The two of them were so busy that they had to walk on the ground.

Under the guidance of the honeyguide, Jiangnan came to a palm forest.


The sound of bees flapping their wings rang in his ears.

Jiangnan looked over and saw a bee the size of an adult's fingernail flying by.

Although there was only one, Jiangnan was very happy.

The honeyguide did not deceive himself, there was really a beehive here.

The smile on Jiangnan's face did not last long.

After walking forward for more than ten meters, a huge palm tree blocked the way.

The trunk of this tree was very thick, twice as thick as other trees.

Jiangnan looked up and got goose bumps at a glance.

There is a beehive with a diameter of more than half a meter in the dense branches.

From a distance, it looks like a cannonball.

Dense bees are coming in and out of the beehive one after another, and it is a dark mass.

If a patient with trypophobia sees it, he will definitely faint on the spot.

One bee is not scary, but if there are so many bees, Jiangnan will definitely die if he is besieged.

"Fuck! Is this a beehive?"

"It's too big, bigger than my future mother-in-law's appetite!"

"You know how to describe it!"

"This is the first time I've seen such a big beehive!"

"Firefighters, you must call the firefighter uncle here!"

"I saw a news report about a man in a foreign country who invaded a beehive. Now seeing such a big beehive, thinking of that man in a foreign country, I can only shout "Awesome!"

"Indian men's team: There are actually people who are braver than us. Whose general is this?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were already dumbfounded after seeing the beehive.

"The environment here is so good, there is no human disturbance, and there are palm trees nearby, which can well protect the hive.

In addition to palm trees, there are many flowers, which provide the most convenient food for bees, which is why so many bees gather here, causing the hive to grow bigger and bigger!"

Jiangnan explained, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "If you encounter such a large hive in the wild, don't think about honey."

"Learn from me, run!"

When he said the word run, Jiangnan had already turned around on his moose Lufei, and clamped his legs suddenly, signaling Lufei to speed up.

Want honey?

Or honeypigeons?

Jiangnan chose to die!

This sentence is similar to the classic line in Uncle Benshan's sketch "Donation".

Uncle Benshan: Do you want money? Do you want face?

Liu Neng: I... I want my partner!

"Hahaha, is the island owner scared?"

"He didn't show any fear when facing a great white shark, but he showed fear when facing a beehive. This is not like the island owner's style!"

"It has to be fearless! If you encounter a great white shark, you will be eaten by it at most and lose consciousness soon. But if you are besieged by so many bees, even if you survive by chance, there will be no human appearance on your body!"

"After watching the live broadcast for so long, I can finally say proudly that I can do what the island owner can do!"

The audience in the live broadcast room did not gloat over the misfortune, but just teased.

Because they all know that so many bees are not easy to deal with.

Any child who has lived in the countryside has basically poked a beehive when he was a child and was besieged by a swarm of bees. Whenever he recalls that scene, he can't help but shudder.


Jiangnan ran away, but the honeyguide was not happy. It followed behind him, calling anxiously.

Jiangnan said without turning his head: "Don't blame me for being cruel, I am just a mortal. When I learn the indestructible magic, I will definitely help you collect honey."

"Chirp, chirp!"

The honeyguide was still calling.

Jiangnan rode on the moose Lufei and continued on his way, saying: "Don't blame me, I don't want to leave, but Lufei insisted on dragging me to run, I had no choice!"

The scene at this time, coupled with Jiangnan's expression and tone, was very similar to when Cao Cao was defeated and fled to Huarong Road. He was let go by Guan Yu, but Cao Cao said indignantly: "Yunchang, Yunchang, I can't leave, I can't leave!"

The result was: "Ding ding, ji ​​ji ji!!!"


The honeyguide kept calling, becoming more and more anxious.

Jiangnan felt a little strange, turned his head and looked, and was stunned.

In the woods behind, a huge black shadow appeared at some point.

It was the Asian black bear.

The Asian black bear did not notice Jiangnan, its target was the beehive.

Jiangnan had excellent eyesight and could clearly see a wound on its left shoulder.


It was left by the battle with the Steller's Sea Eagle last night.


Jiangnan called the moose Lufei, turned over and jumped off his back, touched its head, and said, "Leave this palm forest first and wait for me outside."

The moose Lufei gently rubbed Jiangnan with his head, signaled Jiangnan to be careful, and turned around and left obediently.

The reason why Jiangnan drove the moose Lufei away was that he was worried about an accident later. If attacked by a swarm of bees, the moose Lufei would go berserk and become uncontrollable.

After watching the moose Lufei go away, Jiangnan turned around and returned to the hive.

He found a small earthen slope, hid behind it, and observed quietly.

"It's really an Asian black bear!"

"I'm so happy! I thought Australia didn't have this thing!"

"Don't you know there's something called a zoo in this world? They don't have it locally, but they can import it!"

"Thank you, I almost became a Mongolian!"

"The island owner is so lucky, it really ran into it!"

"The island owner doesn't dare to poke the beehive, it seems that he can only leave it to this black bear!"

The appearance of the Asian black bear instantly made the live broadcast room boil.

After all, this thing appeared in "Journey to the West", which is very impressive.

Jiangnan reminded: "Everyone, pay attention to the 'V'-shaped white spot on its chest, which is the unique mark of the Asian black bear."

"Don't be fooled by this fat guy, he is actually very agile. He can not only climb trees to dig honey, but also swim in the water to catch fish and even walk upright."

"In addition, this guy's sense of smell and hearing are extremely sensitive. He can smell the smell half a kilometer away with the wind, and can hear the footsteps 300 steps away."

"It's a pity that his strength is too weak!"

"That's why he is called a blind bear."

Just as Jiangnan was explaining, the bushes not far away suddenly rustled.

Jiangnan reacted quickly and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw two little black bears slowly crawling out of the bushes and chasing the big black bear happily.

"Wow, the little bears are so cute."

"I beg to differ. I think the big bears are the cutest!"

"The guy above, you better be talking about the black bears!"

"I really want to raise one."

"The little paws are so chubby. I really want to rub them."

"It's no exaggeration to say that I can suck ten cute little bears like this out in one breath."

"Mother bear: If you dare to suck my children, I will suck you back?"

"Big Bear and Little Bear, hello, do you remember me? I'm Baldy Qiang!"

The two little black bears were cute when they appeared, and immediately attracted a large number of young ladies in the live broadcast room.

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