The little animals lying on the window were the otters of Hongxing.

Even the Steller's sea eagle Tai Sui flapped its wings and flew over.

Their favorite food was fish, and seeing Jiangnan cooking fish, they were even more eager.

There was excitement, eagerness, and confusion in their eyes.

They couldn't understand why a human could eat fish better than them?

Jiangnan ignored the little animals and was still concentrating on cooking.

He put the fish head and fish meat into a basin, which had already been filled with cooking wine and salt, as well as ginger and garlic.

After marinating, the fishy smell of the fish meat can be removed.

Then find a bowl, mix starch, pat the fish head and fish meat in turn, and shake off the excess starch.

Next, the most important step is to put it in the pan.

Jiangnan poured the cooking oil into the iron pan without panic. As the oil pan heated up, bursts of hot air began to rise.

"When cooking squirrel mandarin fish, the oil temperature is particularly important."

"If the oil temperature is not enough, the starch will fall into the pan, ruining the oil and the fish."

"And the oil temperature is too high, it is not good, it is easy to burn the outside and the inside is not cooked."

While talking, Jiangnan has put the fish head into the pan.

The moment the fish head entered the pan, the pan could not help sizzling.

Soon, Jiangnan fried the fish head until golden.

Take it out first and put it on a plate.

Then, Jiangnan put the fish in the pan again, and fry it until it is golden and then pick it up.

Put the fish head and the fish body together, just put it together to form the shape of a whole fish.

In the last step, pour cooking oil into the pot again, add salt, vinegar, tomato sauce, and seasonings such as onion and ginger.

Take the hot oil out of the pot and pour it directly on the whole fish on the plate.

Squirrel mandarin fish is done!

Looking closely, the fish on the plate is fried to a golden color and shiny all over, like the fur of a squirrel. After pouring the sweet and sour sauce, it makes a sizzling sound, and the fragrance is fragrant, which makes people's appetite increase.

Just one look, the audience in the live broadcast room can't stand it.

"It looks good, I want to eat it!"

"Oh, tears are flowing out of my mouth again."

"I can't watch it any more, if I keep watching, I feel like my water can flood the whole neighborhood."

"Your best water is saliva, not other water?"

"Oh? Is there other water in the human body?"

Jiangnan picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, and slowly put it in his mouth. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a moderate sweet and sour taste. He couldn't help but pick up a few more chopsticks, and there was no time to comment.

After taking a good bite, he licked his lips with satisfaction and said, "All famous dishes have a long history of legends to show the inheritance and culture behind them. Zhuan Zhu, who stabbed Wang Liao with a fish intestine sword, is said to be an expert in cooking "squirrel mandarin fish."

"This is just a rumor and cannot be verified, but what is certain is that when Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River, Suzhou had "squirrel carp". Qianlong tasted it and brought it back to the palace. After continuous improvement, it later developed into squirrel mandarin fish."

"In ancient times, squirrel mandarin fish were all covered with egg yolk paste, while today's is patted dry starch."

"I don't know what the specific taste is, but I can try to restore it another day."

"Finally, I would like to add that squirrel mandarin fish is a dish for people with weak constitution, asthenia, and spleen and stomach qi deficiency."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiangnan had already started preparing the next dish.

"What did the island owner say at the end? Suitable for people with weak constitutions?"

"Fuck! I have a friend who urgently needs to taste it!"

"I have a friend who also needs it!"

"You are so hypocritical. I won't pretend anymore. I'm going to be frank. I really need it. Please send me this plate of squirrel mandarin fish!"

"My friend is really weak. Once I called him and he said he was climbing the stairs and was out of breath when he spoke. I could hear the cheers of his female colleagues next to him, as if they were saying something like "hurry up, hurry up."

"Damn! The last time I called my girlfriend, she was also out of breath and was also climbing the stairs."

"Fortunately, the last time I called my long-distance girlfriend, she was out of breath, but she was eating spicy strips!"

"Wow, I seem to know some incredible secrets!"

The speed of the live broadcast room was as fast and steady as ever.

And Jiangnan was already holding a river clam in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, handling the river clam with ease


As the kitchen knife cut along the gap, and then pried it hard, the originally tightly closed clam shell was easily opened.

Finally, dig along the edge, and the trembling, plump and tender clam meat was placed on the plate.

"River clams are cold in nature, and they swallow mud and sand in the stream, so the internal organs must be cleaned."

"Everyone, pay attention, between this skirt and the clam meat, these two pieces are half wrapped in the clam meat, and the crescent-shaped ones are probably gills. Although they feel soft like clam meat, they need to be removed."

"Next to the gills, this tubular thing is the intestine, and there must be mud and sand inside."

"Pinch it and tear it open, squeeze hard at this hole, and you can squeeze out the remaining mud and sand."

Jiangnan was doing two things at the same time, talking and handling.

"Why do I always feel a bit like..." every time I see clam meat

"It's so tender! I want to slurp it!"

"The word slurp is a good one!"

The audience in the live broadcast room wanted to drive again.

Jiangnan hurriedly said: "If you want the clam meat to be delicious, there are two steps that cannot be skipped."

"First, you must soften the hard part of the clam meat, so that it will be more flavorful and taste better."

"Second, the clam meat has a strong fishy smell, so put more onion, ginger and garlic to remove the fishy smell."

While speaking, he had quickly cut the clam meat into strips for later use, and put it in the boiling water in the pot together with the onion, ginger and garlic.

While blanching in boiling water, Jiangnan began to cut green peppers.

After a few minutes, take out the clam meat, heat oil in a pan, put it in the pan and start stir-frying, and add green peppers.

Stir-fried clam meat is the simplest way to eat it.

"Okay, okay, I understand what you said, I just need money to buy clams, how about you transfer some money to me?"

"This is the most direct way I've ever asked for money, can't you be more subtle?"

"For example, I've recently broken up, lost my job, and have a bad relationship with my parents. I feel that living in this world is particularly meaningless, and I'm ready to leave this world quietly. I heard that eating crabs and persimmons together will cause poisoning. I've just eaten a few persimmons. Can you mail me a few kilograms of hairy crabs now?"

"To be honest, the island owner's cooking level is actually comparable to mine. Almost. I can also make this stir-fried clam meat. Any girl who wants to eat it can come to my house, but she must bring her own clams! "

"The guy upstairs, you learn really fast!"

"By the way, can a girl leave your house? The girl eats the clam meat, and you eat the girl, right?"

"I must remember this dish and buy some clams tomorrow!"

Jiangnan glanced at the comments and said with a smile: "I saw someone say it's simple, he can do it, so next I must make a dish that will convince everyone!"

"The name of this dish is catfish noodles!"

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