Live Iron Sand Palm Fried Chestnut! The Whole Network Begs To Beg For A Teacher

Chapter 643 I Heard It Right, There Really Is A Voice!

"No, the height here is too high from the tree trunk, try another method!"

Yan Yunhao watched for a long time, and he also knew that Lao Tian was exhausted.

From this point of view, this method will not work, they can only use their brains to think of other methods.

"It really can't, even if it is tied with a stone, the rope can't be thrown up, unless it's a giant!"

Zhu Yang, who was in a state of embarrassment, also nodded. Now he even wanted to cry, but he could only endure it.

At the same time, they are looking forward to a miracle that will allow them to escape quickly.

It's really uncomfortable to stay here, there is a stench in the mud, and most of the body is stuck there, and I dare not move, it is really tiring.

"I'll think of other ways? By the way, see if there is anyone around who can help!"

Lao Tian said with a dignified expression, but as soon as he said the words, he felt that he was being stupid.

This barren mountain and wild ridge is still deep in the mountains, so there are no people around!

Sighing, Lao Tian sat down on the soil on the ground, thinking about looking around to see if there were some thicker branches.

Otherwise, it would be even better to find a fairy who fell from the sky.

Of course, this kind of thought flashed through his mind, not because he was naive, but just a glimmer of good hope when he was in trouble.

"Old Tian, ​​are you kidding me? Find someone to help us? It would be great if we can find it``!"

"Isn't it? If there is a real person, it's not a human, it's a god!"

"That's enough, let me say a few words, Lao Tian was also in a hurry, so he didn't think of the environment we are in now!"

"Who says it's not, hey, why are we so unlucky!"

"Otherwise, let's try shouting at the top of our lungs? Anyway, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor?"

"If you think you are energetic, then yell at yourself, I still want to save my energy!"

"Then I'll yell twice, don't think I'm noisy, I'm quite depressed anyway, just to vent my anger!"

"Help, is there anyone, come and save someone!"

Zhu Yang, an optimist, was still very optimistic even in a dangerous situation, and even shouted for help at the top of his throat.

Really do whatever comes to your mind, no matter if it works or not!

As for Yan Yunhao and Xiao Zhang next to them, they looked at their pig teammates with disdain.

Since he likes to shout, let him shout, even if his voice is broken, no one will answer him.

As Zhu Yang's voice echoed in the woods, it seemed particularly ethereal.

At the same time, it also frightened the birds in the woods, flapping their wings and flying away in an instant.

Lin Yue, who was walking in this direction, looked at the flock of birds that were frightened and scattered.

It was also the sound of those birds flapping their wings that overwhelmed Zhu Yang's shouting.

"Xiao Hei, I seem to really hear someone talking!"

Lin Yue was also a little surprised. He thought he heard it wrong before, but he didn't expect that there were other people in the forest.

There must be no other people like Lin Yue who come to the mountains and forests to collect various herbs.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to drink water. There are all kinds of rare treasures in the mountains.

These rare treasures are not only various medicinal materials, but also mountain treasures.

Moreover, because of the environment in which these mountain delicacies are grown, the taste is particularly delicious, and the selling price is also amazing.

However, it is particularly dangerous during the picking process.

(OK, OK) So Lin Yue didn't take it to heart at all, and planned to continue walking her own path.

"Help, is there anyone..."

Another very weak voice sounded, but it made Lin Yue hear it more clearly.

His brows could not help but slightly wrinkled.

"Xiao Hei, let's go and see what happened!"

After Lin Yue finished speaking, she quickly walked towards the direction where the voice came from.

As he jumped, the whole person soared into the air, and stepped on the branches and bushes, the whole person seemed to be as light as a feather.

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