Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 33

Immediately, a third person appeared. As soon as this person came out, he also made a tip. In a short period of time, he reached the third place on the list.

Then, the fourth person...

"I'll go, did you find out, the IDs of these guys are very similar."

"Yeah, is this the official ranking group? Or did the anchor do it for himself?"

"what's the situation?"

"Don't take it seriously. Haven't you heard that the local tyrant's money will be refunded in full, and the hanging silk's money will be split?"

"Cowhide, the fifth one~"

"It's the sixth."

"It's the seventh."


In the live broadcast room, netizens went crazy.

Because, in a short period of time, nine people with somewhat similar IDs... actually occupied the top nine on the list!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp-eyed netizen discovered that the person who had been squeezed from the first to the tenth on the list... was surprisingly similar to the nine IDs who occupied the top nine on the list.

"What's the matter! Could it be that these ten people are the same person?"

"Nimma can't understand it at all. If it's the same person, he must be too rich. This is more than 10 million rewards!"

"Is this the boss's world?"


"Who's the big guy to explain what happened?"


Millions of netizens were shocked when they found that the top ten IDs on the list were all similar, like the same person.

However, the netizen who single-handedly occupied the top ten on the list disappeared after finishing the tipping. He didn't even leave a comment when tipping, and didn't post any bullet screens.

"Don't be nervous, maybe the anchor will gain some popularity by entertaining himself."

Some netizens joked.

Until a netizen came up with a sentence: "You said, this guy just finished swiping the money without saying a word, so he didn't come for the amulet, did he?"

This sentence woke up a large number of netizens in an instant.

"Look at Douyin, a guy was driving a supercar at high speed and was hit by a large truck down a vertical cliff hundreds of meters away. The car was smashed into pieces and he survived. He was alive and well, not even scratching a piece of skin. "

At this time, someone suddenly said again.

In the live broadcast room, there was a sudden silence.

It is estimated that netizens have all gone to watch Douyin.

However, it didn't take long before someone said, "I'll go, this nima can survive, so that guy won't get the anchor's amulet, right?"

"Suddenly, it feels like the guy who just swiped the tipping list is not the guy who drove the supercar, right?"

"Look at his avatar, it's the avatar of a supercar... Nima, just changed it... It was changed so quickly. This guy is spying on the screen. He definitely doesn't want us to find out his intentions! It's really hammered, It's definitely him, he must know that the anchor's amulets are useful, and he wants to occupy the top ten list, so he snatched all ten of the anchor's amulets!"

"I said why don't you say anything, but this guy is also a show with a similar ID."

"I guess I still hope that the anchor will say 'old iron' in my heart."


In the live broadcast room, after the netizens had associations, their eyes were very sharp, and they discovered a lot of details in an instant.

[The Lost Good Man] Reward the anchor with 1000 super rockets, and leave a message: I am the best at grabbing the list 1

[The Lost Good Boy] Reward the anchor with 1000 super rockets, and leave a message: I am the best at grabbing the list 2

[The Lost Good Boy] Reward the anchor with 1000 super rockets, and leave a message: I am the best at grabbing the list 3


At this time, in the live broadcast room, there was another person who made a fuss. The first time he made a move, he received a million rewards in an instant. In addition to his previous rewards, he directly entered the top three on the list.

These rewards also brought more popularity.

A large number of new netizens were attracted in. When they saw the screen full of rockets in the live broadcast room, they were all stunned: What kind of master is this anchor who has never seen before?


And on this day, on the Internet, the short video of the man who drove the supercar and fell down the mountain and was alive and well was also popular. Some netizens in the live broadcast room went to some videos to leave messages about amulets, but not many believed it.

Someone wanted to interview the owner of the supercar, but the other party just avoided seeing him, and the topic didn't get further fermented.

This guy probably wanted to stealthily get a few more amulets from the second wave of feedback from Lynn's live broadcast room, so he was very low-key, who would have thought that the short video would still be popular.

But when the short video became popular, those who received the amulets given back by Lynn before naturally affirmed that those amulets must be real. The second wave of feedback has not yet started, and it is estimated that when it opens, the competition on the list will be quite fierce .

Anyway, because of this incident, the popularity of Lin En’s live broadcast room exploded again. In just one day, it has increased by hundreds of thousands of people, and the rewards received in this day have exceeded 20 million. .


Chapter 55 Strengthen! Summoned successfully! The Archangel Servi has arrived!

"Reputation: W

Mall currency: 2450W”

When Lynn inadvertently scanned his system panel, he was a little surprised.

The reputation has exceeded five million!

This is not a big deal, after all, there are so many people in the live broadcast room, as long as these people are online for a long time every day, there is no need to worry about the growth of reputation.

