Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 64

The cardinal had seen the angels descend and was there praising their god.

Following Servi, the ten descending angels were killed in a blink of an eye!

The expression on the face of the archbishop in red froze instantly!

Beside the archbishop in red, the expression on the face of the commander of the Yaori Empire's army also froze!

"Damn it, she killed all the angels we descended on!"

"Let me go~"


In the heavens, Servi's actions also made the angels in the Kingdom of the Sunshine God very angry!

The God of Glorying Sun was obviously also angry.

Soon, a larger passage opened.

Immediately afterwards, two archangels in shining sun armor descended violently.

Behind the two archangels, there is a large group of angels!

Apparently, after Servi killed ten angels at lightning speed, the God of Sunshine descended upon the angels at all costs.

Actually, two archangels descended at once!

Unless it is a last resort, the God of Glorying Sun is not willing to give up the power to do so!

Of course, an archangel might have been summoned.

"Well done!"

With a flap of her wings, Servie rushed towards the two archangels in shining sun armor.

"Block her, I need to increase my strength!"

shouted an archangel.

Another archangel rushed forward with several angels.

Immediately afterwards, the archangel wearing the shining sun armor held the hands of more than a dozen angels beside him.

He wants to absorb all the powers of these dozen or so angels, so that his power can reach the ninth level!

No way, with the strength of the Sunshine God, it is still a bit difficult to directly descend to the ninth-level archangel. Even if the archangel comes down with the peak power, after arriving in the human world, he can only have the power of the eighth-level peak at most.

But this Archangel can forcibly raise his strength to the ninth level by absorbing the power of other angels.

However, the Archangel had just absorbed power from the dozen or so angels. In the next second, Sylvia suddenly bypassed the angel who was going to intercept her, and appeared in front of him. The big sword in his hand attacked again and again. More than a dozen angels around this archangel were swept away again!

This powerful strength also made the archangel's eyes shrink!

"Space shuttle!"

The archangel said in a deep voice.

After feeling it up close, the archangel finally understood why those ten angels hung up so fast!

Servi...can actually travel through space!

"Guess right."

Servi smiled slightly, and attacked with the big sword in her hand.


In the sky, Servi continued to unleash her sword. She didn't use combat skills, but mobilized all her strength, and the angel's sword kept being unleashed.

But relying on his formidable strength, the archangel wearing the shining sun armor was completely helpless.

"Go and support Archangel Rig~"

On the other side, another archangel rushed over with several angels.

But in the next second, a spell blasted up.


The archangel and several angels joined forces to defend, barely blocking the magic.

But, immediately, Angel Jane's magic struck up again, one after another.


Even though the archangel was wearing the Sunshine Armor, he was beaten into a mess!


"Haha, I was tortured~"

"When will the angel girl be able to travel through the host's space? This ability is too powerful."

"That's right, so many angels have been killed back and forth, the God of Glory Sun doesn't have many angels, right?"

"See if he is willing to resurrect~"


In the live broadcast room, netizens watched enthusiastically~


"My god, the two archangels can't stand it anymore, please increase my strength and let me fight!"

In the heavens, in the kingdom of the God of the Sun, an archangel wearing the armor of the Sun called out to fight.

This Archangel was the one that Lynn took out in troubled waters above the Glorious Sun Temple last time.

The God of Glorying Sun suffered a huge loss that time. He lost two archangels and more than a dozen angels, and had to descend once as an incarnation.

Such a loss was so great that although the God of the Sunshine had resurrected the two dead archangels, the God of the Sunshine only increased Erica's strength, not the strength of the Archangel.

The Sunshine God himself has only three archangels, but each archangel has more angels, and with the rebellious Erica, he has four archangels!

Now, Erica has been captured, and the other two archangels have been beaten terribly. The strength of this archangel has not improved, and even if it will be useless.

"Ray, you have already gained benefits, please help me!"

However, the God of Glowing Sun ignored the archangel's request to fight, and instead spoke to the nothingness beyond the Kingdom of God.

