Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 29


"Why are civilians everywhere reclaiming land?"

On this day, a carriage entered the kingdom of Plantagenet under the protection of a large number of temple knights.

Not long after this carriage and the temple knight entered the Plantagenet Kingdom, Qiangwei received the news.

"Has anyone from the Holy See headquarters come?"

Lin En's heart moved, and he flew out of the abyss and came to the kingdom of gorse.

Soon, he found the Holy See team based on some information provided by Qiangwei.

It was a team with a full hundred temple knights.

The carriage is quite exquisite, and there is an Aries symbol on it.

Lynn followed quietly without making a move.

No one noticed that one of the two coachmen in front of the carriage had already dozed off there.


"Saint Aries, the Rose Queen of the Plantagenet Kingdom killed our three temple knights, and the other temple knights are still being detained by her. This shall we deal with it?"

In the carriage, a girl asked a woman next to her.

The woman was wearing a face scarf, and she didn't look very old.

"Stabilize her first, the population of the Plantagenet Kingdom is not small, and the war in the city-state of Mok is raging now, so we cannot give the other Holy See a chance to take away the Plantagenet Kingdom."

said the woman.

"How's the war in Mokri State?"

the girl asked.

The Aries saint said: "It is not optimistic, the other party has a son who can summon an archangel, and recently there are demons who are preparing to fish in troubled waters and make trouble secretly."


The girl let out a soft cry.

The Aries saint said: "Don't worry, the heaven and the abyss have always been in conflict. It is impossible for the devil to let such a good opportunity not come out. The soldiers come to block, and the water comes and the earth floods it. Emily, you have to believe that the goddess is the warrior. Invincible."

Having said that, the tone of the Aries saintess became a little sacred.

"Yes, Aries Saintess, the goddess is invincible!"

The expression on the girl's face also became devout.


"Saint Aries..."

Lynn whispered.

"Your Excellency, according to the report from the spies, the people from the Holy See are coming soon. The person from the Holy See is indeed a saint. What should I do?"

At this time, Qiangwei's voice sounded.

After signing the contract and selling her soul to Lynn, Qiangwei can communicate with Lynn as long as she calls Lynn's name in her heart.

Hearing Qiangwei's voice, Lin En pondered for a while, and said, "It's okay, you should act stronger."


Qiangwei was slightly startled.

"Not bad, even though it is strong!"

Lynn said affirmatively. .

Chapter 49 Surprised! This is the host?

"His suggestion is indeed correct."

In the palace, Qiangwei sent the Aries saint out of the hall.

She has already met the Aries saint.

Originally, Qiangwei felt a little guilty about the people who met the Holy See headquarters.

Moreover, the Saintess of the Aries was quite strong at the beginning, aggressively asking about the killing of the Temple Knight.

However, Qiangwei immediately acted more aggressively, and asked the Aries saint why the Holy See did not remain neutral when she already had an 80% chance of winning.

The attitude of the Aries saintess softened as expected.

Qiangwei took advantage of the situation and raised several conditions, such as reducing the church tax of the Plantagenet Kingdom, and replacing the bishop of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

Church tax, that is, the tax that the kingdom needs to pay to the Holy See.

The tax rate is not low.

The Holy See needs the kingdoms, but the kingdoms also need the Holy See.

A kingdom without the protection of the Holy See is very dangerous, because it will be targeted by a large number of demons and become a favorite in the eyes of demons.

Under normal circumstances, the Holy See would not interfere in the kingdom's internal affairs. It was actually the decision of the bishop of the Plantagenet Kingdom to intervene in the battle for the throne of the Plantagenet Kingdom this time.

That's why Qiangwei wanted to replace the bishop, and asked the Holy See not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

All these requests, Aries Saintess agreed.

The conflict between politics and religion has always existed. Fortunately, there is more than one god in this world, and the competition seems to be fierce. In order to obtain more kingdoms and the healthy development of these kingdoms, the Church of God contributes more beliefs, basically The government will not interfere too much in internal affairs.

After all, what God wants is faith, and generally speaking, the more prosperous a kingdom is, the more faith it contributes, and God also hopes that the king can govern his kingdom well.


