Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 86

As soon as the demons and servants stepped up their offensive, Lucia felt it eight passages ahead.

The offense up front...just a warm-up, no, not even a warm-up.

It's purely the habit of the demons when they attack. First use the servant demons to explore the way, and kill them as soon as they are killed. Anyway, the servant demons are trained quite quickly.

With the tens of thousands of demons in front clearing the way, the demons of the six major clans in the rear rushed towards the passage frantically.

As soon as these demons rushed out of the passage, they didn't stay at all, and rushed straight into the sky!

This is their strategy!

They want to let more demons rush over in the shortest possible time!

Although these abyss passages are wide, after all, the ability to rush out at one time is limited.

And beside each abyss passage, there are nearly 20,000 succubi and 200,000 thorns!

With so many succubi and thorn demons, the concentrated fire attack is quite terrifying.

Even an eighth-order demon can't stop it!

The ninth-level demon patriarchs are unwilling to take risks, mainly because there is a ninth-level succubus patriarch Lucia and other seventh- and eighth-level succubi.

The eighth level can fight against 100,000 people...the premise is that the strength of those 100,000 people is not strong.

But among the succubi here, the strength is not weak.

There are many reasons why the succubus clan is weak in the Monroe throne though.

One of the reasons is that Lucia's strength has not improved because of the limited bloodline. Some defects of the succubus are one reason. Another important reason is that the total number of succubus is not as good as other big clans.

They only have a few hundred thousand, while other big clans easily have three to four hundred thousand, or even four to five million demons.

The overall strength of the succubi is not too weak, after all, they are the strongest in the small clan.

Most succubi are at the third, fourth, or fifth level.

There are fewer succubi from the sixth level up.

Even if it is an eighth-level demon, when it rushes out of the narrow abyss passage, it will be overwhelmed by more than 10,000 third-, fourth-, and fifth-level succubi, plus 200,000 thorn demons... It can't stand it!

Of course, it is still possible to rush out at a high speed, but it is more likely to be seriously injured or even killed.

After all, there are also some eighth-level succubi among succubus.

That's why so many servants and the cannon fodder in front were sent up to attract firepower and consume the power of the succubi.


"Hahahaha, Succubus, you are dead!

The attacks of the succubi killed a large number of servants and demons, but more demons kept rushing up to the sky. Once they rushed high and were out of the attack range of the succubus and the stinger, no matter the succubus, Even the thorn demon will be powerless to attack them!

The demons laughed loudly, and did not launch an attack, but continued to fly upwards, constantly giving way to the demons below.

"Their numbers are increasing!"

"Continue to attack!"

"Be careful, their patriarch is about to dispatch!"


In front of the eight passages, the succubus elders continued to direct, and in the middle position, the succubus Lucia was waiting there with a weapon in hand, and did not make a move!

She glanced at the sky, where, only she could see, Lin En was sitting on the red throne with a calm expression.

Her heart has settled down a lot.

Even now that the demons have broken through the line of defense, she is still not too worried!


"The demons have broken through the line of defense!"

"These guys are too cunning!"

"For sure, there are too many demons, and it is impossible for the succubus to completely block the passage."


"Don't worry, since the anchor has the confidence not to block the channel, he will definitely not overturn!"

"Yes, seeing the domineering sitting posture of the anchor, I know there will be no problem!"

"My husband is so calm and majestic. If you don't believe me, I've seen my husband's face for a whole day~"

"What is this? I sleep with my husband's picture every night."


In the live broadcast room, some netizens were worried, and some netizens had full confidence in Lynn.


In the eight passages, although a large number of demons were being killed, they were still rushing out continuously.

The succubus elders directed the succubus to attack continuously, killing a large number of demons and servants!

However, the number of demons rushing into the sky is also increasing!

"Don't be afraid, hold on!"

"Continue to attack~"

"Don't worry about those in the sky!"


The succubus kept attacking.

