Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 18

Lynn chose to upgrade.

Upgrading to level 2 requires 100,000 mall coins.

One hundred thousand mall coins were deducted.

"The upgrade was successful, and Wings of the Void was successfully upgraded to LV2."

The sound of the system sounded again.

Lin En spread his wings and felt that there seemed to be light on his wings.

Of course, this effect is only temporary.

In the next second, all the light disappeared.

The wings are back to normal.

His wings looked more powerful than before.

"There are still 400,000 mall coins... Wait for 500,000 gold coins, just buy a magic dragon egg."

Lynn whispered.


Chapter 31 Hatching! Little dragon!

In the abyss, there are many creatures. Apart from demons, there are also a large number of other types of abyssal creatures.

There are also many high-level abyssal creatures.

There are even some creatures that have entered the abyss from the human world.

Like fallen elves.

Another example is the dragon.

The magic dragon is not the same as the giant dragon in the human world, it is a dragon in the abyss.

Demon dragons are also quite high-level creatures in the abyss. They are powerful, just like giant dragons. Adult dragons... basically have the strength of the sixth level!

In the shopping mall of the system, you can buy magic dragon eggs, 500,000 gold coins each, and you can also buy some abyss plant seeds that can be eaten by the magic dragon and grow rapidly, such as the magic dragon fruit tree.

Originally, in the place where Lin En was, it was absolutely impossible for a high-level life like a magic dragon to appear. After all, this is the edge of the abyss.

Dragons are also pretty hard to find.

However, as long as Lin En bought the magic dragon eggs from the system mall, he could raise some magic dragons by himself.

"There is still a reward of 20,000."

Lynn whispered.

Immediately, he saw... 20,000 rewards.

After Princess Qiangwei led an army of more than 100,000 people and marched to the capital, some netizens began to tip.

Among the more than 100,000 netizens in the live broadcast room, many netizens are quite rich, and there have been single rewards of more than 10,000.

"Then buy a magic dragon egg."

Lynn whispered.

He opened the system mall and chose to buy it.

"Please choose the gender of the dragon."

The sound of the system sounds.

You can also choose gender?


"The purchase is successful, and the host can hatch with a drop of blood."

The sound of the system sounds.

Then, a huge egg came out.

This egg is black all over, but its volume is quite huge.

"Surprised, what kind of egg is this, so big?"

"It's not a dragon egg, is it?"

"Where did the anchor get the egg?"


The perspective of the system's live broadcast turned back to Lin En. This magic dragon egg instantly surprised the netizens!


"Can a drop of blood hatch?"

Lynn thought.

After thinking about it, he bit his finger lightly.

Then, a drop of fresh/blood flowed from the fingertip.

"What is the host going to do?"

"My husband is bleeding, it hurts so much~"


In the live broadcast room, netizens became curious, and a large number of female netizens began to call Lin En "husband". Now in Lynn's live broadcast room, there are quite a few female netizens.

After all, Lynn's good looks are fatal to women.

In the eyes of the netizens, the drop of Lynn's blood dripped onto the dragon's egg.

He saw that drop of blood was quickly absorbed by the dragon egg.

"The blood-sucking there a demon in it?"



While netizens were discussing, the magic dragon egg changed again.

I saw the inside of the dragon egg lit up.

Then, there was the sound of a violent heart beating.

"Wow, master, what is this?"

The elf Alisa also came out, looking at the dragon egg curiously.

"I finally saw the elf girl again."

[Prisoner Birds Don’t Know the Sea] Reward the host with a rocket, and leave a message: The host should give more shots of elf girls~”

In the live broadcast room, Alyssa's appearance made many netizens excited.

After all, Alyssa has rarely been shot recently, but more of the actions of Princess Rose's army.



The magic dragon egg changed very quickly, and dense cracks had already appeared on it.

Netizens looked forward to it.

"I bet, it's definitely a dragon."

"I feel like a demon."

"Maybe it's a beautiful woman?"

"You are awesome, your beauty came out of an egg?"


In the live broadcast room, netizens guessed.

Alyssa also looked curiously.


Then I saw that the eggshell was broken by the thick dragon's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a cute little head popped out even though it was extremely dark.

This little head is exactly the little head of the magic dragon.


After the little head of the magic dragon popped out, its eyes glanced over Alisa, and then fixed on Lin En. Its small eyes were filled with joy at once, and it was very happy to hear "" Aww" sound.

Then, the dragon flapped its wings and flew out of the dragon egg.

This little guy, when he broke out of his shell, had a strength above the first level!

"I'm going, it's really a dragon!"


"You can fly once you're born? Cowhide~"


In the live broadcast room, the netizens became excited when they saw the little magic dragon, and some netizens started to give rewards again.

Alisa was also quite surprised.


The little devil dragon flew in front of Lin En, ready to rub his head against Lin En.

Lynn reached out and touched its little head.

"Go ahead and eat the eggshell."

Lynn said.


The little magic dragon flew over again and ate the eggshell in a few mouthfuls.

As soon as these eggshells were eaten, the little magic dragon grew up in a circle.

After this little devil dragon ate the eggshell, it seemed that it already possessed the strength of the second level.

"Grow so fast? How did you do it?"

"It violates the laws of nature~"

"That's the abyss, you should be here with us~"


In the live broadcast room, the discussion among netizens was also quite heated.


Chapter 32 Gathering crowds!

After the little magic dragon finished eating the eggshells, he happily flew out of the castle.

Lynn bought some more dragon fruit trees and planted them.

There is one biggest difference between the plants in the abyss and the plants in the human world.

That is, the plants in the abyss... can be pulled back and encouraged!

That is to say, before Lin En crossed over, if the person who produced this idiom because of his own encouragement, if he went into the abyss, he would definitely not be a joke.

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