Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 51

These two incidents made the angels look at Lynn one by one, feeling like a fantasy!


"Servi, I understand what you mean, and we are willing to believe you... However, we don't know much about him after all, so let's do it, we will fully cooperate with you and him, this time, as long as he can take away The Glorious Sun Empire, we are willing to all become fallen angels and join him!"

After Servi finished speaking and persuaded her for a long time, the angel said briefly.


PS: After the tour ends on the 6th, you can start to explode~~~.

Chapter 70 Instant Kill! Getting stronger and stronger!

"Come on~"

In the northeast of the Plantagenet Kingdom, more than a thousand miles away from the Plantagenet Kingdom, a war is taking place.

This a total crushing war.

In the sky, you can see many angels with vibrating wings. From time to time, they send out some powerful combat skills or magic, causing fatal damage to the enemy.

The war didn't last long, and one side began to lose.

One side has high-level combat power, and the other side does not have high-level combat power. This kind of war is not equal at all.


"The nobles of the Niqi Kingdom really don't give up. Are they still counting on the Silver Moon Holy See to give them descending angels?"

On the ground, a general riding on a tall black horse let out a cold snort.

On this general's armor, there is a distinctive sun symbol, and beside this sun symbol, there are some pattern decorations, this is the symbol of the Glorious Sun Empire.

If it is the Holy See of Glorious Sun, it is a symbol of a scepter holding a small sun, which symbolizes the power of God.

"The power of my god is something that these mortals can resist."

Next to the general, there is an archbishop wearing a red robe.

Obviously, this time the expedition was jointly organized by people from the Holy See of Yaori.

In the Glorious Sun Empire, the influence of the Holy See is quite strong, penetrating into every aspect of the entire country.

Even the appointment and removal of the king of the empire is decided by the Holy See.

Decades ago, after the first king supported by the Holy See of Yaori conquered/conquered all the surrounding kingdoms, he had some ideas, and then died suddenly. The Holy See directly supported a young prince to ascend the throne , by the pope as regency.

It can be said that in the Glowing Sun Empire, the king can only be regarded as a puppet.

The will of the Holy See is everything!

In other words, the will of God is everything!


14 This war has become more and more clear, and it will be the fastest war to win.

The aristocratic coalition forces of the Kingdom of Nice have completely collapsed, fleeing everywhere, while the army of the Glorious Sun Empire took advantage of the victory to pursue.

The angels in the sky have stopped shooting.

"The Kingdom of Nice has no resistance at all. It takes a few days to clean up all the royal family and nobles, and then we can go to the next kingdom. In a month at most, we will be able to completely conquer the six kingdoms of the Holy See of the Crescent and completely conquer the empire. doubled its territory!"

The general of the Glorious Sun Empire said.

"All to the glory of my God."

The red-robed archbishop said.

"Yes, no one can beat the blade of my god's army!"

The generals of the Glorious Sun Empire clasped their hands together, with a devout look on their faces.


"Damn! The kingdom of Niqi collapsed too quickly!"

"The opponent has the high-level combat power of the Holy See, how can a more powerful magic kill hundreds or thousands of people, how can they play?"

"The camera has come over, which means that the anchor is likely to be nearby. Isn't the invincible and handsome anchor of the universe not making a move?"


After this war was broadcast live, it caused a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

It has been half a day since Lynn summoned the angels down.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were right.

Lynn was indeed around.

"The four angels, without seeing the Archangel, should all have powers of the sixth to seventh order."

Among the clouds, Servi's voice sounded.

"The coalition forces of the nobles of the Niqi Kingdom were defeated too quickly, otherwise we would have arrived earlier, maybe we could have helped them save the battle, but now that the goddess has fallen, even if the other party does not use the Holy Son to summon, the God behind the Glorious Sun Holy See can also Forcing down angels."

Servi said again.

There are two ways for angels to descend. Summoning and descending is always the most energy-saving method. God can also forcibly expend power to open a channel to descend, and he can descend several at a time, but that consumes too much power. It may become a battle of attrition for divine power, to see who can send down more angels, the gain outweighs the loss.