These succubi have been oppressed in the Monroe dynasty for a long time, and they have never fought back for a long time.

In fact, many succubi have not fought for a long time.

But now, among all the succubi, every succubus is fighting with all their might!

They want to fight back all the aggrieved and oppressed they have suffered in the past!

Even if there are many enemies!

Every succubus forgets about life and death. Facing the continuous stream of demons rushing out, none of the succubi showed any fear on their faces and kept attacking.

There were also powerful succubi who rushed closer and launched their own mental attacks!

Succubus' mental attacks are quite terrifying to humans.

But the devil's ability to withstand is much stronger. Generally speaking, only when the strength of the succubus is higher than that of the opponent can it play a sharp role.

But the effect is still quite outstanding. In a short period of time, a large number of demons were recruited, and then died like this.

It's just that the abilities of those high-strength succubi can't be unlimited.

But the demons and servants seem to be endless.

The number of demons and servants rushing over is still increasing!


"Hmph, they can't stop it."

Below, the six patriarchs looked at the demons and servants rushing into the passage continuously, and sneered.

"It's impossible for them to block any of our clans' attacks, let alone the six clans all working together this time."

A demon patriarch said.

"After catching these succubus, you can also force these succubus to send a call to those scattered succubus in the middle abyss to get more succubus over here."

"That's right, no matter which dynasty these succubi are in, they are all bad, and they trust their own clan too much."


The six demon patriarchs already had the chance to win, chatting casually there.

In their eyes, the succubus family is already the meat on their sticky board.


In the eight passages, the succubi are exhausted one by one.

There are too many demons and servants, and the servants who rushed out from behind are obviously much stronger.

A single spear of the thorn demons may not be able to kill a servant demon.

Their spears also deplete quickly.

In addition, the consumption of succubi is also quite huge.

Although they are constantly changing, they are getting more and more unable to stand up.

However, although they couldn't stand it, the succubus still didn't retreat.

At this time, another powerful demon rushed out of the eight passages.

The strength of these demons is obviously stronger, and they all shot together, directly blocking the attacks of a large number of succubi.

Immediately afterwards, other demons rushed into the sky.

Above each channel, the number of demons rushing to the sky has exceeded 10,000!

"Attack, push them back!"

The demons that rushed to the sky moved and launched an attack brazenly.

At the same time, demons and servants continued to rush out of the passage.

The succubi immediately became more stressed, because they had to deal with the demons in the sky and the demons rushing out of the intercepting passage!

However, the expressions on their faces were exceptionally tenacious, and they refused to back down!

Do your best to repel the demons rushing from the sky.

Among the succubus, the succubus above the sixth level also kept making moves.

Some eighth-level succubus elders have already fought with little strength left.

"Let's play the anchor, the succubus girls are too difficult."

"These succubi are soft on the inside and strong on the outside. This battle made me admire them!"

"come on!"


In the live broadcast room, netizens cheered the succubus one after another.

There are also a large number of netizens who have offered rewards.


But the role of cheering is not great, because more and more demons are rushing up, and in terms of numbers, they have already overwhelmed the succubus.

As for servant demons, there are more!

Even Lucia couldn't bear it and started to shoot.

As soon as she made a move, she killed the demon in a big/slice/slice.

But the speed of the demon rushing out was too fast, and she couldn't kill it at all.

"Okay, Lucia, you all retreat and let them in."

At this time, Lucia heard Lynn's voice.

Back off!

Lucia issued an order loudly: "All succubi, by the king's order, retreat!"

In fact, some succubi are already planning to fight to the end, so they don't take a step back!

However, after hearing Lucia's words, these succubi did not hesitate and began to retreat!

In this battle, all the succubi almost went all out, and no one was lazy or retreated!

Of course, the difference in strength is there. It is impossible for them to stop the huge and stronger demon army of the six major races.

However, after this battle, the mentality of these succubi has obviously changed!

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