Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 201


The Bakula Abyss is completely different from what they imagined.

Netizens in the live broadcast room have also seen the lava abyss where the Balrog is located before, such as the sleeping one in the Balrog Abyss, which is an abyss full of volcanoes, lava, and magma.

The Bakula Abyss is also full of volcanoes and magma.


Bakula is even more spectacular.

There are thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters high mountains everywhere.

From those mountains, fiery red magma flows down continuously, forming a series of magma waterfalls.

And between these mountains, there are often narrow and long magma rivers. In these magma rivers, a large number of lava giants can be seen rolling and playing in them.



In the sky, from time to time, you can see huge mountains flowing with magma, or volcanoes that are erupting/erupting!

In this kind of Bakula, the fire element is extremely rich.


"Hey! How dare you peep into my deep sleep, damn it!"

Lynn had just entered the Bakula Abyss when he heard an angry roar.

Lynn took a look.

Not far away, a huge volcano burst violently, and a towering flame giant rushed out.

Opis has been discovered!

The aura of the flame giant was extremely astonishing, and the Balrog Opis was like a little ant in front of it!

A demigod-level Balrog!

Even if Opis is a Balrog of the Demon King level.

But in front of the demigod level Balrog, it is completely not enough to see!

As soon as the demigod Balrog rushed out, a pair of giant flaming hands grabbed Opis violently!

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Every Balrog has a temper tantrum, and he will do it as soon as he says it!


The Balrog Opis shouted!


Seeing that Opis was about to be instantly killed by the demigod-level Balrog, Lin En flapped his wings and rushed forward.


The huge Destruction Fist blasted towards the demigod Balrog.

"Hey, court death!"

The demigod-level Balrog saw Lin En coming, and the flaming giant changed direction and attacked Lin En.


The Fist of Destruction has already blasted up.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he saw that the demigod-level Balrog was sent flying out by Lin En's punch.


This demigod-level Balrog crashed straight into a huge mountain wall flowing with magma, smashing it into pieces!

Lin En's wings fluttered, and he rushed up at an extreme speed, kicking it on the nose.


The demigod Balrog was kicked back again and again.

Then Lynn didn't stop at all, and punched him one after another.


..... .......... 0

"Fuck! The anchor is getting more and more aggressive!"


"This punch will definitely punch a big hole in the Earth Star!"


In the live broadcast room, seeing Lin En beat a demigod level Balrog helplessly as soon as they met, the netizens couldn't help applauding.


In the Bakula Abyss, volcanoes continued to erupt, and a large number of lava giants were directly shattered.

After a few minutes, finally, Lynn stopped.

The demigod-level Balrog had already been beaten by Lin En until there was no flame left.

In the distance, the Balrog Opis was so startled that his huge mouth could barely close.

"Master has become stronger again."

Balrog Opis thought in shock.

It was originally subject to the real name rule, but now it has completely surrendered to Lynn!


"Surrender to me, or you will die."

Lin En stepped on the demigod-level Balrog and said.

"Hey, don't even think about it."

The demigod-level Balrog roared.

"In that case, you should die."

After Lynn finished speaking, he hit hard.

The body of the demigod-level Balrog shattered rapidly.


Lynn said.

The Balrog Opis hurried over and saw Lynn throwing it a burning heart.

Heart of the Balrog!

Still a demigod.


The Balrog Opis immediately knelt down.

"Thank you master!"

Opis said gratefully.

"Eat it and become a demigod as soon as possible."

Lynn said lightly.

"Yes, Master!"

The Balrog Opis excitedly held the Balrog Heart and ate it in one bite.

After obtaining the heart of the demigod-level Balrog, it became quite easy for Balrog Opis to become a demigod!


After Balrog Opis ate the heart of the demigod Balrog, he needed to sleep deeply.

Lynn didn't stay here too long.

The possibility of the demigod-level Balrog surrendering is zero. Lin En has just used the Eye of Delusion and the Eye of the Succubus, but the real name of the demigod-level Balrog is impeccably hidden, so Lin En gave up.

Balrogs can grow by devouring each other, and it is the same for Opis to become a demigod.


Chapter 160 Bridgehead! Effect! Get ready Goddess of Light!

"Jenny, you bring three angels to support the right side."

"Masu, you go and deal with that big devil."


In Bito Abyss, a huge war is still going on.

Although the demigod Spider-Man is dead.

But the resistance of Beato Abyss is still quite tenacious.

They have a twelfth-level demon king, a thirteenth-level demon king, several great demon kings, and quite a few demon kings!

A demigod-level demon dynasty is indeed quite powerful!

In addition, from the space gate, there is also a steady stream of support from the servant dynasty!


Therefore, this war has been going on for a long time.

Of course, the main reason is that Lynn didn't make a move, Lilith didn't make a move, and even Servi seldom made a move.

In the live broadcast room, this battle has been followed by two cameras, which also attracted a large number of 580 netizens to watch and discuss.

After Lin En dealt with the demigod-level Balrog in the Bakula Abyss, he also came to the heights of the Bito Abyss, sat on the throne, and silently watched the entire battle.

No, Lynn wasn't just there to sit.

In his eyes, the Eye of Delusion has already been fully activated.

Lynn was explaining the rules bred in the Pitto's Abyss.


Lynn whispered.

The rules conceived by the Bito Abyss are impressively a branch of the Space Rules, the Void Rules.

Space rules can be regarded as a large category, and void rules are a sub-category of them. They are not as comprehensive as space rules, but they also have their own unique features.

The powerful ability of the demigod spiderman to travel through space is also related to the power of this rule.

Lynn if after parsing.

In the future, the spatial fluctuations caused by the Void God Wings traveling through space will be much smaller.

Even without using the Void God's Wings, Lynn can travel through the space as silently as the Void Shadow Spider.


Therefore, Lynn has been analyzing above the Pito Abyss.

In the Bito Abyss, an extremely large-scale war was fought for a full week.

A week later, finally, the demonic army of the demigod Spider-Man began to give up.

But it will take some time to break down.

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