"Um... ok..."

In the Kingdom of God, another voice sounded.

Hearing that voice, joy appeared on the face of the archangel who asked to fight!

Because, he knew, it was another god!

This time, the god of the Goddess of the Moon is attacking the Kingdom of the Goddess of the Moon.

The God of the Sunshine is next to the Moon Goddess in the kingdom of the human world, and there are plenty of reasons to strike at the Moon Goddess.

Although there is Erica as a traitor, the war between gods and gods is not so easy to tell the winner, especially when the difference in strength is not particularly large.

Therefore, the God of Sunshine invited a foreign aid!

The foreign aid didn't send out any angels, it just did it by itself.

Now, this foreign aid is here again!

"I'll open the passage, let's descend into the incarnation together, and see where the Lord of Light is everywhere!"

After the God of Sunshine finished speaking, divine power began to surge throughout the Kingdom of God.


Following the movement of the God of Glorying Sun, above the battlefield, in the sky, the passage for the angel descending suddenly widened further!

Immediately afterwards, a vast, sacred, and sublime aura rushed out from inside.

As soon as this breath comes out, people can't help but feel an urge to worship!

"The gods are about to lower their avatars! I won't play with you anymore!"

After Servi finished speaking, the angel sword in her hand shone brightly, and the movement suddenly became many times faster.

On the opposite side of her, the Archangel who was at the peak of the eighth rank only blocked a few blows before being cut off by Sylvia with a sword!

But in the sky, the passage is getting bigger and bigger, and the sacred aura is getting more and more terrifying. It can already be seen that the incarnation of the god has stepped out of the passage with a leg!

And, not one leg!

It's two legs!


Servi's expression changed!

"Fuck! There are actually two!"

"Two incarnations of gods, this is a big deal~"

"Anchor come on~"

"Actually, I had a hunch. After all, there were two enemies of the Moon Goddess~"

"The God of the Sunshine, this old Yinbi, unexpectedly brought in a helper~"


In the live broadcast room, netizens screamed.

The expressions of the other angels also changed.


"it's time!"

Seeing that those two legs had already stepped out, at another place not far away, after Lin En finished speaking, he quickly ate the half-god fruit.

While eating the demigod fruit, he also activated the camouflage skill, so that the demigod aura he disguised through the demigod fruit was not a demon, but a demigod on the human side.

And after eating the demigod fruit, a terrifying aura rushed out of Lin En's body!

This kind of breath, if it is in the heaven, is actually nothing, because the demigod is far away from the god, and it is incomparable with the breath of the god.

However, this is the human world!

In the human world, if a god dares to come down in person, some powerful demigods will think about hunting.

In fact, many demigods are also interested in the incarnation of the gods, because the incarnations of the gods also have divine power.

After obtaining the incarnation of a god, it also has a great effect on demigods.

Of course, not all demigods are courageous, after all, if they become gods, they will be hunted down and retaliated 100% after reaching the heaven!

And it doesn't necessarily happen when the gods descend.

But some crazy demigod would do that anyway!


Therefore, as soon as the demigod aura rose from Lin En's body, the two gods who had already stepped out of one foot in that radiant passage were stunned.

"Demigod... why is there a demigod here!"

In the Kingdom of God, the God of Glorying Sun's puzzled voice sounded.

Without leaving him any more time, the aura of the demigod was approaching crazily. From this appearance, it seemed that he was about to hunt them down!

"Retreat first!"

After the other god finished speaking, the avatar who had already taken one foot stepped back directly.


The God of Glorying Sun also quickly retreated, and together with the other god, he returned his avatar back to the heaven!

They didn't block the passage!

If the other party dares to rush into this passage, rushing backwards into the kingdom of the God of the Sunshine... not only will the God of the Sunshine not block the passage, but will help the other party to reach the heaven!

A demigod rashly rushing into the kingdom of a god is no different from sending himself to death!

But as soon as he retreated with the other god, the demigod only showed a figure, then quickly swept away and hid deeply!

Did not rush into the passage!

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