The island owner was looking for something strange.

"What is the island owner looking for?"

"Is he looking for the beaver's family?"

The audience noticed something strange about Jiangnan.

A few seconds later, Jiangnan's eyes lit up, and he pointed again, saying, "Did you see the pile of wood in the pond? That's the beaver's home."

"Don't look at this pile of wood, which is messy and inconspicuous. In fact, it's a luxurious villa in the water."

"The interior is very complicated, like a maze."

"In addition, they will also apply a layer of mud on the outside, which can not only play a reinforcing role, but also resist low temperatures!"

The audience looked in the direction Jiangnan said.

What caught their eyes was indeed a pile of messy wood, which looked a bit like an island exposed from a distance.

After finding the beaver's home, Jiangnan looked at the wooden bridge under his feet again and said, "To be honest, this is the first time I have seen beavers build such a long wooden bridge. I am also quite surprised!"

"However, according to scientists, there is a group of beavers in America that are even more abnormal. The widest dam they built is as long as 850 meters. Even in space, you can still see the giant beaver dam."

"In order to thank the beavers for their contribution to maintaining the ecosystem, many well-known engineering universities in the United States use them as school mascots, and California Institute of Technology is one of them."



As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, six or seven beavers suddenly emerged from the river.

They all lay on a piece of driftwood, their webbed feet gently swaying, looking particularly leisurely.

Soon, they noticed their companions, and even more so Jiangnan next to their companions, with curious looks on their faces.

"Am I dazzled? Six beavers suddenly appeared?"

"Am I dazzled? Did they rush too much last night?"

"Counting the one next to the island owner, there are exactly seven, just enough to make up the Calabash Brothers!"

"They are staring at the island owner!"

"Their eyes look silly. It must be the first time they see humans!"

"Beavers: Get off the wooden bridge we built. I asked you to get off. If you step on them, can you afford to pay for it?"

Jiangnan also noticed this group of beavers and waved at them and said hello.


Suddenly, the beaver in front of Jiangnan jumped off the wooden bridge and dived into the water.

Then it swam in front of the six companions.

For a while, the seven beavers gathered together and whispered, and no one knew what they were communicating.


Soon they got into the water and disappeared.

When they came out again, the beaver had a piece of firewood in its mouth.

The beaver climbed ashore, put the firewood in front of Jiangnan, and then looked up at Jiangnan, looking very well-behaved.

Jiangnan: "..."

What's going on?

Why did you give me firewood?

So, where did the other beavers go?

Even Jiangnan was a little confused this time.

Five seconds later, his doubts were solved.

The other six beavers came out of the water one after another, holding firewood in their mouths and placed them in front of Jiangnan.

Then they ran away quickly, probably to continue to pick up wood.

"Is this firewood for me?"

Jiangnan looked at the beaver, then at the firewood, and asked tentatively.

The beaver was touching his head with his front paws, tidying up his wet hair. After hearing the question, he tilted his head and looked at Jiangnan, as if asking: Isn't it obvious?

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"Fuck! The beaver actually gave the island owner wood?"

"Before the island owner gave it clams, now it gives it wood. Is this the legendary reciprocity?"

"Woo woo woo, suddenly I feel that these beavers are so polite!"

"The island owner is awesome! First the otter gave fish, and then the beaver gave wood. It's just right to make a fire and cook fish!"

Jiangnan looked at the chubby beaver in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Thank you, I'll take these wood!"

With these woods, I don't have to pick up firewood to make a fire.

"Today's luck is very good. I went deep into the Parrot Valley and met this group of cute little beavers."

"If you encounter wild beavers in the wild, don't get so close like me."

"Beavers are timid. If you force them into a corner, they will bite you."

"The teeth of mice are so small that they can hide in the corners of the house.

So many furnitures have been broken."

"Beavers are many times bigger than mice, and their bite force is even more terrifying. These two big teeth can bite off a tree as thick as a bucket in two hours."

"As for our fingers, they will definitely break with one bite!"

Jiangnan reached out and gently touched the beaver, kindly reminding him.

"Island owner, you worry too much. With my luck, I will never meet wild beavers in this life!"

"To be precise, we will never go to such a faraway wilderness in this life. We have long become slaves to work!"

"Hearing what the island owner said, I suddenly felt panicked!"

"Island owner, you have to be careful. Don't let the beaver bite off your fingers. Your fingers are very useful to me!"

"Open the door! Anti-pornography! Damn it, why is it always you!"

As long as Jiangnan's body parts are mentioned, the female viewers in the live broadcast room like to drive.

Jiangnan stood up and said, "I will take everyone to see how beavers chew trees! "

He stood up and walked down the wooden bridge.

After walking a few steps, he saw a beaver gnawing on a tree.

The tree was as thick as an adult's thigh. At this time, the bottom of the trunk was about to be bitten off, and countless wood chips were scattered around.

"Beavers' teeth are made of a special material, which ensures that they don't have the trouble of tooth decay, and they grow very fast, with a maximum growth rate of 4 feet per year. Gnawing trees is also a way for them to grind their teeth."

"Scientific research shows that a lonely beaver can gnaw down an eight-foot-high tree in five minutes, thanks to its sharp big teeth."

"However, don't think they are gnawing very hard, in fact, their lives are in danger at any time."

"That is, if they are not careful, they will be crushed to death!"

"According to zoologists, beavers usually have a good intuition about whether a tree is about to fall and the direction of its fall. ”

“When a tree falls, they will jump to the other side to avoid being hit by the tree. It is an instinct.”

“According to zoologists, beavers have no way to control the direction of the tree falling. They can only take their chances every time. Once a tree falls, they will just flee in panic. If they are lucky, they can escape. If they are unlucky, they will…”

Jiangnan stopped talking here, but those who understand will understand.

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