Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 159

In this way, after the end of the Dynasty War, there was a few days of peace.

In the live broadcast room, although the content of the live broadcast these days was relatively quiet, it was as lively as ever.

The competition for the list is still fierce, newcomers are constantly coming in, and the prestige and rewards are increasing day by day.

On this day, the demons gathered all the trade items they had collected, and the angel Masu handed them all over to Lynn.

"Lord, it's only the ghost stone and the brown blood flower that are missing. The ghost stone shadow demon reported that there is no news yet, and the brown blood flower is the same... Originally, there were still five things missing, but three of them, in the new Found among the five dynasties that surrendered."

Angel Masu said.

There are many benefits of a large site.

For example, when looking for things, the efficiency is much faster.

Lin En put away his things and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Masu, the ghost stone and the brown blood flower let the demons continue to look for them."

"Yes, Lord!"

After the angel Masu finished speaking, she stepped back and continued to arrange for the demons to search.

Lin En took all the things and came to the palace of the goddess of light.

"You came."

The Goddess of Light saw Lynn coming and had already stepped out.

"Goddess, this is what is left, only the ghost stone and the brown blood flower are missing. Once I find it, I will send it up."

Lynn said.

The Goddess of Light took the item, glanced at it, and quickly confirmed that it was what she needed.

The deal with Lin En is naturally also the goddess of light's fancy, because it can bring her a steady stream of god stones, and god stones mean the power of gods.

The strength of the goddess of light will grow faster.

After putting it away, the Goddess of Light took out a small bag and handed it to Lin En: "There are two hundred sacred stones in here, order them."

Lynn took the bag and glanced at it: "There is nothing wrong."

The Goddess of Light said: "That's good, I will spend a little time disposing of these things, but you can start collecting new things."

After speaking, she gave Lynn a list again.

This time there are more items.

Not only are there more categories, reaching six categories, but the number of the same thing has also increased.

Don't look at the barrenness in the abyss... there are few types of plants, but they are relatively few.

After all, with so many abysses and such a large area, there are still thousands of absolute categories.

It is not much different from the hundreds of thousands of species of nature in the human world.

In addition to plants, the Goddess of Light also wanted some rare ores or treasures from the abyss.

And there's some high-value stuff coming out.

For example, there is an item called "Heart of the Abyss" in the list, and the asking price of the goddess of light is 200 god stones.

"Heart of the Abyss" is not a treasure, but a special ore that may exist in the center of a layer of abyss.

In fact, there is another kind of heart of the abyss, which is the core of a layer of abyss. However, no one can capture it, even if the abyss is broken, that is why the abyss and the abyss can be directly spliced.


Lynn put away the list.

The sacred stone harvested this time should be enough for Servi to have the power of the twelfth level.

As for Jane, Lynn is going to upgrade her after the next deal is over.

For other angels, if there are extra sacred stones, Lynn will also upgrade them to the tenth level of power one after another.


Lynn is gone.

In the palace, the goddess of light did not speak.

On the one hand, there is still more time, on the other hand, the Goddess of Light has found that her heart has been a little messed up these days.

she feels...

The idea born that day opened a Pandora's box.


For the past few days, the Goddess of Light has been deliberating, but still can't think of a suitable way to "influence" Lin En.

The goddess of light in the heaven even used her godhead to calculate, but she didn't calculate any plan that could "influence" Lin En.

The ability of Godhead is quite powerful.

Just computing power...a computer the size of a planet can't match.


Not without a plan.

The only feasible solution is to use the method of the abyss banshee as the goddess of light thought before.


The Goddess of Light is always hesitating and struggling.

In this entanglement, the goddess of light found another bad sign when she examined her own thoughts.

This sign is that in the past few days, Lynn has appeared in her mind very many times.


She discovered that, even by God's standards... Apart from being a succubus, Lin En is perfect in every aspect!

The Goddess of Light found that she had quietly developed a liking for Lynn.

In other words, she hasn't started to make Lynn feel good about her yet.

I first had a good impression of Lynn.

However, the Goddess of Light is still unable to forcibly erase this trace of goodwill.

Faintly, she felt that this kind of goodwill would be beneficial for her to "influence" Lin En, at least it could make Lin En feel her kindness.

But on the other hand...

The Goddess of Light felt that this was a very dangerous thing.

For countless years, the Goddess of Light has never had the slightest affection for any opposite sex, but now she does.

This makes the Goddess of Light feel...

You may have opened a Pandora's box.

If this continues...maybe things will develop in a direction beyond her control.

But she will give up is absolutely impossible!

This is where the Goddess of Light struggles.


"In a few days...after I have consolidated my realm...the first step is to implement the plan help him become the thirteenth rank within a few years, and then make the next step."

After all, the Goddess of Light is quite sensible. After seeing Lynn this time, she quickly ruled out all thoughts and made a decision. .

Chapter 136 Servi! lottery! Thirteenth order! Lilith!

"Servi, how are you feeling?"

In the City of Angels, Lynn asked looking at Servi coming out of the reincarnation pool.

"The power of the twelfth level... I haven't had it for a long time."

Servi opened her hand, feeling the vigorous power in her body.

In the past, when she was in the heaven, as an archangel, her upper limit of power was the twelfth level.

However, there are not many times when she carries full power.

It's true that she hasn't possessed the power of the twelfth level for a long time.

Moreover, after becoming an Angel of Judgment, she still has the power of the twelfth level...but it's actually completely different.

The Angel of Judgment is much more powerful than the angel before her.

It can be said that with the same power of the twelfth level, it is impossible for ten archangels to beat a judgment angel.


Not far away, Lin En couldn't help but feel a little beating when he saw Servi's beautiful figure after she opened her hands.

As the strength increased... something in Lynn's demon blood became more and more restless.

Of course, Lynn isn't in the slightest risk of losing control.

He can suppress it at any time.

Moreover, this itself is a very normal reaction.

For any man, seeing Servi's movement of showing off her beautiful figure would not be any better than Lynn.


On the other side, Servi noticed Lynn's gaze and blushed immediately.

Servi has also met Jane several times in the past few days.

Intuition told her....Jane is not the same as before.

Sylvia has always had a good relationship with Jane.

In the past, it could be said that there was nothing to say.

But, that kind of thing... Jane couldn't possibly tell Servi.

But women's intuition is quite accurate.

Even though Servi is an angel, she is also a woman at the same time.

Sylvie feels...something must have happened between Jane and Lynn14.

Think of that possibility.

Sylvia's face turned extremely red.


Seeing Lynn's gaze now, Servi's face turned even redder.

Even though she gave people the impression that she was a generous lady and a young lady, she was still too shy in this respect.


It would be fine if Sylvie didn't blush.

A red face... that face, just like a red apple.

It made Lynn's thoughts even stronger.


Sylvie exclaimed.


Before she could speak, she could never speak again.


Be careful, don't startle those demons. "

In a huge abyss, several shadow demons sneaked cautiously above the ground.

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