Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 253

Seeing that the remnant consciousness of the Lord of Light launched an attack, Lin En did not hesitate at all.

In his body, divine power boiled.

The power of the law of light can be driven instantly.

Then use the light to control the light!

In this inheritance space, the law of the light system is completely boiling.

From the naked eye, there is not too much fluctuation in ability.


Now in this inheritance space, once a high-level god comes... Even if that high-level god is not at the center of the battlefield, but at the edge, it won't last long.


The fluctuations at the law level are too strong.

Strong to.

The entire inheritance space seems to have become a small sun.

Incomparably strong light shrouded together!


"what happened?"

"I can't see anything anymore, it's a vast expanse of whiteness!"

"Didn't it mean that the anchor is going to fight against the remnants of a main god? It's already going on now, right?"

"What kind of attack is this... can't see anything, it's too bright."

" eyes, don't look at them, it's like looking at a sun."


In the live broadcast room, netizens exclaimed.


Indeed nothing can be seen!

It is unavoidable that netizens stopped exclaiming.

In the live broadcast camera, there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

Naturally, it is impossible for these netizens in the live broadcast room to feel the fluctuations at the level of laws!

All they could see was white light.

Moreover, as the light becomes stronger and stronger, even through the lens, it feels like looking directly at the sun.

The eyes can't stand it naturally.

Therefore, a large number of netizens switched the main camera and looked at another picture.

That is the picture of the Plantagenet Empire continuing to expand. During the process of expansion, the war between empires is still going on.


Of course, even though it has been switched, netizens also look back from time to time.

Want to know the outcome of the battle.


"The Lord God's understanding of the law is terrifying."

Facing the continuous attacks from the law level, Lynn's expression became quite serious.


Even if Lin En felt the remnant consciousness of the God of Light, there was no power left.


Any attack by the Lord of Light's residual consciousness on the understanding and mastery of the laws is quite terrifying.


Lynn had to mobilize all his strength in order to be passively defended.


Lynn had to defend passively.

It is really.

The attack from the Remnant Consciousness of the Lord of Light was a bit too terrifying.

"The main godhead of the lord of light has long been broken... Without the godhead, even the rudimentary consciousness of the lord god, it is impossible to condense the power of the lord god... His power will not be much left."

Lynn whispered.

Without the main godhead, it is absolutely impossible for the main god of light to condense the main divine power.

Otherwise, it would not be called falling.


Ordinary gods, when their divine body is shattered, they are called fallen.

But a main god is too powerful, as long as the godhead is not broken, it is not called falling.

For the main god, as long as the godhead and strength are still there, he can easily make a comeback.


There won't be much resistance either.

The other main gods in the heavens will not stop the main god of light.

Although it is possible to secretly suppress the Lord God of Light and make the Lord God of Light weaker so that they can rise, it will definitely not prevent the Lord God of Light from making a comeback.

Because there are more gods in the heavens.

Facing the abyss, one is more active.


Therefore, the fall of the Lord God of Light must be due to the shattering of the Lord Godhead.

Without the main godhead, there is no way to condense the main divine power.

Therefore, Lin En speculates that there may be nothing left of the power of the residual consciousness of the Lord of Light.

He can completely consume it.


Although the light master's residual consciousness mobilizes the light system law to launch an attack that is quite terrifying.


Lynn is still defensible.


Very difficult!


In this kind of confrontation, Lynn's divine power was consumed too much.

His divine power is the divine power of light and darkness, which is even more terrifying than the divine power of ordinary masters of the domain of the gods.


Lynn's divine power consumption rate is still astonishingly fast.

This is enough to illustrate.

The Lord of Light's residual consciousness attack is terrifying.


In just a few seconds, Lynn's divine power consumed hundreds of drops!

Only then can it withstand the attack of the light lord God Remnant Consciousness.


Maybe it's because I feel like I can't attack for a long time.

Ten seconds later.

In the inheritance space, all the light systems were dimmed.

The remnant consciousness of the Lord God of Light really gave up the attack through the law level.

next second.

That ball of light rushed towards Lynn fiercely.

".~Come here, is this going to take my divine body forcibly?"

Lynn whispered.

The light came very quickly.

Lin En's supernatural power moved violently, and as soon as he slapped his hands, he slapped them violently.


The ball of light was directly photographed, but still charged forward firmly.

Lynn felt consciousness in that ball of light.

Grand, indifferent.

With a cold feeling.

It is like a will that lives in an infinite height, watching all living beings coldly.

Lord God Consciousness!

Immediately afterwards, the ball of light exploded violently.

Lynn felt that the divine power in his body stagnated for a moment.

"Sure enough!"

Lynn got it.


In the second level, there was a problem with the near-perfect arrangement and combination of divine power that Lynn had brought in himself.

If Lynn arranges his divine power in that way of arrangement and combination later on.



In an instant, all his divine power will be suppressed.

When power is restrained.

Facing the residual consciousness of the God of Light, there is no power to resist.


Even the core divine power is controlled by people.

What resistance is there?

"However, you made a mistake."

Lin En let out a long howl, and finally no longer covered up, driven by light and dark divine power.


It is the inheritance space.

After staying here for a few years, Lynn has already understood that it is impossible for the outside to know everything that happened here.

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