The problem is that the toads are not as good as they used to be.

Jiangnan clapped his hands and said excitedly: "There is no need for humans. The cane toads have solved the problem themselves."

"It seems that when the number has reached a certain level, the corresponding mechanism has appeared within them, and they began to kill each other, and the number naturally decreased."

"Finally, I will popularize a little-known fact for everyone. The mating system of cane toads is relatively mixed. It can be one male and multiple females, or one female and multiple males, or multiple males and multiple females."

"They are not aquatic, but rather fully terrestrial animals. They only go to the water when they reproduce. Tadpoles can even survive in seawater with a salinity of 15%."

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

Because they thought of many people through cane toads.

"Yifan: Isn't this talking about me?"

"Zhixiang: Bullshit! This is clearly talking about me!"

"Yifeng: You guys can argue all you want, it's definitely not me!"

"Korean chaebols: Sit down, this is 100% about me!"

The entertainment industry is so lively that as long as these keywords are mentioned, the audience will involuntarily think of these people.

After Jiangnan finished the popular science, he has been observing the sea toad carefully.

He found that the sea toad was not moving.

Maybe it was tired and needed to rest, or maybe it was because the soil was a little dry and it was thinking of a way.

"Forget it! Let me help you!"

Jiangnan rolled up his sleeves and broke the soil between the river and the mud pit with his bare hands.


The tadpoles found a breakthrough and rushed towards the river like a fish leaping over the dragon gate.

And Jiangnan had already left in style.

For the sea toad, this matter may take half an hour, but for Jiangnan, it is a handy thing.

"Quack, quack!"

The sea toad screamed hysterically at Jiangnan's receding back, as if to say thank you.

Since then, in the sea toad world, there has been a mythical legend that a tall and brave human dug a mud pit with his bare hands and saved a tribe!

"Island owner, I have a question. How to distinguish between toads and frogs? When I was a child, I caught a group of tadpoles in the pond and wanted to raise those frogs. Who would have thought that they would grow up to be ugly toads!"

In the live broadcast room, an audience member raised a question that many people were confused about.

This question was too simple for Jiangnan. He said without thinking: "Simple! The head of a toad's tadpole is oval, while that of a frog is very round."

"As for adults, it is easier to distinguish. The skin of a toad is very rough, and there are many disgusting bumps on its back, while that of a frog is very smooth, with beautiful patterns on its back."

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the voice of the system sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for saving countless tadpoles of sea toads, intimacy +380!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Memory Bread]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Gold-inlaid Jade Bamboo Forest]!"

[Memory Bread*1 Pack]: A pack of this memory bread contains five slices. From the appearance, it is no different from ordinary bread.

In fact, it tastes no different from ordinary bread.

As the island owner explores more and more islands in the Great Barrier Reef, the number of animals encountered is gradually increasing, and the number of things to deal with will also increase. It is inevitable that some animals and things will be forgotten, and memory bread is just needed.

Just take a bite, and the host can remember anything clearly, even if it is a trivial and insignificant thing, which generally lasts for a month.

For example, if the host walks on the road and accidentally glances at a girl, if she is good-looking enough, you will quickly remember her appearance, figure, measurements and clothes, and you will never remember the rest, or even forget it after a while.

But as long as you eat the memory bread, the color of the girl's lipstick, how many holes her clothes have, how many eyelashes she has, etc. will be clearly imprinted in the host's mind.

Note: In addition to the host, some animals with poor memory can also taste and remember a lot of things.

Especially when training certain animals, it is most suitable for use.

In addition, because this bread is no different from ordinary bread, please put it properly and don't mix it up.

However, no matter what environment the memory bread is in, even if it is thrown into the water, it can remain in its original state, and it will not mold for too long.

Not only that, anything you remember after eating the memory bread will be imprinted in your mind and will never disappear.

[Gold Inlaid

[Yuzhu Forest*2 acres]: The host can select a place in the Great Barrier Reef, and the system will automatically start planting.

The golden jade bamboo is more precious than ordinary bamboo and is one of the treasures among all bamboo varieties.

The reason why it is precious is that on its tender yellow bamboo pole, there will be a shallow green groove at each node of the branches and leaves, and the positions are staggered. At a glance, it is like a piece of jade inlaid on each gold bar, elegant and lovely, so it is called "gold inlaid jade bamboo".

The golden jade bamboo planted by the system will not only be planted in a staggered manner, but also fully adapt to the local climate, and the host does not need to worry about death.

Note: The golden jade bamboo is the most favorite food of pandas.

And eating golden jade bamboo regularly can lower blood sugar, protect the liver and improve immunity. Please do not eat it secretly.

I eat it secretly?

If I don’t eat it, who will eat it?

Jiangnan’s face was full of bitterness.

There are no pandas in the Great Barrier Reef!

However, he had already chosen the location of the bamboo forest, which was the back mountain of the main island.

After all, it was close to where he lived, and he could go dig whenever he wanted to eat.

Unconsciously, Jiangnan returned to the place where the shrimp cages were kept.

He did not rush to pick it up, but reached out and touched it, and a smile soon appeared on his face: "Hahaha, I can eat crayfish tonight! And I can eat a lot!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiangnan had already picked it up.

Under the gaze of the audience, the shrimp cages were already full.

Lobsters were big and small, all struggling in the cages.

Jiangnan carefully selected them and put all the smaller lobsters back into the river.

Then, he came to the place where he had just fished for eels.

Just now, in order to make it easier to walk, he put all the eels in the bucket, and the bucket was also placed on the grass on the shore.


Before he got close, Jiangnan heard the sound of a bucket being overturned. He was startled and quickened his pace, rushing forward in two steps instead of three.

When Jiangnan arrived, he saw a crocodile diving into the bucket and eating yellow eels in big mouthfuls.

The crocodile was the dwarf crocodile he had met before.

It was originally fishing in the water, but who would have thought that it would set its sights on the yellow eels that Jiangnan had caught.

Looking at its wolfish appearance, it must have chosen to steal the yellow eels because it had not caught any fish and was starving.

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