Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 77

Around, a succubus elder said loudly.

The abyss and ravines are places where the demons will change their colors. Stronger demons can fly a little distance into it, and weaker demons can't even find their way back after flying away.

Moreover, the relationship between the abyss gully and each layer of abyss is very strange.

The abyss with a side length of only tens of kilometers is surrounded by abysses and ravines.

The side length of the first floor is more than 10,000 kilometers, and the area is even larger, reaching tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Surrounding the abyss... are also abyssal ravines.

When splicing the abyss, after splicing the two layers of abyss together, the abyss gully connected to the edge of the original abyss will automatically give up a certain distance.


In the panic of the succubus, that layer of abyss continued to rise.

And Lucia and the others finally flew to the edge of the abyss.

"Patriarch, look!"

A patriarch pointed to the edge of the abyss.

Lucia looked at it, and a look of shock appeared on her face.

Because, she saw, on the edge of the abyss, Lin En was vibrating his wings, pushing this layer of abyss rumbling up!

"It's him!"

Lucia narrowed her eyes.

Immediately, I felt relieved.

However, even though she had a gun in her heart, there was no less shock on her face.

Because Lin En actually pushed the entire abyss with his own strength!

This is too amazing!

Even the Monroe Demon King, don't even try to do this!

This is where she was surprised!

"Who is that?"

The other succubi above the sixth level also flew over one after another, surrounded the edge of the abyss, looking at Lin En, the expressions on the faces of each succubus were also somewhat dull.


"That is His Excellency the Demon King, and he will be our king from now on!"

Lucia talked to some elders who had met Lynn.


After the other succubi found out, the surprise on their faces didn't decrease in the slightest, and they all looked at Lin En with shocked eyes!

They didn't expect that when they saw the legendary male succubus, they would see such a shocking scene!

"Haha, the succubus girls are stunned!"

"There are so many succubi~, all of them are girls with a score of 5 or above, the anchor is so happy~"

"If I were the host, I would never be forced to get out of bed for the next year."

"What is a year, I won't get out of bed for a hundred years~"


"Lie down and dream, there's still time~"


In the live broadcast room, when seeing this scene, the netizens were also quite lively.



Under the shocked eyes of the succubus, this layer of abyss rose higher and higher.


At this time, the succubus saw another abyss of unknown size!

And Lynn was pushing the abyss where they were, towards the huge abyss.

"Is the king preparing to splice the abyss?"

Seeing this scene, the succubus came to understand one after another.

Splice the abyss!

In the Monroe Dynasty, the demons under the Monroe Demon King are also constantly splicing together the layer of abyss where the Monroe Demon King is.

Try to make the abyss bigger.

Because the bigger the abyss, the more abyss energy it can attract.

It is said that in the lower abyss, there are some huge abysses that cannot fly from one end to the other only by flying, flying for days, nights, or even months!

However, Lynn's way of splicing the abyss is completely different from that of the Monroe Dynasty.

Monroe's men spliced ​​the abyss by going to the abyss ravine to find some broken abyss fragments from the lower layers to splice.

That way of expanding the abyss is too slow.

And like Lin En, who actually moved an entire layer of abyss, the succubus have never seen it before!

Although it is the upper abyss, it is not so easy to move!

Therefore, all of a sudden, every succubus here had a clear understanding of Lynn's strength!



Finally, the layer of abyss where the succubi were located was pushed by Lynn to the huge abyss that he had already stitched together eight layers.

Then, this layer of abyss collided with that huge abyss.


This layer of abyss trembled violently.

The huge abyss that has already spliced ​​eight layers did not shake much.

In the abyss, things cannot be viewed with some common sense in the human world.

It's like these abysses can still be moved away after being spliced ​​together, but as time goes by, under the constant invasion of abyss energy and under the action of certain rules that constitute the abyss, these abysses will slowly merge into one. One, becomes inseparable.

At that time, it will be quite difficult to separate these abysses.

Unless the strength is strong enough to smash the entire abyss with one blow, it is basically impossible to separate.


When this layer of abyss was stitched together again, including the layer of abyss he was in, Lin En stitched together ten layers of abyss.

These ten layers of abyss, centered on the layer of abyss where Lin En was originally, are very tightly spliced.

After the splicing was completed, the ten layers of abyss became an irregular shape.

There are some small gaps in the area of ​​these ten layers of abyss. The smallest side is about 400 kilometers long, and the largest side is 600 to 700 kilometers long.

When the splicing is completed, it becomes a huge abyss, about 1,700 kilometers long and 1,500 kilometers wide.

The total area is more than two million square kilometers.

It is even bigger than the expanded Plantagenet Empire now!

Of course, the shape is irregular.

After the splicing was completed, Lynn clapped his hands and flew towards the succubi.

This splicing process can actually further deepen Lynn's understanding of "rule power".

After reaching the level of the devil king, going up further requires not only the strengthening of the body and the increase of strength, but also a more understanding and mastery of "rule power".



Seeing Lynn flying over, Lucia gave a succubus gift to Lynn, then lowered her head.

The other succubi also saluted and bowed their heads to show their respect for Lynn.

There was still shock in their hearts.

"All come up?"

Lynn's faint voice sounded.

"Yes, Wang, the 150,000 patriarchs have all been transferred."

Lucia said.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lynn said.

"Yes, king!"

Lucia said.

Lynn was in front, and many succubi were behind, flying towards other succubi.

Although the succubi in the Monroe Dynasty are not particularly strong, there are still hundreds of succubi above the sixth level.

Other than that, all the other succubi are below the sixth level.

The higher the strength increases, the harder it is.

The composition of the strength of all the members of a group is also a model of a pyramid, and this pyramid is quite steep, with the most low-strength members, and the lower the strength, the higher the peak, there may be only one or two people.

Lynn slowed down, otherwise with his speed, no one could catch up.

The flying speed of the sixth-order succubus in the abyss is not slow, at least two to three hundred kilometers can fly in an hour.

After flying like this for more than ten minutes, the overwhelming succubi and servant demons appeared in the field of vision.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of succubi had gathered together, discussing what happened just now.

Since these succubi are in the middle of this layer of abyss, they can't fly. They haven't found that this layer of abyss has moved and is spliced ​​together with other abysses!


When Lynn and Lucia flew over, the succubus all looked up.

Although Lucia hasn't introduced Lynn yet, the succubus have already guessed who Lynn is after seeing Lynn.

Lynn's red eyes are enough to explain everything!

"It's Your Excellency the Demon King!"

Succubus Olina said happily when she saw Lynn.

The other succubi looked up at Lynn one after another.

"All succubus, salute, from now on, Your Excellency Lin En will be the king of our family who will always be loyal!"

At this time, Lucia's voice sounded far away, resounding through the nearby area.

Following Lucia's voice, all the succubus performed the succubus ceremony in unison.

This kind of etiquette is somewhat similar to some human etiquette, but there are some differences.

Hundreds of thousands of succubi saluted together, and the scene looked extraordinarily spectacular.

As for those demon servants, their limbs were already bent and they were prostrate on the ground.

"Meet my king!"

Hundreds of thousands of succubi shouted together!

Many succubi can't help but have some surging feelings in their hearts.

In the abyss, even in the middle abyss, no succubus dynasty has ever been heard of.

The succubus have been living under the fence for too long.

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