Even if a country is captured, it may take tens or hundreds of years to recover the cost of divine power.

But now, the goddess of the moon has fallen, and the god behind the Yaori Holy See can open the channel without any scruples to descend upon the angels in an emergency.

"After obtaining their angel heart, how much power can you have?"

Lynn asked.

Servi said: "Four six- to seven-level angel hearts...should allow me to have the power of the eighth-level peak. It's a bit reluctant to think of the ninth level."

"Okay, I'll fetch it for you."

After Lynn finished speaking, he flapped his wings and disappeared beside Servi in ​​the blink of an eye.

"They have four..."

Before Servi finished speaking, Lynn came back, and four angel hearts appeared in his hand.

The words in Servi's mouth were stuck in his mouth at once.

In the next second, I saw the four angels of the Yaori Holy See falling down one after another as if they had made an appointment.

Servi's eyes narrowed!

"He's getting stronger again."

Servy thought.

She saw Lynn's actions just now.

Lynn's wings vibrated quickly, and then appeared directly near an angel through the space. Before the angel could react, he took away the angel's heart from the other party. Then, the second and third four...

Yes, it's that simple.

However, Servi barely saw Lynn's movements clearly with her eighth level of strength and the eyesight of the archangel.

Another person... I can't see Lynn's movements clearly.

The method is horribly simple.

However, if you want to do it, it is as difficult as climbing the sky!

Especially Lynn's ability to travel through space in an instant is much more difficult than some space magic.

Space magic has a process of casting spells, and there are certain omens, but Lin En's ability to travel through space seems to rely on wings, without any omens, only powerful existences can rely on some sense of crisis and some omens.

Just like Prince Mende back then, he was able to block Lynn a few times, but not completely.

And these four ordinary angels of the sixth to seventh ranks are naturally not that powerful.

I'm afraid they didn't know how they died until they died.


"Woc, what's going on?"

"Why did those four angels who were so awesome just now die?"

"Angel with Broken Wings~"

"It must be the anchor, but I didn't see it."

"I do not have either."

"Is the anchor's action so fast?"


In the live broadcast room, netizens exclaimed.

It's really that Lynn's speed is too fast, so fast that the camera didn't capture it.

Of course, the camera actually captured it, but if you want to see it, you have to slow down many times.


"Angel of my God..."

On the ground, when they saw the four angels falling, the expressions of both the general and the other cardinal changed drastically.

Four angels fell.

But they didn't see any enemies appearing at all.

"Quick, go and have a look."

The cardinal and the general hurried over with them.


An angel fell heavily to the ground, killing a group of soldiers of the Glorious Sun Empire, and also changed the expressions of the surrounding soldiers of the Glorious Sun Empire.

These angels are warriors of God, symbols of invincibility.

But now, in front of them... dead!

And he died a miserable death, with a big hole in his chest, and the angel heart inside had been taken away.

All of a sudden, the beliefs of many of these fighters who had been brainwashed for a long time were greatly impacted.

When the cardinal and the general rushed over, the angel had already lost its breath, and the angel's body was beginning to disintegrate!

They hurried to see the other three angels, and the three angels did the same.

"what happened?"

The cardinal and the general looked at each other, and there was deep puzzlement in their eyes.

"To my God!"

The cardinal prayed.

Not long after, a passage opened in the sky, and a scorching breath rushed out from the passage. The next second, a man was wearing a golden armor with a pair of big wings on his back. On his chest, there was a long The long sword is as high as his chest, and his hands are placed on the hilt of the sword, which looks extremely powerful and majestic.

"This guy looks good."

"No matter how good-looking it is, it's the host's prey~"

"My husband is the most handsome, hehe, if you don't believe me, let him take off his helmet, and he will definitely be ten steps behind my husband."


In the live broadcast room, the arrival of this angel sparked another discussion.


"Archangel... The god behind the Yaori Holy See is angry. This Archangel probably has the power of the eighth-level peak. He has the Yaori armor on his body, so he is not so easy to kill."

Beside Lynn, Servi whispered.

Lynn glanced at the guy in the golden armor, then put his arms around Servi's waist.

Sylvie blushed, but she didn't refuse.

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