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After introducing the coyote, Jiangnan took a deep breath and continued: "Compared with the coyote, the badger has no particularly outstanding advantages."

"If I have to say one, it is digging holes!"

" The length of the badger's tunnel varies from a few meters to more than ten meters, with branches crisscrossing, including the main tunnel, side tunnels and blind ends. The walls of the main tunnel are smooth and neat, without debris and feces, and the end is covered with hay, branches, leaves to build nests. ”

“Badgers are also omnivorous animals, eating similar foods to coyotes, so they can always work together. ”

“Especially when catching animals hiding in caves, badgers will use their powerful The coyote uses its front paws to dig a hole, and when the animal in the hole is frightened and jumps out, it uses its speed to quickly capture and kill it. "

"After that, they will share the food together!"

"Didn't you say this on the Internet before? A video of a coyote and badger working together went viral. Actually, this is normal for them. ”

The audience was pleasantly surprised.

"I remember, I saw that video online!"

"There is an idiom called 狼伴为奸, I think it can be changed to 狼伴为奸!"

"So this is the coyote and the badger, today they are actually on the island owner I saw it in the live broadcast room, so lucky! "

"Who would have thought that animals in nature know how to cooperate across species? I always thought they would kill each other for territory and food!"

Jiangnan smiled and said: "In fact, in nature, cross-species cooperation There are many animals that can be found, and coyotes and badgers are just some of them.

"The honeyguides and black bears we met before also worked together to dig honey."

"In addition, anemones and hermit crabs, Ants and aphids, cowbirds and cattle egrets, and many other species all cooperate with each other. "

"For example, weaverbirds will build their nests above wasp nests to prevent birds of prey from attacking their chicks. When weaverbirds are feeding their young, they will bring A lot of insects come back, and the leftovers become food for wasps. ”

“For example, shrimps will reproduce throughout their lives. It lives in the central cavity of a deep-sea silica sponge called the symbiotic sponge. "

"Symbiosis is also very common in marine communities. In the Pacific Ocean, there is a large coral called Glechoma longituba, which is particularly beautiful. Green, and the reason why it is beautiful is because there is a tiny algae symbiotically living in its tissues.

"There are also various large fish and small fish and shrimps. The big fish provide protection for the small fish and shrimps, such as when enemies come When the big fish eats them, they hide them in their mouths, while the small fish and shrimps clean the food residues and parasites in the mouths of the big fish, keeping the big fish healthy. ”

“When you watch the animal world, you will also find that zebras and antelopes often gather together. The reason they work together is that the antelope is highly alert and can stand guard for the zebra, while the zebra is sensitive to water and can find fresh grass for the antelope. ”

“In fact, strictly speaking, their cooperation is to achieve a win-win situation and make their own lives more sustainable. "It's better."

Jiangnan was very sleepy at first, but after such a disturbance, he was no longer sleepy.

And now the rain outside is still heavy.

It seemed to be raining harder, and many of the scenery outside had become a little blurry.

After the popular science, Jiangnan suddenly became bored.

Now he couldn't get out, so he could only continue to wander around in the cave.

This cave is really It was large, and there were many twisting passages.

Jiangnan had no idea what was going on inside, let alone where these passages would lead to. In addition, he was afraid of getting lost, so he simply walked around the entrances of these passages. , and returned to the fire.

"Woo woo!"

As soon as Jiangnan sat down, the black bear mother cassock slowly walked over and bit his trouser leg with her mouth.

Then, the black bear mother cassock turned around and got into one of the In the passage.

"Is there any treasure?"

Jiangnan rubbed his hands excitedly and followed closely.


"What about Big Bear and Little Bear?"

"What if the coyotes and badgers attack the two baby bears?"

"The mother black bear is too relaxed!"

"Don't we still have the moose and the flying deer?" There, they should be able to protect the two bear cubs! "

Watching Jiangnan and the black bear mother Jiasha leave, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became anxious.

Jiangnan looked at the barrage and immediately explained: "Please rest assured, there are very few animals in nature. There are those who are ungrateful, but there are more who are grateful. "

"This is the cave of the black bear mother's robe. It allows coyotes and badgers to come in to take shelter from the rain, and

If they are not driven away, the coyotes and badgers will not harm Big Bear and Little Bear. "

"The most important point is that animals in nature are very smart. Whether they are carnivores or herbivores, they rarely kill each other when encountering natural disasters."

"For example, when it is dry and rainy, all animals will gather by the pool to drink water. Carnivores will not attack herbivores, and herbivores will not be afraid of carnivores."

"Also, when the forest is on fire, many animals will hide in caves. In one cave, you can find more than a dozen animals, and they are all different species."

"It's just like the motorcycles of Indian brothers! "

Jiangnan's last words made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh.

As we all know, India is a particularly magical country, even their means of transportation are magical.

There was a joke related to it at night: two motorcycles collided in India, and thirty people were injured. An ambulance drove over and took everyone away!

Jiangnan followed the black bear mother's robe all the way forward. As he got deeper and deeper, his vision became darker and darker.

Helplessly, he had to turn on the light of the drone and the mining lamp in his hand.

With the blessing of the two lights, the audience in the live broadcast room can still see clearly.

As he kept moving forward, Jiangnan became more and more Something feels wrong.

Because the surrounding mountains are no longer angular, but very smooth, as if they have been artificially excavated.


Although some artificial buildings have been built on various islands in order to develop the Great Barrier Reef into a tourist destination, there is no need to go deep into a cave in the mountains to excavate.

Unless there are valuable treasures in this cave.

For example: fossils, minerals...

Jiangnan was confused and kept thinking about various possibilities.

Continuing to move forward, several square stones appeared on the ground.

These stones were covered with vines, and it was obvious that they had been here for a very long time.


"It's not uncommon to have stones in the cave, but how can there be such neat stones?"

"Even if it's crustal movement, it can't be so neat."

"This is clearly built by humans!"

"This place is wrong!"

Jiangnan's expression moved, and he walked over quickly.

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