"Queen Rose, every king needs God's blessing when he takes office. At the same time, he also needs to check whether his soul is polluted by demons. These are all necessary checks, and it is also the most important purpose of my visit this time. In addition, I heard that your There is a fifth-level warrior under him, who can kill our nearly fifth-level temple knights, I don’t know, can I meet that warrior?”

After the Aries Saintess walked out of the hall, she talked about another matter.

In order to stabilize the Plantagenet Kingdom, she compromised many things.

However, for the Holy See, there are some things that cannot be compromised, such as ensuring that the king will not be polluted by demons. Once any king trades with demons, even the king will face the judgment of the Holy See.

Demons are the common enemy of all churches!

The Plantagenet Kingdom actually had fifth-tier fighters, which made the Aries Saintess feel abnormal, so she had to check it out.


Qiangwei was about to find an excuse, saying that someone had been sent out to carry out a mission, when her expression changed slightly.

Because, she saw Lynn!

At this moment, Lynn has changed drastically.

He didn't have wings on his back, and what he was wearing wasn't the delicate and elegant robe, but the armor that belonged to the warriors of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

He also holds a knight's great sword in his hand.

Moreover, Lynn's eyes were no longer red, but normal color.

It seems that Lynn is no different from a normal human being.

Seeing Lynn like this...and seeing Lynn in front of the Aries Saintess in the church...Qiangwei was stunned for an instant!


"WOC, is this the anchor?"

"Shocked...the anchor actually appeared under the eyes of a church saint~"

"Saint Aries: Try my 40-meter sword~"

"The Saintess of Aries didn't seem to notice anything unusual, otherwise the 40-meter sword would have been unbearable?"

"What is the anchor going to do? Isn't he going to kidnap a church saint?"

"I feel that the anchor may have a bigger goal~"


In the live broadcast room, after seeing Lynn appearing, the netizens exclaimed one by one! .

Chapter 50 Pure Soul? real or fake?

Lynn came out this time, actually after careful consideration.

On the way to the arrival of the Aries Saintess, he has changed his appearance slightly, activated his disguise skills, and appeared once.

The Aries saint didn't notice his abnormality.

That's why Lynn came out boldly.

Well, coming out this time, on the one hand, is to help Qiangwei calm down.

A warrior made of devil fruit may not be able to fool the saint of Aries, after all, this is a person who can directly communicate with angels, and even summon angels.

But Lynn can fool the Aries saint.

The soldier who ate the devil fruit back then was wearing a helmet, but his appearance was not revealed.

On the other hand... Lynn is curious about these saintesses.

After Qiangwei promotes potatoes on a large scale, Lin En can steal a steady stream of beliefs, and the transformation pool of fallen angels can continuously upgrade the level and increase energy.

Now that there is a reincarnation pool for fallen angels, Lin En naturally thought of abducting one or two angels down, otherwise it would be too wasteful to put them there.

However, in order to abduct an angel, one must first understand an angel.

These saints can communicate directly with angels, and even summon angels... In Lynn's view, they are the best candidates who understand angels.

Therefore, Lynn is going to have a close contact and observe the Aries Saintess.


"Queen, I heard you are looking for me?"

Seeing that Qiangwei was stunned, Lin En gave Qiangwei a look and said.

Qiangwei was quite smart, and instantly understood what Lin En meant. She returned to normal, and said, "Yes, this is the Aries Holy Maiden of the Holy See. She wants to see you."

While Qiangwei was speaking, the Saintess of Aries had already looked at Lynn.

"You killed our temple knight?"

The Aries saint looked at Lynn and asked.

"That's right. I'm an adventurer from the East. The Rose Queen gave me gold coins to hire me for a year. Naturally, I will fight for her."

Lynn said.

The Aries saint asked: "East? Which kingdom?"

Lin En said lightly: "There is a very distant kingdom called Shenlong Kingdom. I don't know if the saint has heard of it."

"What a god, the Dragon Kingdom~"

"Husband is so calm~"

"Saint Aries was fooled into a daze~"


In the live broadcast room, netizens watched with some joy.

Perhaps because it was interesting for Lynn to pretend to be a human being, some netizens started tipping again.


The Aries Saintess stared at Lynn with bright eyes, and then said, "I need to test you with the holy light."


Lynn didn't refuse.

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