Live Iron Sand Palm Fried Chestnut! The Whole Network Begs To Beg For A Teacher

Chapter 98 Looks Like The Weakest, But Is Actually The Strongest!

"Master, I will trouble you later."

Zhou Wuren led Yan Xiaoyue to a seat, and then whispered in her ear.

The leader of the fighting nation not far away turned to look at him in astonishment.

"What's the matter, Putt?"

The leader of Batie was a little puzzled.

The leader of the fighting nation named Pute shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, it's just that Lao Zhou seems to be a little different to that girl...

Hearing the words, Ba Tie's team leader also glanced in that direction, and Zhou Wuren had already gone back to what he had done.

"Maybe that girl is a descendant of Lao Zhou, that's why he took care of her so deliberately."

Ba Tie's team leader guessed and said.

Otherwise, how to explain Zhou Wuren, why would he agree with a little girl to come here to participate in the special exchange meeting?

After all, this is no child's play.

Therefore, the only explanation is that this little girl should have some relationship with Zhou Wuren, so this special exchange meeting was used to give her some opportunities to show her face.


Putt nodded slightly.

But he always felt that something was wrong, just now he remembered that Zhou Wuren was in front of that girl, it didn't seem like he was facing a junior at all.

"The three-year special exchange meeting is about to begin, and today we will be supported by Daxia Guoshou, the fighting nation and Batie, who won the first place last time.

"People from other countries can compete on the stage until five people come to the stage!"

At this time.

On the fighting arena of the exchange meeting, a man took a microphone, walked directly to the high platform, and began to read the rules of this special exchange meeting.

Zhou Wuren nodded to a man in his thirties next to him.

The man got up quickly and walked towards the direction of the arena.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

Therefore, Zhou Wuren did not take out Yan Xiaoyue's trump card at the beginning.

Also because of this.

Yan Xiaoyue directly confirmed the previous conjectures of Puter and Batie's team leader, and decided that she was just a Zhou Wuren junior who came here to show her face.

"Bajiquan Leiben! Who dares to fight on stage?"

The man quickly reached the high platform.

Then he clasped his fists in both hands, and said loudly in the direction of the Alliance of Beautiful Nations.

"I come!"

A beautiful Chinese man in his forties, whose muscles were almost bursting out of his clothes, strode towards the ring with meteoric strides.

The man's right foot is heavy, and every step has an aura of strength.

At the same time, he also wore gloves on his left and right sides, which tightly covered his palms and fingers.

no doubt.

This is a reformer.

And the modified parts are the left hand and right foot.

"Don't kill me in battle! Once the opponent is in the end, you all have to stop attacking!"

The referee reads the rules in the ring.

Then with a sound, Lei Ben quickly distanced himself from the reformer of the beautiful country.

The response speed of the modified mechanical prosthetics is slightly slower, but their attack power is very terrifying.

One foot down.

These Qingshi on the ground can almost be crushed directly!

Therefore, every time a special exchange meeting is held, the warriors of Daxia will choose to take the lead in keeping the distance, so as to avoid being seized by these reformers and deliver a fatal blow.

"What? Don't dare to come over?"

The reformer of the beautiful country sneered.

At the same time, with heavy steps, he approached Lei Ben step by step.

After Lei Ben spared two laps, he rushed back with a stride, and directly made a tentative attack with his iron sand palm.

It's best to win.

Even if he can't win, he still has to explore the bottom line of these transformed people for Yan Xiaoyue.


The modified man's arms and legs lit up with a red light.

The clothes that were wrapped outside had several holes burned out in the red light.

The reformed person who reacted slowly originally raised his left hand quickly, and slapped Lei Ben with his palm to greet him directly.

Goggle goggle!

Almost at the same time.

Lei Ben and the reformer from the beautiful country both took several steps backwards.

Especially Lei Ben.

A palm hit on the modified man's mechanical prosthesis, and the rebound force it endured was significantly greater than that of the modified man.

And he found out.

The dark energy attached to the palm was actually removed by a special device in his guy's arm, and more than half of it was directly removed.

