Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 14

The content of the recent live broadcast seems to be quite in the appetite of netizens, and the number of people and reputation in the live broadcast room have increased rapidly.

Three days later, in Lynn's live broadcast room, the number of people online has exceeded 50,000.

The rewards also began to rise continuously. In the past three days, Lin En received a total of more than 100,000 rewards.

The rewards from the lottery are still strengthening Lynn's own body.

After strengthening twice, Lynn felt that his current strength had more than doubled compared to before.

As for the mall currency, Lynn has not yet used it.


However, after three days passed, Princess Rose's competitors also got the news and stepped up their offensive.

Obviously, Princess Rose's competitors have realized the power of Princess Rose's move and want to stop Princess Rose as soon as possible.

"Don't go head-to-head with her, take your army and detour to Princess Caiwei's hinterland, and go there to expand your strength."

When Princess Caiwei's army started to march towards Princess Rose's territory, Lin En said.

Princess Qiangwei was surprised by Lin En's plan again: "Your Excellency, are you asking me to give up my territory and go to Princess Caiwei's territory?"

"Otherwise? You only have a few people in your territory, and you can't defend it at all. Instead, you might as well give it up to the opponent. Anyway, you already have 10,000 people in your hand. Go ahead and give your opponent a bottom line, and your army will go further and further away." The bigger it is, when you have an army of hundreds of thousands, it's time for a decisive battle."

Lynn said lightly.

After some hesitation, Princess Rose agreed.


PS: Three chapters have been updated, and the flowers are not rising. Is there anyone still reading it? .

Chapter 24 Alyssa Getting Deeper and Deeper

"I'll go, the anchor is getting bigger and bigger."

"No, the more you play, the more you get more 6. It's really exciting to watch. It's too 6, but it's still okay. Do you think this princess will be fooled by the anchor?"

"I think it's right to do this. Even if Princess Qiangwei has more than 10,000 people now, she can't fight Princess Caiwei. If she sticks to her own territory, she will only play for fun. Going to Princess Caiwei's territory is the essence. ah."

"However, I am uneducated, and I can say it all over the world."

"Yes, let's give a reward first. I have a vague feeling that the anchor's bragging is likely to come true."


In the live broadcast room, Lin En's plan for Princess Rose sparked heated discussions among the tens of thousands of netizens watching.

Now in the live broadcast room, there are very few people who are still struggling with whether Lynn wears or not.

the reason is simple.

It's been live broadcast for so many days, and I have passed through many cities in the Plantagenet Kingdom. If this is a movie promotion... the cost of this f*ck promotional film is much higher than that of the main film.

A large number of netizens are convinced of Lin En's time travel, and many netizens ask about the method of time travel every day.

This also caused the number of people in Lin En's live broadcast room to continue to increase, and it is estimated that they have been noticed by the platform.

But... no one can operate Lynn's live broadcast room, and Lynn is not worried about anything going wrong in the live broadcast room.


"Master, you are back."

Lin En will not stare at Princess Rose from time to time, let the system automatically shoot and follow, and Lin En will not pass until some critical time.

When he returned to the castle to rest, the elf Alisa would come to accompany him.

Well, Alyssa is quite boring by herself, but she has also learned some new knowledge recently, such as identifying and planting abyssal plants.

Around Lynn's castle, there are a lot of abyssal plants. The most precious one is the devil fruit that Lynn gave to Princess Rose's guards.

This devil fruit is grown from a kind of devil vine, which absorbs underground energy.

In the past, Alyssa felt that the plants in the abyss were scary, but after getting to know them, she discovered that the reason why these plants in the abyss make humans feel discolored is not because the plants themselves are scary, but because these plants absorb, It is the energy of the abyss.

To some extent, these plants are no different from the plants in the human world. This kind of research and understanding made Alisa very interesting, and it became one of her ways to pass the time.

Although she felt that if she continued like this, she might become closer to the fallen elves, but Alisa also felt that as long as she kept her original intentions unchanged, it seemed that it would not be a bad thing to study these abyssal plants.

Lynn was sitting on a recliner, shaking slowly, while Alyssa stood behind Lynn and hammered Lynn's shoulders.

After a few days of getting along, Alyssa found that Lynn was not scary.

Lynn is indeed a devil, and in his actions, he will also uphold the reasons of the devil.

If the little devil under his command slack off a little, he will be beaten up by Lynn.

However, when Lynn is alone, especially when Lynn folds his wings and stands alone on the balcony of the castle, looking at the boundless abyss, Alisa looks at Lynn's back, But it always feels like... Lynn seems lonely.

