only made one movement.

Her wings closed instantly.

The entire wing has turned pale gold.


Immediately afterwards, the Shadow Demon King's attack landed on Sylvie's wings, making a sound like gold and iron clashing.

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