There are actually not many that really affect him.

"Good! I didn't expect Bi to be able to withstand 80% of my strength.!"

There was a hint of madness on the reformed man's face, and he quickly approached Lei Ben again.

Fortunately, Lei Ben's stature is agile enough, and with guerrilla devious tactics, he has been circling around the reformed people.

Finally, in the fourth minute, he seized the opportunity and hit the opponent's back directly, making him completely lose his combat effectiveness.

"I didn't expect that their mechanical prosthetics have been upgraded to such a strong level!"

Zhou Wuren was also secretly surprised at the moment.

It took four minutes for a martial artist at the dark energy level to deal with a reformer.

There is also the country of the foot basin and the country of the stick.

As an ally of the beautiful country, they have definitely received the blessing of this technology!

"Now the second round begins!"

Then the second reformer from the beautiful country came out and started to confront Lei Ben.

This time, because Lei Ben had expended a lot of energy, when he lasted until the tenth minute, the reformer seized the opportunity and punched him down from the ring with an iron fist.

Great Xia Kingdom's second Anjin warrior came to power.

The general rhythm of the battle is that a warrior from the Great Xia Kingdom can take away one or two reformers.

By the time the fifth person entered the field, the reformer from the beautiful country had already been trapped and eliminated.

But there are still 11 reformers in Footpen Country and Bangzi Country.

Judging from the previous battle winning percentage, Liu Haisheng would be able to defeat at most one reformer, and would be directly challenged by the second reformer.

However, as the first martial artist in the special operations department to break through to the dark energy level, his talent is naturally beyond doubt.

Therefore, his Iron Sand Palm can be regarded as a top-ranked leader in the entire special operations department!

He had to fight hard against the two reformers of the Beautiful National Alliance before he was kicked from the side and sent to the bottom of the ring

"As expected of Daxia, this group of lunatics directly charged our eight remodeled Warriors with only their physical strength.

"So what? Now there is only the last warrior left in the Great Xia Kingdom. No matter how powerful they are, the last one can only defeat our two warriors. By then we still have enough constructors." , to deal with the fighting nation and the Batie people of their alliance team.

"This victory will be ours!"

The area of ​​the League of Pretty Nations.

Several team leaders seem to have seen the dawn of victory at this time.

"Old Zhou, why don't you replace our people?"

the other side.

Pute of the fighting nation and the leader of Ba Tie turned their heads and said to Zhou Wuren.

"No, there is still one member of our team who can play. You must follow the previous plan and wait until all of our members are eliminated before entering the ring."

Zhou Wuren shook his head and rejected the kindness of the two.

Yan Xiaoyue, who was not far away, also got up at the same time and walked towards the ring.

The graceful figure is not very fast.

Many people who saw her had surprise on their faces.

"Am I not mistaken? The Great Xia Kingdom actually sent out a girl this time?!"

"Could it be that there is no one in their team? They actually need girls to come on stage?"

"But let's not say it, this girl looks pretty pretty."

"So what? No matter how beautiful it is, it will be difficult to stand down from the ring. Those people in the League of Beautiful Nations don't have the thoughts of sympathy."

Several team leaders of the Pretty Country Alliance couldn't help laughing when they saw Yan Xiaoyue.

This is completely deliberate to give them heads!

No matter how powerful a woman is, she is still a girl, and it is impossible to compare with a man.

Even if they are transformed people, women's fighting power and reaction speed cannot be compared with these men.

There is no doubt that martial arts is the same.

"Yamamoto, be gentle, the other party is a girl, don't beat her to death."

"That's right, when the time comes for our foot basin country, maybe others will say that we bully weak girls."

"Yamamoto, you can just throw this girl off the ring later."

"That's right, that's right, don't be fooled, it might be the Great Xia that tripped us up, we must not be fooled!"

In the League of Beautiful Nations, some reformers couldn't help laughing under the ring.

Yan Xiaoyue frowned.

These guys are too contemptuous of people, but she is also a dignified master of energy, right?

"Iron Master Yan Xiaoyue!"

