Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 58

It is estimated that after the calculation of the loss by the Holy See of Yaori, the little one will tremble with anger!


On the contrary, after the angels here calculated each other's losses, they all became extremely happy!

The eyes looking at Lin En were full of joy, and the little angel looked at Lin En with eyes of admiration.

Especially Angel Masu and Angel Jenny who have become fallen angels!

And after hearing that Archangel Erica was killed again, the angels felt even happier!

Compared with enemies, sometimes traitors are more hated!

All of a sudden, these new arrivals, the angels who didn't know much about Lynn's perception of Lynn changed instantly.

Even the archangel Jane looked at Lynn differently.

It turned out that the archangel Jane felt that the revenge Lynn said within ten years was a fantasy, but she was willing to take such a gamble when she was desperate, and she had no other choice anyway.

But now, after Lynn's operation, Archangel Jane suddenly felt confident!

This time, Lin En's operation seemed simple, but if it was her, it would be 100% impossible to complete, and if it were other demons, it would be impossible to complete it at all.

Not to mention anything else, it is difficult to catch that seventh-level nightmare, and if other demons lead King Yaori into the temple, they probably haven't killed all the people inside... the temple's warning magic will be powerful up!

In addition, other demons are not as bold as Lin En, who dare to make trouble on the altar of a god, because the other party does not have Lin En's Void Wings and camouflage ability, and has enough confidence to retreat.

All in all, in the eyes of the archangel Jane, this wave of operations is enough to prove Lynn's strength, not to mention that Lynn pulled out his teeth and killed so many enemy angels!


"The strength of the incarnation of the Yaori god should be in the sanctuary, Servi, can these angelic hearts allow you to raise your power to the sanctuary?"

After Lynn finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Servi and asked.

Servi's hand brushed over a dozen angel hearts.

Among the dozens of angel hearts, the two archangels have the strength of the eighth-level peak, and these two angel hearts are naturally also the angel hearts of the eighth-level peak.

There are also thirteen angel hearts of the sixth to seventh rank.

Although the energy inside is rich, Servi shook her head after feeling it for a while: "It can only reach the mid-ninth stage at most."

Not as Lynn expected.

After all, a hundred eighth-order peaks are no match for a sanctuary.

It is very difficult for these angel hearts to let Servi have the power of the sanctuary.

So Lin En looked at the archangel Jane and said, "Jane, these angel hearts should be able to raise your strength to the ninth level, right?"

Archangel Jane was a little surprised: "These angel hearts...are you using them for me?"

Lynn: "Not bad."

The archangel Jane didn't expect Lynn to trust her so much. Before she had finished transforming into a fallen angel, Lynn was willing to give her so many angelic hearts to increase her strength.

She couldn't help being moved in her heart.

She stretched out her hand and sensed those angel hearts for a while.

"should be no problem."

Angel Jane said.

Lin En let out a "hmm" and said: "Then these angel hearts will be given to you. Raise your power to the ninth level as soon as possible. After your power reaches the ninth level, we will launch a counterattack."

Servi said: "Does Jane need to be transformed into a fallen angel?"

Lynn shook his head: "No need for now. After you use the camouflage, the fighting time should not be too long. Jane can make up for it."

Servi showed a trace of worry: "Erica knows about our relationship... Besides, what will happen once the God of the Sun shines incarnation, and there is no god behind us anymore..."

"Then we'll make a god ourselves."

Lynn cut her off.

Servi's pupils dilated slightly: "Create a god?"

Lynn nodded: "Let's call it the Lord of Light. Erica won't know too much. That day she would only think that I came to cut off the beard. After Jane's strength has been raised to the ninth level, you will attack directly. Play the banner of the Lord of Light, and say that with the help of the Lord of Light, you will come to revenge, as for the incarnation of the God of Sunshine Sun...Leave it to me, I have a way to prevent him from coming!"

God-making is naturally not created casually!

In the Gorse Kingdom, when the common people planted potatoes, they needed to pray to the non-existent "Lord of Light" among the prayers they needed to say.

The Fallen Angel Reincarnation Pool thus gathers the beliefs provided by the commoners.

The words "Lord of Light" are equivalent to a door connecting the fallen angel reincarnation pool, so that the beliefs provided by the commoners can be smoothly transmitted to the fallen angel reincarnation pool.


Lin En's words made Servi's little head full of surprise!

Make a god!

Was God so easy to create?

However, Servi thought about it carefully, and felt that maybe it was really feasible.

Because there are actually a lot of gods in the heavens, many gods have never met each other, and they may not have heard of each other's names.

Lynn's special opponent didn't know about it, and with so many angels descending at once, the strength of the "Lord of Light" could also shock the opponent.

The only trouble is the incarnation of the other party's god.

From Sylvia's point of view, Lin En, whose strength is unpredictable, may have to do it himself to have a certain possibility of solving the incarnation of the gods.

It's just possible.

