Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 96


Monroe was hacked out again.

"Nimma, this guy is going to make a deal with the Demon God!"

"This is trying to drag the anchor to die with him!"

"The anchor, stop it!"

"Can the demon god descend directly from the abyss?"

"I don't know, even if a phantom appears, it will be terrible."

"This guy is crazy."

"Don't worry, the Demon God may not care about him."

"What if, isn't this guy planning to sacrifice to the Demon God?"


In the live broadcast room, the words of Demon King Monroe stirred up waves!

.........From Xinxiaoqun 712205071

In the abyss, Monroe's words were interrupted again and again, but this guy was also quite tenacious, repeating it non-stop!

This guy is also desperate!

She was already abused by Lynn.

Although he had a demigod armor, he was worried that the demigod armor might not be able to protect him if he continued to abuse him like this.

What's more, on Lynn's side, another tenth-order fallen angel appeared!

Therefore, the Monroe Demon King is desperate!

His desperate way... is not to explode/fire a wave, because a burst/wave will not have any effect, so his way is to ask for help from the demon god who is about to sacrifice/sacrifice!

It's just that the price of praying to the Demon God for power is too high. Even the Monroe Demon King does not intend to do so unless it is absolutely necessary.


Finally, after being blasted away by Lynn again, a sneer appeared on Monroe's face.

In the next second, a light curtain was activated by him.

Immediately afterwards, the big sword in Lin En's hand hit the light curtain, smashing the light curtain directly.

But the Demon King Monroe has finished reading his words!

"You are dead!"

Demon King Monroe sneered.

"Really? Is the demon god also interested in the soul of a dead person?"

Lynn said lightly.

Monroe's expression changed.

He lowered his head with an incredulous expression.

Because, a short sword in Lin En's hand directly bypassed the demigod armor and pierced his heart!

"How can it be!"

Monroe's voice is hoarse!

This ancient demigod armor was picked up from the abyss by the Demon King Monroe, who was extremely lucky.

At that time, he was just a seventh-level demon.

It was with this pair of demigod armor that Monroe set foot in some dangerous places in the middle abyss, and obtained a large number of rare abyssal plants and rare devil fruits or devil flowers.

Hence his rise.

This kind of demigod armor is not only extremely strong, it cannot be cut by a demon-level weapon at all, and it can even defend against attacks with the power of rules.

but now...

However, Lin En directly bypassed the demigod armor by using the power of space rules, and attacked his body!

Being able to bypass... means that it is not guarded at all!

"nothing is impossible."

Lynn spoke.

"Half artifact, I have it too."

Lynn said again.

Monroe's eyes suddenly widened.

In the next second, energy exploded, and his head slowly dropped.

The overlord of the upper abyss, the lord of the Monroe Dynasty, the Monroe Demon King, just like that, hang up!

As soon as Lynn moved his hand, the demigod armor on Demon King Monroe's body began to disintegrate and became pieces.

In the war just now, this set of demigod armor has not suffered any damage.

The black sword that Lynn used before was exchanged in the system mall a long time ago, and it was easy to use, but it couldn't cut through the demigod armor.

And the dagger that Lin En used just now... Seeing that he couldn't do anything with the demigod armor, Lin En chose a "sword of space" purchased in the system mall with 10 million mall coins.

Strictly speaking, this short sword is not considered a semi-divine weapon.

In the system mall, no demi-artifacts have appeared so far.

It can be regarded as a weapon of the Great Demon King level.

However, after cooperating with Lynn's space talent, he was able to bypass the damaged demigod armor and attack Monroe Demon King.

The power of the rules of space can be like this, and even if he shoots at ordinary demons, Lin En can directly reach out and pick the opponent's heart without damaging other parts of the opponent's body.

Of course, there is absolutely no need to do this when attacking ordinary demons. It is equivalent to shooting mosquitoes with cannons, which is overkill.

Wouldn't it be easier to just slap him to death?

If this demigod armor is complete, perhaps it is not so easy to kill Demon King Monroe.

But if nothing happens, who told it to have so many scars?

Lin En finally found the weak point of the demigod armor through constant attacks, and then dealt a fatal blow to Demon King Monroe!


"Monroe is dead?"

"It looks like it should be hung up!"

"I'm going, a demon king, just died like this?"

"The anchor cowhide! He actually killed a demon king abruptly!"

"My husband is invincible!"



[Macho man sighs] Reward the anchor with 1000 rockets, and leave a message: The anchor is amazing~

In the live broadcast room, when they saw the death of Monroe Demon King, all the netizens were excited again!


In the abyss, as soon as the demigod armor was removed from Monroe Demon King, Lynn took off the broken demon heart of Monroe Demon King.

This is a standard devil heart.

Even if it is broken now, if the devil heart is let go, Monroe can be resurrected with this devil heart.

As soon as the devil's heart was taken away by Lynn, Lynn kicked the dead body of Monroe into the sky.

"Monroe is dead!"

Lynn's majestic voice resounded throughout the battlefield!

"What, Monroe is dead?"

"The Demon Lord Monroe is dead?"

"Oh my God!"


On the battlefield, the demon army, which had been beaten terribly because of Servi's joining, panicked.


"Hahaha, I haven't exercised for a long time. I thought that this time I would follow the devil to the middle abyss to fight, but I didn't expect to come to the upper abyss where the birds don't shit."

"Since the Demon King has released the space gate, there must be enemies in the upper abyss, maybe it's a massive human invasion."

"Humans invade the abyss? Your joke is not good at all."


In the Monroe Dynasty, a group of demons rushed towards the space gate talking and laughing.

Yes, there are still demons pouring in/out of that huge space gate.

After this group of demons knew that the teleportation location of the space gate was the upper abyss, none of them felt any psychological pressure at all.

After all, the upper abyss is the back garden of the Monroe dynasty!

Who's nervous about exploring their own back garden?

This group of demons quickly rushed out of the space gate and appeared on the battlefield.


They just heard Lynn's words.

"Monroe is dead!"

These six words startled the group of demons.

"Who is so arrogant to spread rumors..."

A demon stopped in the middle of his speech.


The demon saw that in the sky, the corpse of Monroe Demon King was floating there.

His eyes suddenly opened wide.

" must be fake..."

The demon couldn't believe his eyes at all.


There are also demons who react very quickly, turning around and about to fall into the space gate.

But in the next second, those demons who thought they were clever were dumbfounded.


This side of the space door is blocked on one side!


Can not go back!

Not only that, but the demons on the other side are still pouring in/out.

That is to say, the blockade at the door of the space is just to prevent them from going back, and the people on the other side can continue to come in!


Deep despair arose in the hearts of all the demons!

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