The younger generation was very angry.

"I'm sorry!"

After Jiangnan confirmed that the sculpture in front of him was Zheng He himself, he immediately came to him and bowed with deep respect.

Then he came to the sculpture and touched it.

Up and down, left and right, he didn't let go of any part.

He tried to find the mechanism to open the wall.


What awaited him was nothing!

"Did I make a wrong judgment?"

Jiangnan didn't believe in evil, came behind the sculpture, stretched out his hand and gently knocked on the stone wall.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The knocking sound was not dull.

It was empty at first glance.

The audience in the live broadcast room had doubts about Jiangnan's performance, but they immediately supported him.

"Empty! It's actually really empty!"

"There's something behind the sculpture, there must be something!"

"The island owner's intuition is too good! Awesome!"

Jiangnan's face changed even more. He pulled out the dagger he carried with him from his waist and cleared the vines behind the sculpture first.

After all the vines were dealt with, he noticed that there was a gap in the wall behind the sculpture.

"It seems that I can only move the sculpture!"

Jiangnan whispered to himself.

Then, he put his hands on the sculpture and pushed it to the side.


As Jiangnan continued to exert force, the two-meter-high sculpture actually moved.

During the movement, a harsh friction sound was made.

It was a bit like the sound of scratching nails on a blackboard.

Because the sculpture has been standing here for too long, gravel and dust will fall from time to time during the movement.

At first glance, it looks like an earthquake.

The audience in the live broadcast room were already stunned.

They couldn't look at the sculpture closely through the screen, but they knew that the sculpture was made of huge stones.

A two-meter-tall person weighs at least more than 100 kilograms. If it is made of stone, the weight will be doubled or even heavier.

But Jiangnan pushed it so easily!

Isn't this too fierce?

At this moment, the audience thought of many fierce men in ancient times, such as the "overlord" Xiang Yu who was as powerful as a mountain, the "Flying Tiger General" Li Cunxiao, the "three-surname slave" Lu Bu, and Li Yuanba, who was rumored to be the reincarnation of the golden-winged Roc.

If Jiangnan was in ancient times, he would definitely be a great general, and maybe even as famous as these great men.

In the eyes of the audience who were surprised and suspicious, Jiangnan finally pushed the sculpture open.

Then, he came to the gap and found that it was more like a gap that would only appear in a door.

In this case, let's keep pushing.

There is no other way.

The stone door is very heavy, and it has not been opened for hundreds of years. It has long been covered with vines and other plants to increase friction.

But Jiangnan has drunk the spiritual water, and his body is already different from that of ordinary people. He can push it open with all his strength.


The stone door was pushed open with a bang.

A burst of stench suddenly hit.

Jiangnan was afraid of being poisoned, so he quickly covered his nose and mouth, retreated seven or eight meters away, and then stopped, quietly waiting for the stench to dissipate.

"Is there a smell? How did the island owner escape?"

"This is too dangerous. I remember that there are strange smells in many ancient tombs. As long as you smell a little bit, the person will definitely die."

"That's right! I remember that a scientist quietly opened the tomb door of the pyramid, and a smell came out. One person died on the spot. After that, the rest of the people felt unwell and were sent to the hospital, but none of them could be saved."

"I once saw a report that an archaeologist entered the tomb and smelled a strange smell. Finally, he locked his target in a jar and swore that the smell was really good. This It must be the wine brewed by the ancients. In order to prove that what he said was true, he took a sip and his face changed drastically. It turned out that it was urine! "

"Hahaha, tomb robbing can be so funny? It's really eye-opening!"

"Island owner, you have to be careful. If you encounter any pots and pans in it later, don't drink it! (Dog head)"

Jiangnan looked at the rolling barrage and explained: "I smell the smell of rotten plants, not anything else."

"It means that the inside is completely closed and the air cannot circulate normally."

When the stench gradually dissipated, Jiangnan approached again carefully.

To be on the safe side, he also used stones to clear the way.

After confirming that there were no traps, he slowly entered it.

In the middle.

There is still a small passage inside the door.

However, there are no murals on the walls on both sides, but they are very smooth.

Although the air cannot circulate, a lot of moss grows on the walls due to the infiltration of groundwater and rainwater.

At the end of the passage, Jiangnan saw an empty stone chamber.

The space of the stone chamber is very large, about more than 100 square meters.

When Jiangnan shone the light of the mining lamp towards the stone chamber, he was stunned on the spot.


All I saw were densely packed bones!

And they were all human bones!

These bones have been rotten beyond recognition, but from the shape, some traces of human beings can still be seen.

The bones are neatly arranged and do not look messy.

And it is obvious that some bones have no arms, some bones have no legs, and some bones have cuts. Basically, they are all injured.

Only those who stay on the battlefield for many years will have so many injuries on their bodies.

Seeing this scene, all the viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned collectively.

They felt a chill on their backs, and they dared not breathe.

Some people were very timid, and they would be scared when they saw animal bones, not to mention seeing people, and they were so scared that they left the live broadcast room.

"So many bones, and they are arranged so neatly, I understand, this is a large burial area!"

"These people must not be particularly noble, so all of them are buried together!"

"Not only that, there are not even the most basic burial objects!"

"But the question is again, if they are just ordinary people, why do they have to use Zheng He's sculpture to guard the door?"

"Are these the bodies of local natives? Or..."

Jiangnan talked to himself.

The audience in the live broadcast room had long been scared out of their wits, and after seeing Jiangnan so calm, they all worshiped him.

This is too awesome, keeping such a close distance to so many bones, not only not afraid, but also thinking about who these bones are!

This courage, this courage, this guts, is admirable.

Finally, Jiangnan spoke again: "I know! These are the bodies of the soldiers in Zheng He's fleet!"

"How did the island owner know that?"

"Is the island owner just guessing again?"

"I admit that the island owner is very good in many aspects, but archaeology still requires professionals!"

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed doubts.

They didn't disbelieve Jiangnan, but they thought it was a bit sloppy to judge only by eyes.

Just like when I was a child, I didn't want to use a pen to calculate, but used my eyes to see and calculate. In the end, the test results came out, and they were actually in the single digits.

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