The most popular bird is the monkey.

"Peck your own children to death?"

"This is too terrible. Even a tiger will not eat its own cubs!"

"The horn eagle is so cruel! I still think the white-shouldered eagle, which is the most loyal to love, is the cutest!"

"Me too!"

Jiangnan did not look at the comments and continued, "The second place is the most popular monkey-eating eagle."

"The monkey-eating eagle is 91 cm long, has a wingspan of 2.5 meters, a maximum weight of 6.5 kg, and a lifespan of 30 years."

"Just as everyone said, they eat monkeys, and they are also the national bird of the Philippines, so they are the kings of the forests of the Philippines. The monkeys living there are more miserable than Zhao Si's father."

"Because they are very cruel, when they catch monkeys, they will peck them blind to prevent them from escaping. ”

“Cruel to prey, but very careful with family. They only recognize one mate in their lifetime and give birth to only one child at a time.”

“Not only that, they are also very attentive to their children and very protective of their cubs. They do not allow any animals to approach their nests, and the cubs must stay with them for two years until they grow up before reproducing the next generation.”

“Because of this, the reproduction rate of the eagle is very low. In addition, the occupation of forest land by humans has seriously reduced their habitat, further causing a decrease in the number of eagles.”

“Currently, there are only about 300 of them in the world, and they are also on the verge of extinction!”

The audience discussed again.

More of them were regretful.

"I thought the harpy eagle would eat monkeys, but I didn't expect it would peck out their eyes before eating! Hiss!"

"Monkey: So?? Waioyo Dabuliuai Aiohaiohbiyidibeichiyimuenbeieiendiohenaimuyidabuliuaiaiohaiyo?"

"What a pity! There are only about 300 left!"

"You must see the harpy eagle with your own eyes once in your lifetime, otherwise you can only see it in books and movies in the future!"

Jiangnan sighed and finally said: "First place, Andean condor, body length 130 cm, wingspan up to 3.2 meters, maximum weight 15 kg, lifespan over 50 years."

"It is recognized as the largest flying bird, and likes to eat animal carcasses, especially large animals. As long as it is a carcass, even if it is a tiger, lion, cheetah, or elephant, they dare to eat it."

"It's a pity that they are also endangered species. There are less than 4,000 of them in the world."

"Although my eagle is a Steller's sea eagle, its size and wingspan are infinitely close to the Andean condor. I believe it will be even bigger when it grows up."

"In addition, I must add that what I just said are only the top ten eagles in the world. In fact, there is also a top ten ranking for birds of prey, but it is really difficult to unify them."

"After all, everyone can see the size, but it is really difficult to compare who is stronger."

"Some people think that horned eagles are stronger, some people think that golden eagles are stronger, and some people think that eagle owls are more fierce, but there is no specific conclusion. However, in any ranking of the top ten birds of prey, the Steller's sea eagle can always be on the list, and it is only higher, not lower!"

Praise your own children.

Since the Steller's sea eagle has followed Jiangnan, he must praise it heavily.

After saying this, Jiangnan thought for a moment and said, "In addition, I gave this Steller's sea eagle a name, called Tai Sui!"

"Taisui? What is that?"

"By the way, isn't Tai Sui a kind of medicine?"

"Wait! Tiger head? Tai Sui? It seems that the island owner and our childhood are the same!"

"What do you mean? Tell me quickly!"

"In the Tiger Year movie of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", there is a villain named Huwei Tai Sui, and the island owner's is a Steller's sea eagle, and it is very majestic, so it is just right to name it Tai Sui."

"Upstairs , you are really detailed!"

"Please explain clearly, I just analyzed it in detail, and other parts are very rough!"

"Can you describe this part in detail? I am just curious!"


"Fuck! Insightful!"

"When I was a child, I was waiting to watch the zodiac series movie of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", but who would have thought that it would be interrupted in the middle, what a pity!"

"Ah, a full childhood, this is much more interesting than a pink hair dryer!"

Jiangnan watched the barrage and enjoyed the scenery.

Because I was too tired, I didn't want to talk anymore.

At this time, the system sound came in my mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to Su

The host has completed the primary limit art of wing suit flying, and freehand rock climbing has been opened. "

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Rainbow Summoning Card]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Batman Claw Hook Mechanical Arm]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [100% Landing and Falling into Water Skill]! ”

【Freehand Rock Climbing】: It is a form of rock climbing, an outdoor extreme sport.

As the name implies, freehand rock climbing emphasizes the use of only hands for climbing throughout the whole process, without the help of other devices, so it is extremely dangerous and is listed among the top ten dangerous sports in the world.

Note: This sport has extremely high requirements for rock climbing skills and is a great challenge to the psychological test. Click to learn, and the host will immediately become the world's most elite freehand rock climbing master, climbing thousands of meters of cliffs, just like drinking water.

【Rainbow Summoning Card*1】: Like the seal card and animal summoning card, it is a one-time card.

Click to use, you can immediately summon a beautiful rainbow, which lasts for half an hour.

Note: The summoned rainbow may have miraculous effects, please explore it by yourself.

【Batman Claw Hook Mechanical Arm】: The same model as Batman. What Batman can do with the claw hook in the movie, the host can also do.

【100% Landing and Falling into Water Skill】: No matter where you fall from, even if it is a hundred meters high Building, or on a cliff thousands of meters high, once this skill is used, the host will fall into the pool after falling 100%, thus ensuring the host's safety.

And even if there is no pool nearby, the system will rationalize everything.

For example, the host will fall on a tree branch halfway and then roll into the pool.

Note: This skill is one-time, please use it with caution!

After seeing this reward, Jiangnan frowned.

What is this for?

Let yourself climb with bare hands?

Let yourself die ?

This claw hook and the 100% landing and falling into the water skills, aren't they just to prevent oneself from falling off the cliff and dying?

As for the Rainbow Summoning Card, it may be to summon it out to celebrate after success.

The effect is similar to the fireworks during the Chinese New Year.

However, it seems that fireworks are not allowed in all places during the Chinese New Year.

Instead, they are set off in a centralized manner and destroyed.

Experts call it: setting off fireworks during the Chinese New Year pollutes the environment!

It does not pollute the environment when it is destroyed in a centralized manner, but it pollutes the environment when it is set off during the Chinese New Year. It is really amazing!

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