Unhappy with the game in his heart, Yan Xiaoer's voice naturally became a little cold.

"Little girl, are you sure you want to participate in the group arena?"

The referee was not in a hurry to announce the start of the game, but looked at Yan Xiaoyue very seriously.


Yan Xiaoyue nodded.

At the same time, the breathing rhythm of the whole person changed, and he directly integrated the breathing technique into the importance of his every move!

The referee instantly felt that the delicate girl in front of him seemed to be a little different.

If she was a beautiful and lovely girl just now, she is now a sharp sword drawn from its sheath!

Unrivaled sharpness!

"Oh well……….…

Finally, the referee nodded, began to read the rules of the game, and called out to start.

But as soon as his voice fell, Yan Xiaoyue, who was standing opposite the reformer, rushed towards the reformer in the foot basin country!



Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and there was a sound of heavy objects colliding in their ears, and the reformer standing on the high platform flew out of the ring behind.

After crossing a distance of seven or eight meters, he fell onto the arena and kept rolling towards the outside of the arena.


In the end, the reformer of the foot basin country successfully fell outside the ring and lost the qualification for this challenge!

Needle drop can be heard!

In the stands of the entire special exchange meeting, everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the slightly smaller figure on the broadcasting platform with disbelief.

Even Zhou Wuren.

He was also stunned by Yan Xiaoyue's sudden burst of power.

I don’t have any dizziness, do I? The reformer in the foot basin country was just slapped away like that?!”

"Outrageous! This is so outrageous! How can a cute little girl have such terrifying power? And her speed is so fast, I can barely see clearly!

"God! Is this little girl a devil?"

"It's horrible! How on earth did she do it? It's so fast that I can't even react!"

"Originally, the gang thought that this little girl was the weakest in the Great Xia Kingdom, because there were no talents.

I used it to make up for it, but I didn't expect it to be so strong!"

The people of the Alliance of Beautiful Nations were all bewildered by this sudden scene.

On the side of the Great Xia Kingdom Alliance.

Except for the people from the Great Xia Kingdom, the members of the Fighting Nation and Batie had almost the same reaction as the Pretty Nation Alliance.

Such a terrifying blow was actually struck by a girl.

"Old Zhou, is this really one of your juniors? I... I didn't react at all to that blow just now...

Put stuttered and looked at Zhou Wuren, and asked him with some doubts.

Zhou Wuren was taken aback.

"When did I say that Senior Sister Yan is my junior?"

But on second thought.

It seems that I did not tell my allies about the true identity of my big sister.

"What? Senior sister? This little girl... No, this senior is your senior sister?"

Putt was dumbfounded.

Ba Tie's team leader was also dumbfounded.

They never thought that this delicate looking girl was actually Zhou Wuren's senior sister?!

"That's right, Senior Sister Yan joined Teacher's sect before me, and Senior Sister Yan's realm is stronger than mine!

Only then did Zhou Wuren briefly talk about Yan Xiaoyue's true identity with the two of them.

"Then... Then, isn't your senior sister the same as the one in Legendary, rejuvenated?"

Putt subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then looked at Zhou Wuren with some excitement and asked.

"What are you thinking? Our age is the age of science. We have to believe in science. How can there be rejuvenation?"

"What? It's not rejuvenation? Then what's going on with your senior sister?"

Putt and the team leader of Batie exclaimed in unison and asked Xin.

Zhou Wuren replied: "You don't think that senior sister Yan is so powerful, but you think she has practiced for a long time, in fact, it has only been two and a half months since she started to learn martial arts.

"So Senior Sister Yan's real age is actually the same as what you see, only twenty years old."


The leader of Puttu Batie couldn't help but uttered a swear word in his heart.

After only two and a half months of exposure to martial arts, you can actually have the power to rub a reformed person on the ground?!

this speed.

Even those mechanical monsters who use technology to transform and gain strength, can't exaggerate so much!

Even after receiving a mechanical prosthetic surgery, it will take a long time to recover.

Not to mention two and a half months, even if it is two years, it may not be perfect if it should be a modified mechanical prosthesis!.

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