Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Devil King in the Abyss Chapter 299


She didn't even think about it!


Lynn, actually wants to override the will of the world!


Lynn is this crazy?

this world.

for countless years,

No one can override the will of the world at all!

The backlash of the will of the world is no joke.

That is enough to make a main god fall easily.

not to mention.

Whether it is the main god of the heavens or the main god of the abyss, no main god will allow such a thing to happen!


In Elsa's opinion.


Already crazy!


Lynn's aura was extremely strong.

In the entire Ximo God Realm, countless demons and gods who were fighting had already stopped fighting, and they were all overwhelmed by Lin En's terrifying aura, and they were still trembling!

His eyes turned to Elsa.

Said: "They are coming."

Elsa saw that the Lord God of Heaven and the Lord God of Abyss had indeed come over.

For countless years.

I'm afraid it is.

The Lord God of Heaven and the Lord God of Abyss joined forces for the first time.

The object of the alliance.


It's Lynn.

Elsa instantly understood what Lynn meant.

She is about to face a choice.

The choice she faces is.

Stand with Lynn.


Join forces with other main gods to besiege Lynn together.


She simply does not help.

Three options.


Lynn didn't continue to speak, but summoned up his strength to contend against the will of the world.

far away.

The extremely powerful main gods have come over with terrifying power.

at this time.

Whether it is the main god of heaven.

Or the Lord God of the Abyss.

To Lynn.

They are all murderous!

Among the heavens.

All gods, and some don't understand what's going on.

In the abyss, those demon gods also did not understand.

It was originally a war between the main gods, but because some gods from the heavens attacked the main gods, it turned into a sniper battle.

But did not expect.


All the main gods teamed up to attack the god who had just succeeded in attacking the main god.


All the gods are at a loss!


The main gods didn't mean any explanation.

The attack of all the main gods has come.

Elsa's complexion was unprecedentedly struggling.

"Elsa, what are you waiting for? Kill him together! Otherwise, you and I will have to surrender to him in the future!"

The roar of an abyss lord god sounded!

Seeing that the attack of the main gods is approaching.

Elsa finally had a choice.


Arms drawn.


Standing in front of Lynn.

Unleashed its own attack!

She chose to stand with Lynn!

Even if.

Now Lynn is besieged by all the main gods!

"Just go crazy for the last time!"

thought Elsa.

Why choose this way.

She doesn't know either.

She's a demon, a vicious demon, who won't be moved or relented because Lynn is her only man.

She worships only herself.

but now.

She made such a choice.


after all.

She wants to go crazy for a while! .

Chapter 267 Extremely Powerful! Above all else!

"Elsa, you traitor!"

"Kill them!"

Seeing Elsa's actions, the God of the Abyss roared!


Several main god attacks struck.

I saw it immediately.

Elsa's attack was broken by the attacks of the main gods, and then a powerful attack rushed over.

Elsa's face changed, even though she was already the main god, she couldn't stop it at all under the joint efforts of all the main gods!

Seeing those attacks are approaching!

A huge fist slammed out!


The attack jointly launched by several major gods was blown away by that huge fist!


"How could it be so strong!"

An abyss lord does not believe in it.


Several powerful artifacts rushed out.


These artifacts just rushed out.

A huge palace appeared instantly.

The Palace of the God of Light came out.

"It turns out that he has obtained the inheritance of the Lord God of Light!"

Immediately, these main gods understood.

But even in the palace of the Lord of Light, they couldn't hold on to these top artifacts.

Then I saw that the palace of the Lord God of Light was directly smashed into pieces by these top artifacts.

It's just that it just broke.

Another huge fist appeared, knocking out all the artifacts!

There are endless mysteries in this punch!


"His divine body is already comparable to a divine weapon!"

A celestial god was startled.

"Attack together~`!"

The main gods attacked again.

Lin En continued to attack while resisting the backlash of the will of the world.

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