Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 42

Servi's beautiful eyes widened involuntarily.

She couldn't understand at all why Lynn was a demon!

There are too many paradoxes.

How could a demon pass the goddess' shadow test?

Even if it is the devil king, it is impossible to hide it!

In Servi's view, that is completely impossible!

In addition, why was a demon able to summon Servi for the first time?

This is even more incredible.

No demon has ever been able to summon an angel!

In addition, a demon... actually has a pure soul!

This is simply a joke within a joke!

The combination of all kinds of contradictions made Servi's brain a little trance, and there was a feeling of short circuit~

In fact, the netizens in the live broadcast room were worried. After Servi saw Lynn, she would immediately think about whether Lynn would join forces with the enemies of the Moon Goddess... Servie didn't have time to think about it.

Because the fact that Lynn is a demon alone is enough to occupy all of Sylvia's brain capacity! From Xinxiaoqun 712205071

Not to mention the Aries saint next to her.

She was so stunned that she was completely speechless!


"Oh, the anchor finally showed up."

"Call online for the host~"

"But is it really good for the anchor to directly restore the demon body and show up?"

"Otherwise? Anyway, it will be exposed sooner or later, and the opponent's combat power is so strong. If the anchor doesn't recover his demon body, how can he fight the opponent?"

"Two archangels, and a devil prince. Although this devil prince is a bit stupid, his strength is not low. Can the anchor do it?"

"I think it should be ok, come on, give a reward and support~"


In the live broadcast room, when the netizens saw Lynn finally showing up, they started discussing enthusiastically.

Some netizens also started giving rewards.

Large rewards appear from time to time.

After the amulet proved to be effective, the battle for the list in the live broadcast room is quite fierce.

After all, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded two million, close to three million.

After the guy who drove the supercar spent tens of millions to occupy the top ten of the list, he was robbed of two positions that day.

And in the past few days, some wealthy local tyrants have come out. After watching the live broadcast for a few days, they also started to scan the list.

The guy who drove the supercar was not to be outdone, and kept giving rewards.

However, under the siege of others, he only occupies three positions now.

This kind of competition also brought Lin En a lot of mall coins and prestige.

Ordinary netizens are also giving rewards, after all, there will be randomly drawn rewards for the next feedback.


"Succubus? Or a man~`?"

When the netizens in the live broadcast room were discussing, Prince Mende's voice rang out.

However, Lynn didn't pay attention to him, but looked at Servi: "I'll talk about the past. Now, I just want you to tell me, do you want to escape from here?"

Although shocked, in a short period of time, Servi had so many thoughts in her mind.

"Are you one of them?"

Servi's question cut to the core.

Obviously, she has thought of the concerns of netizens.

However, her reaction was different from what netizens expected.

Lynn said lightly: "No, but I can rescue you, but devils never do things that lose money, so there must be a deal between us."

"What deal?"

Servy asked.

She is very smart.

Although my head is full of all kinds of questions, pouring out all these questions is enough to fill a sea.

She also wondered if Lin En's words were bragging... After all, there are two archangels here, and a Prince Mende who can display eighth-level strength.

But...all doubts were suppressed by her!

Only the most important questions were asked.

Because, she didn't want to die, and she didn't want both her companions and the two saintesses to die here.

All questions can be asked later, as for whether Lynn is bragging... Let Lynn try it and you will know?

Anyway, she had no other choice.

Servi's question made Lynn quite appreciative.

If another person came, such as asking the Aries saint to speak now, I am afraid that he would first ask a lot of irrelevant details, such as why Lin En is a demon, why he was able to summon Servi, and whether he was sent by the enemy of the goddess.

these questions...

It doesn't matter at all right now.


Lynn looked at Sylvia, a pair of red eyes facing Sylvia's blue eyes.


Lynn didn't deliberately use his succubus ability.

However, before Lin En could speak, Prince Mende's voice sounded again:

"I'm talking to you, succubus!"

As the prince of the upper demon dynasty in the abyss, Prince Mende is naturally not a lower demon.

It's a median demon with a higher bloodline.

In the abyss, the lower demons are the most, the middle demons are less, and the upper demons are even less.

He is a dignified prince of the demon dynasty, a middle-ranked demon with noble blood and powerful strength. He talks to Lin En, but Lin En doesn't respond!

And...from Xinxiaoqun 712205071

The conversation between Lynn and Sylvie made Prince Mende feel that Lynn might be here to cut off!

Prince Mende felt that his majesty had been greatly challenged!

"Prince, it's just a little succubus, just because he also wants to intervene in the battle here, don't talk nonsense with him, go down and kill him."

Next to Prince Mende, a demon subordinate rushed out.

Originally, after Servi began to burn her vitality, Prince Mende slowed down the attack of his subordinates, and these demons dared not get too close.

However, after Lynn appeared, due to the impact brought by it, Servi's attack rhythm was out of order, and she had stopped burning her vitality.

This powerful demon made a bold move!

The speed of this demon was quite fast. He just rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Lin En. A pair of sharp demon claws grabbed Lin En, trying to tear him apart.


In the next second, I saw Lynn stretching out his hand casually.

And then

Just pinched the demon's neck directly!


"Haha, another fatal blow!"

“This is the authentic eagle/chicken catching~”

"How handsome you are when you rush out, and how fast you kneel."


In the live broadcast room, seeing that the devil came quickly and lost even faster, the netizens were all happy.



The demon's neck was strangled by Lynn, and his teeth kept breaking.

But Lynn struck out with the other hand, took out its demon heart with one blow, threw it directly into the storage space, and then threw it down like throwing garbage.

"Anyone who dares to kill me! Kill him!"

Seeing his subordinates being killed, Prince Mende was furious.

He couldn't believe how strong a male succubus was!

Among the succubi, male succubi are extremely rare, and the reason for the rarity is that male succubi are often not strong.

In the eyes of Prince Mende, there is nothing to fear at all.

He wanted to deal with Lynn first, and then deal with Sylvie and the others who were exhausted.

As soon as Prince Mende's words fell, the demons drove the servants towards Lin En.

Those demons also followed behind the servant demons, waiting for an opportunity to move.

"Never mind! If that's the case, I'll pay first, and we'll talk about the transaction later."

Seeing those demons flying over, Lynn looked at Servi and said.

Before Servi could speak, Lynn disappeared from the spot in the next second.

Those demons rushed straight to nothing.

Seeing Lin En disappear, Prince Mende felt a warning flash in his heart, and he raised the long black sword in his hand violently.


Hearing a crisp sound, he saw that Lin En had appeared in front of Prince Mende.

In his hand, a huge sword that was also extremely dark slashed down, and was blocked by Prince Mende's sword!

This guy's strength is indeed not weak, even though he is suppressed to only eighth-level strength in the human world, he still has ninth-level vision and experience.

After the sixth level, the difference between each level is huge.


The next second, Prince Mende cried out in pain.

Because although his sword blocked Lin En's sword...but it was still a beat slower, not with the blade of the sword, but with the tip of the sword, Lin En's sword took advantage of the situation and cut Prince Mende's neck Split in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Prince Mende stepped back quickly, and the wound on his neck was about to heal!

The recovery ability of demons is terrifying.

Especially high-level demons.

But Lin En's figure appeared again, this time... it appeared behind Prince Mende.

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