However, once Lin En made a move as a demon and exposed himself, even if he defeated the opponent and the Plantagenet Kingdom successfully occupied the Glorious Sun Empire, it would be impossible for him to gain a foothold in the human world.

It is impossible for the heavens to allow a kingdom controlled by demons to appear in the human world!

That is a provocation to all the gods in the heavens.

But since Lynn said to leave it to him, Sylvie no longer worried about it.

Now, after one incident, she already has considerable trust in Lynn!

What about Sanctuary!

When she was in the heaven, Sylvie herself had the power of the sanctuary, but most of her power was lost when she came down!


Therefore, in the Plantagenet Kingdom, Angel Jane seized the time to regain her strength.

She didn't use all the angel hearts, but took out three angel hearts for other little angels to improve their strength.

To be on the safe side, Lynn transformed several of the weak little angels into fallen angels, and also bestowed them with the ability of divine disguise.

The other ones who were a little stronger didn't transform, two ninth-level angels were enough to calm the scene, and there wouldn't be too much danger.

In this way, one day passed.

A day later, Angel Jane's power was successfully raised to the ninth level!

And Lynn finally ushered in a reputation of 20 million.

With 20 million reputation, you can already draw another lottery.

Lynn chose the lottery.

This time, Lynn was lucky, and won a quadruple comprehensive enhancement, a re-enhancement of the devil's heart, and an enhancement of the eyes of the succubus.

After this wave of lottery draws, Lynn felt that his strength should soon reach the level of a demon king.

Devil level, that is, Sanctuary level!

The demon kings in the abyss are at least tenth rank. If you want to establish a demon dynasty, you must also have a demon king.

Otherwise, it will be wiped out by some powerful demons in minutes!

Immediately afterwards, Lynn looked at the system mall.

Then, he chose to buy something with two million mall coins.

"Demigod fruit (white), after eating, it will have the breath of a demigod within an hour."

Demigod fruit!

This is Lynn's way of dealing with the incarnation of the shining sun god!

To possess the aura of a demigod within an hour, in Lin En's view, as long as the other party releases the aura of a demigod when he is about to descend into the incarnation of a god, it is enough to scare the god behind the Yaori Holy See from descending into his incarnation.

In case the other party does not believe in evil and comes to the incarnation of gods, Lin En can also spend 20 million mall coins to buy a blue demigod fruit, which can allow Lin En to launch an attack comparable to a demigod within an hour. Enough to beat the opponent back!

It's just that the price is a bit high. For Lynn now, scaring him off is enough. .

Chapter 76: Move! Capture Erica! The momentum is overwhelming!

"lets go!"

Seeing that the angel Jane already possessed the power of the ninth level, and Lin En himself had purchased the demigod fruit, Lin En gave the order to set off.

He hides.

However, Angel Jane and Angel Servi rushed into the sky with a dozen angels.

"Look, Angel~"

In the Gorse Flower Kingdom, after the angels were dispatched, there were bursts of exclamations.

The Plantagenet Kingdom has never been invaded by foreign enemies, and the New Moon Holy See had no reason to take action in the previous battle for the throne, so the people of the Plantagenet Kingdom have not seen an angel descend for decades!

For many civilians, this was the first time seeing an angel!

The civilians all ran out one after another and looked into the sky.

"Set off!"

On the ground, Rose in military uniform looked heroic!

This battle will be led by Qiangwei herself!

The army of the Plantagenet Kingdom was already in place, and the army of the Monto Kingdom was also led by the king. However, with the angels plundering the formation, the king of the Monto Kingdom consciously handed over the command of the army!

Hundreds of thousands of troops marched to the northeast!


"Wow, it's finally going to be a positive wave!"

"Haha, the Holy See of Yaori is probably going to cry now!"

"I beg the host to give the angel girl more shots, it's too PL, I want to lick the screen~"

"Disgusting, the anchor don't satisfy him~"


In the live broadcast room, it also became extremely lively.

Netizens enjoyed watching the episode of Lin Enkeng Yaori Holy See.

However, it will obviously be more exciting to face the Yaori Vatican head-on!

Therefore, the netizens in the live broadcast room are also very enthusiastic about chatting~


During the discussion among the netizens in the live broadcast room, hundreds of thousands of troops came up with the fastest speed.

After only a few days of marching, these hundreds of thousands of troops arrived at the border of the Plantagenet Kingdom and attacked the Kingdom of Nice in the northeast.

At this time, the Kingdom of Nice has been completely conquered by the army of the Glorious Sun Empire, and the royal family and nobles in the entire kingdom have been cleaned up.

Although the headquarters of the Holy See of the Glorious Sun was taken over by a group, and nearly twenty angels were killed by Lin En one after another, the army of the Glorious Sun Empire is still there, and the angels can be resurrected even if they die!

Therefore, when Qiangwei led the army into the Kingdom of Nice, she soon encountered a small group of troops from the Glorious Sun Empire!

These small groups of troops were defeated by the cavalry sent by Qiangwei without any action from the angels!


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