Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 69

This has nothing to do with the word "barren"!

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Servi's voice sounded.

When the four succubi took a look, they saw a huge and magnificent castle.

Around the castle, there are little devils flying around from time to time.


At this time, they saw something that made their eyes widen suddenly!

That is...


"Why is there a magic dragon here!"

All of a sudden, the hearts of the four succubi were filled with extremely intense doubts!

"Oh my god~"

Even, the succubus couldn't help exclaiming in his heart!

First came the fallen angels, followed by the magic dragon... Who is the "lord" of these fallen angels!

The four succubi looked at each other, and they all saw deep shock in each other's eyes!


In their shock, Sylvie led them down onto the castle platform.

"Go in, the Lord is waiting for you here."

Sylvie said.

The four succubi looked at the gate on the castle platform, feeling rather uneasy.

As if through that gate, there will be a super devil inside!

"Let's go!"

In the end, it was Olina who led the way to the gate.

The other three succubi had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked inside with great anxiety.

"It must be a demon king!"

Succubus thought.

With their status, in the Monroe Dynasty, it is impossible to even think of meeting the Monroe Demon King!

In their whole life, they have never been within a thousand meters of a demon king!

There are rumors that if a demon king does not control his aura, he can turn all existences below the sixth level within a kilometer into mustard with just his aura!

Thinking of this, their hearts became even more disturbed.

Then, they went through the gate.

Entering the room, they felt that there seemed to be some terrifying existence dormant in the room.

The succubi all lowered their heads in unison in fright, not daring to look around at all.

If you see a demon king and still look around, don't you want to die?

Keeping your head down and showing enough awe is the right thing to do!


So, the four succubus lowered their heads one after another with great apprehension, and stood motionless by the door.

Looking at them, they look like four terrified little girls~

Then they heard an unusually pleasant voice: "Lift up your head." Towel.

Chapter 84 Heartbeat Speeds Up! Even the succubus is enchanted!

Hearing that voice, the four succubi raised their heads no matter how uneasy they were!


They saw a face that they could never have imagined!

It was a...

The face that belongs to the succubus!

However, it's not a female succubus!

It is a male succubus that is so rare that no one will appear for many years!

The expressions on the faces of the four succubi became very exciting in an instant!

It never occurred to them that the demon king they thought... would be a male succubus!

Succubus are considered weak among demons, but male succubi are even weaker, because the succubus ability of male succubus is actually not as good as that of female succubus!

Moreover, in their clan... they have never seen any male succubi at all!

Therefore, when they saw that the big boss they thought was actually a male succubus, the four succubi were completely blinded, and even doubted their own eyes!

..... Five Thirty .....

"Haha, I bet they must be confused."

"It's better to guess what will happen next."

"I feel that they will definitely be conquered by the host's handsome appearance~"

"By the way, the female succubi are so beautiful, they all look like you/things, the anchor is so happy~"

"The anchor takes me, I want to time travel~"


In the live broadcast room, it was already extremely lively.

The discussion among netizens has not stopped.

As the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded the tens of millions, Lynn's live broadcast room was already the number one live broadcast room in the world before time travel.

More and more people noticed Lynn's studio.

It is estimated that a large number of people will try to contact Lynn.

However, Lynn didn't talk to anyone.


In the room, the four succubi looked at Lin En dully, as if they had become a still painting.

"Master, I'll go to the Plantagenet Kingdom to see. Among the four kingdoms, some nobles are not very peaceful."

At this moment, Servi walked in and said.

Lynn nodded slightly and said, "Go."

Servi flapped her wings and flew away from the castle.

As for Sylvia's words, the four succubi completely confirmed it.

Lynn is exactly the "lord" in the mouths of the fallen angels.

Originally, they still had some doubts, such as doubting whether Lin En was the owner of the castle, or maybe Lin En was just a servant of the devil?

But they didn't see anyone else in the room.

Elf Alyssa and Princess Caiwei have been busy farming recently.

The cultivation of potato mutants in the abyss doesn't need to be as troublesome as it is in the human world.

It can be buried directly in the soil, and there is no need for watering or fertilizing.

So their progress was very fast, Lynn also let a little dragon protect them, in addition, they also drove some little devils to do this kind of thing.

The creatures in the abyss are all kinds of strange things, some are male and female, some are not, and there is no concept of gender.

Like the little devil, there is no distinction between male and female.

This kind of sex is not the same as hermaphroditism. As for their reproduction, Lin En doesn't really understand it now, but he vaguely knows that it should be related to some special magic insects.

The reproduction methods of abyssal creatures are also strange, and there are only a few that reproduce like humans.


"He is the 'lord' in the mouth of the fallen angels."

After confirming, the four succubi were even more shocked.

A male succubus actually has a high-level life form like a fallen angel under his command!

The high level here does not refer to strength, but to the form of life.

"Where are you from?"

Then, the four succubi heard Lynn's voice.

Lynn's voice is exceptionally nice.

The voices of the succubi are actually nice.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the female succubus does it deliberately, the voice alone is enough to make a man G/.

Just like Lin En, if he activates his succubus ability, no woman can stand it unless he is a powerful and determined magician or warrior.

Olina's reaction was the fastest: "Your Excellency, we are from the Monroe Dynasty."

"The Monroe dynasty is the demon dynasty in the upper layer of the abyss?"

Lynn said.

He thought of Prince Mende who was killed by him.

That Prince Mende...seems to be the Prince of the Monroe Dynasty!

Olina nodded and said, "Yes, Your Excellency!"

While speaking, she inadvertently looked into Lynn's eyes.

Yes, they never dared to meet Lynn's eyes.

Because they felt that Lin En was a demon king, at Lin En's request, they raised their heads to look at Lin En, and they were already quite disturbed. How could they dare to look into Lin En's eyes.

Are the eyes of a demon king so beautiful?

And after confirming that Lin En is the master of the fallen angels, even though Lin En is a male succubus, the four succubi also felt that Lin En was unpredictable, and they were shocked, and subconsciously avoided Lin En's attack. Eye. ....

What if Lynn is a devil-level male succubus?

Although... Olina has not heard of the appearance of a demon-level succubus until now.

At least I haven't heard of it in the upper abyss!

Whether there are middle and lower abysses, it is impossible for a succubus of Olina's level to know too much about the middle and lower abyss.


However, after accidentally seeing Lynn's eyes this time, Olina was stunned instantly!

Because, she was instantly attracted by Lynn's eyes!

Seeing her like this, the other succubi also looked at her, and all of them were stunned immediately!

"Why are they stunned~"

"I just said that my husband is very attractive, ha~"

"Didn't you notice that the color of their eyes is different from that of the anchor?"

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