After climbing up the palm tree, the baby black bear trembled slightly and held on to the branches tightly, fearing that he would fall.

In addition to being nervous, for the little black bear, being in an unfamiliar environment, there was more curiosity.

A small bee buzzed past the baby black bear, and it couldn't help but open its mouth and wanted to take a bite.

It's a pity that the little bee was too flexible and didn't bite it.

Otherwise, it would have been very likely to become the dog on the Internet that got honey in its mouth and was stung into a pig's head!

The baby black bear failed to bite the little bee, and followed the direction of its flight, locking its eyes on the giant honeycomb above its head.


Standing at this angle in Jiangnan, you can clearly see the black bear baby licking his tongue, and the sticky saliva can't stop flowing from the corner of his mouth.

The temptation of honey is too great, and it can't wait to continue climbing up.

At this time, the bees are going in and out of the hive in an orderly manner, working hard to collect nectar.

As the black bear baby gets closer, they finally notice this uninvited guest.


In just a few seconds, more than a dozen bees surrounded it.

And there are still many bees flying out of the hive.

They want to use the "human sea tactics" to drive away the black bear baby.

Although the black bear baby is still a cub, it inherits the best defensive talent of bears.

A thick coat of fur protects every part of its body, and "a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, and a newborn bear cub is not afraid of a bee", making it even more fearless.

Humans avoid bees' poisonous stings, but for black bears, it's just like tickling, without any deterrent effect, and won't cause any harm.

The baby black bear didn't feel any pain, and became more and more daring, approaching the hive step by step, and kept waving one of its front paws to drive away more and more bees.

Bees really can't pierce its strong fur, but some will attack its relatively fragile nose and eyes, so they must be driven away.

Of course, the little brother is also more vulnerable.

It's just that no bees usually attack that position.

"Really tough! Just like Zhang Fei who has transformed in "King of Glory"!"

Jiangnan looked at the battle between Xiong Feng and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at the time, and almost four minutes had passed.

More and more bees gathered around the baby black bear, and it was so huge that the hair on any part of the body would explode uncontrollably at a glance.

Fortunately, Jiangnan had just wisely chosen to retreat, otherwise he would have turned into a pig-headed captain now.

"No wonder bears participated in the war back then. If a group of bear soldiers were trained, the destructive power would be unbelievable!"

Jiangnan sighed again.

"What did the island owner just say?"

"Bear soldiers?"

"Are there any bears in this world who have been on the battlefield?"

"I have been paying attention to the black bear baby, but I didn't expect the island owner's words to be so explosive!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all concentrating on watching the bumblebee battle, and suddenly, they were blown away by Jiangnan's words.

Jiangnan smiled and said, "This is a true story, and it happened during World War II."

"At that time, Germany defeated Poland, and some soldiers took advantage of the chaos to escape to India, preparing to go to the Soviet Union to join the friendly forces."

"On the way, I met a child selling a brown bear baby, wanting to exchange some money. The parents of the brown bear baby were shot by hunters and had become an orphan."

"One of the soldiers liked the brown bear baby very much, so he bought it. Later, the brown bear baby followed the troops to the 22nd Artillery Transportation Company."

"As we all know, the troops are a group of rough men who don't know how to take care of children, let alone feed bears. In addition, the troops were fighting at that time. There was nothing good to eat after a defeat."

"This baby brown bear is also very sensible. It is not picky about food. It eats whatever the soldiers give it."

"Over time, after getting familiar with the soldiers, it learned to drink, and a lot. Several soldiers couldn't drink more than it, including smoking."

"This situation occurred mainly because there were no milk bottles in the army at that time. In desperation, the soldiers put jam and honey in the wine bottles, and a new world opened up for the baby brown bear."

"Not only that, it would wrestle with the soldiers, and no one in the entire artillery company could beat it."

"In addition to these, it also learned various basic combat commands, and also

Learned to ride in a car. "

"As it became more and more popular in the artillery battalion, it also got a name, called Wo Tie, which translates to a soldier who can bring happiness. "

"Unfortunately, it didn't sing for a long time. The matter was reported by the superiors. Pets are not allowed in the army, and they strongly requested to release it back to the mountains and forests. "

"But the soldiers have been with it for a long time and have developed feelings for it. How could they bear to let it go? So they thought of a good way to let Wo Tie join the army and become a formal bear soldier!"

"This is not just talk. At that time, this matter was recognized by the superiors, and Wo Tie was issued a soldier's certificate, service number, rank and salary book. "

"Since then, Wo Tie has stepped onto the battlefield and played a huge role on the battlefield. "

"With the advantages of its body, it can easily cross mountains and reach some steep and dangerous places that humans cannot reach for reconnaissance, and can also deliver ammunition, artillery shells, etc. to the hands of frontline soldiers as soon as possible. ”

“As long as it is used for transportation, the superiors are most assured because there has never been any mistake.”

“After all, how could the enemy have thought that a brown bear could participate in transportation work? This is as outrageous as seeing sows lining up to jump into a pool on the street!”

“An enemy soldier once recalled that he saw a brown bear rushing past him with a 90-jin artillery shell box in his arms. He was very calm and scared to death on the spot.”

“After the war, the 22nd Artillery Transport Company where Wo Tie was located became famous. The command headquarters at the time authorized the 22nd Artillery Transport Company to be renamed the 22nd Transport Company, and the company emblem was changed to the image of Wo Tie holding an artillery shell.”

“Before joining the army, Wo Tie was just a private, and after the war he had become a corporal.”

“As for Wo Tie, he was sent to the zoo and spent the rest of his life happily. ”

“In 1963, Wo Tie died at the age of 21. Brown bears in the wild generally live to 19 years old, but he lived a few more years because he smoked and drank. ”

“Nowadays, there are statues of Wo Tie in many cities in Europe. ”

“After all, this is the only brown bear in the world that has participated in a war. It is unprecedented and it will probably be difficult to see it again in the future. ”

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