Lynn was surprised by the mall coins!

In the last feedback plan, Lin En received tens of millions of mall coins, and then upgraded the level 4 camouflage.

After upgrading to Level 4 camouflage, Lynn started to save money, planning to save enough money to upgrade to Level 4 Void Wings.

The skill is up to level 5. After level 5, it depends on whether the skill can evolve further.

Level 1 skills only cost 10,000 mall coins, but if you double it ten times, level 5 skills will cost a full 100 million.

This is also normal, because every time a skill is strengthened, the power of the skill is more than ten times greater.

Moreover, upgrading to level 5 skills requires a high level of strength, and Lynn needs to reach the tenth level of strength.

Lin En is now away from the tenth step...but there is still a certain distance.

After the sixth level, the gap between each level is earth-shaking.

Ten sixth-order players may not be able to beat one seventh-order player.

At the tenth level... a hundred of the ninth level may not be able to beat a tenth level.

In the human world, the tenth level is the sanctuary.

In the abyss, the tenth rank is the devil king.

Lin En is actually a bit vague about his own strength, because his strength is directly strengthened. If he wants to have a clear position, he probably needs to find some people or demons to fight with him.


Lin En originally planned to save money every day, but he didn't expect that this time, more than 20 million mall coins came directly.

Out of curiosity, Lynn looked through the chat records in the live broadcast room.

There are too many chat records, and tens of millions of chat records have been generated, which means that each of the more than one million people in the live broadcast room has spoken at least ten sentences.

But Lynn still found the information he needed.

"Has the amulet worked?"

Lynn whispered.

The next time you give back, you can continue to give back the amulet.

This little gizmo is simple to make and doesn't make too much of an impact.

It's just to protect the life of the person who wears it at a critical time.

But... life is the most important thing.


After reading it, Lynn turned his eyes back, and then spent tens of millions of mall coins to directly exchange for level 4 Void Wings.

Although he has now retracted his wings and activated his camouflage skills, the strengthening of skills can still continue.

Level 4 Void Wings is much stronger than Level 3. Lynn estimates that even in the human world, it can travel thousands of meters.

It is even more buggy in the abyss.

After strengthening the level 4 Wings of the Void, Lynn still has more than 10 million mall coins.

After looking at the system mall, there was no new skill, so Lynn looked away.

He was not in a hurry to use the mall coins, anyway, the mall coins would not disappear here.

The prestige has also exceeded five million. According to the lottery rules of the four numbers of the system 1, 2, 5, and 10, Lynn can draw again.

This is Lynn's ninth draw.

"The lottery is successful, the host gets 3 times the overall strengthening and 5 times the soul strengthening."

The sound of the system sounded.

The prestige lottery is an enhancement of oneself, and the only changes are the differences between some enhanced parts and multiples.

This time it was strengthened quite well.

3 times comprehensive strengthening.

5 times soul strengthening.

Moreover, Lynn felt that...strengthening the soul came at the right time.

Because the effect of the camouflage skill does not only depend on the level of the camouflage skill.

It also depends on Lynn's soul strength.

Well, the main thing is soul strength.

In addition, after Lin En's soul was strengthened, he felt that if he disguised himself well... maybe he could really summon an angel.


The way to communicate with the angels described by the Aries Saintess, one is to have enough piety and understanding of the gods of the Holy See of the New Moon, and the other is to have enough purity of the soul to be able to travel through incomparably far distances and listen to angels. To hear the voice of an angel and communicate with it, in addition to the requirement for the purity of the soul, there is also a requirement for the strength of the soul.

For half a day, the Aries Saintess has been introducing the great deeds of the God of the Crescent Holy See.

The god behind the Holy See of the New Moon is called the goddess of the moon. According to the Aries saint, she is a powerful, great, noble, and invincible goddess who has many great deeds.

However, for Lynn who came from another world and experienced the information explosion, Lynn can make up countless such deeds at will.

And through the camouflage skills, as well as the succubus' own ability, Lin En can pretend to be as devout as the Moon Goddess wants, even a hundred times more devout than the saint.

As for the purity of the soul... well, Lynn still doesn't understand how his soul became pure, but since he has passed the test of the goddess of the moon, it shouldn't be a problem. The remaining soul strength... .

Didn't this just strengthen a wave?


"Are you in a daze?"

Beside, the voice of the Aries Saintess suddenly sounded.

Lin En looked at the Aries Saintess, closed a book of the Holy See of the New Moon in his hand, and said, "Why don't we try it now?"

The Aries Saintess froze for a moment: "Try now?"

Lynn nodded.

The Aries saint said: "But, your training has just begun..."

"Just try it, it should be fine, right?"

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