This kind of loneliness seems to be the kind of loneliness that the whole world cannot understand.

This faint sense of loneliness, combined with Lynn's good looks, constituted a unique attraction.

As a result, Alyssa gave Lynn a hammer.... She couldn't help staring at Lynn's extremely handsome face, and began to be dazed. From Xinxiaoqun 712205071


"What’s wrong with you?"

Lynn's faint voice awakened Alyssa.


Only then did Alyssa realize that she had been staring at Lynn in a daze for a long time.

"I'm sorry master."

Alyssa hurriedly continued to hammer Lynn's shoulders.

Her face also became very red.

She felt that she seemed to be... sinking deeper and deeper.


PS: The author's affairs have been taken care of. Starting from today, this book will be more and more every day, and it will be put on the shelves directly. Don't worry about chasing it! There are free flower monthly tickets that can be cast every day, which will encourage authors to code faster! .

Chapter 25 Either Crazy or Genius!

What happened in the castle was not broadcast live.

Lynn doesn't know everything live.

As long as there is a little bit of privacy, it will not be broadcast live.

The current live broadcast of the system is following Princess Rose's army.

After Princess Rose adopted Lynn's plan, she left in a hurry with her army.

As for the nobles who supported her, that is, her grandfather's family, they also left temporarily, but they did not follow Princess Rose.

"Qiangwei, you... oh..."

Qiangwei's grandfather wanted to say that Qiangwei was crazy, but when he thought Qiangwei was his granddaughter, his words turned into a sigh in the end.

Princess Rose left with the army.

There were only one or two thousand people left in her original army, including her grandfather's army.

Her grandfather's army did not take away, but was still handed over to Qiangwei. Don't worry too much about the loyalty of these people.

When Princess Rose was marching, Lin En appeared from time to time, pointing out some suitable routes for Princess Rose, so that Princess Rose could bypass Princess Caiwei's army smoothly.

In this world, information transmission is still quite backward, and having aerial vision has a huge advantage.


When Qiangwei's army moved, not far from Qiangwei's territory, Princess Caiwei's army had already attacked Princess Qiangwei's territory overwhelmingly.

And at the rear of the army, in an extremely spacious tent, many nobles gathered there, which looked like they were having a meeting.

"Princess Rose is really crazy, she dared to issue such a decree."

"This is a blatant challenge to the status of the nobility."

"Those untouchables all went to join her army as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. She can't be given any more time, otherwise she will have more and more troops."

"Princess Rose won't be possessed by a demon, right?"


The nobles were discussing intensely, and what they were discussing was precisely the matter of Princess Rose.

"Don't talk nonsense if you are possessed by a demon."

At this time, at the top of the tent, a woman spoke.

This woman is Princess Rose's opponent, Princess Caiwei.

As soon as Princess Caiwei spoke, the nobles fell silent.

Princess Caiwei said: "Although Qiangwei is crazy, she is my younger sister after all. I don't want her to be burned to death by the people of the Holy See Court."

"Yes, yes, the queen is so merciful."

"Yeah, Princess Rose must have been driven crazy."

"I would be driven crazy~"


As soon as Princess Caiwei's words fell, the nobles changed their words one after another.

"Don't be careless. Princess Rose is not necessarily crazy. This kind of plan is beyond the reach of ordinary people. The person who came up with this kind of plan is either a lunatic or a genius."

At this time, a middle-aged nobleman stood up and said.

"Indeed, Qiangwei's decree looks crazy, but if Qiangwei is given time, she might really gather a large army."

Another noble said.

"What kind of fighting power can a group of civilians have?"

There are also nobles who disdain.

"How many people are there in Qiangwei's territory? Now she has tens of millions of people at most, and she can't stop our army at all. It would be good if she could hold back for a long time."

In the entire tent, the noise resumed again.


"Report, Queen, the army has conquered Princess Rose's territory."

At this time, a soldier who sent orders rushed in to report.

"Did it come down? It's really fast. I still thought it would take a day or two."

"Haha, I just said it, the miscellaneous soldiers in his hands are not our opponents at all."

"How is it, has Princess Rose been captured alive?"


The nobles asked one after another.

"Queen, according to reports from the front, our army did not encounter Princess Rose's army in Princess Rose's territory, nor did they see Princess Rose. According to the people inside, Princess Rose's army had already left the territory. "

The soldier who sent the order said.

"Leaving? Where did you go?"

Princess Caiwei asked.

The soldier who delivered the order said, "I don't know."

"Go, go and have a look."

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