The price of the ticket is several times higher than before.

Almost every star who wants to be on the hot search has encountered this situation.

Even if the price is several times higher than before, no operation team will take it.

Not only do they not take it, these operation teams also help Jiangnan operate for free.

Helplessly, these stars can only give up.

Even doubt who the hell is the star!

Jiangnan was completely unaware of this, and he was still repairing the house seriously.


Around three o'clock in the afternoon, the Bengal white tiger cub finally arrived.

After the helicopter delivered it, it left.

And Jiangnan rushed to the villa as soon as possible with the Bengal white tiger cub.

Maybe it was because it was afraid of humans, or maybe it was because it was still unfamiliar to Jiangnan when it first met him. When Jiangnan held him, he was nervous the whole time and his body was shaking violently.

But it must be said that it is indeed very cute, slightly larger than a puppy, and rounder.

"Ahhh! This is too cute! So cute!"

"Round head, round brain, round belly, why did I think of the fat tiger I saw on Douyin!"

"I heard that the fat tiger was ostracized by his companions because he ate too much!"

"This is so cute that it will bleed! I'm dying!"

"Where is the medic? Give me a blood bag quickly, I can't take it anymore!"

"Island owner, send the little white tiger to me, and I'll give it back to you when I'm tired of playing with it!"

"I hope you really want to play with this kind of white tiger in front of you!"

"It must be said that I can eat three cute kittens like this in one bite."

"Wei Xiang: I'm familiar with this trick! Next, please enjoy, three mouths and one pig!"

"Strange, the little white tiger is white and fat, and it doesn't look weak and doesn't eat!"

Jiangnan gently stroked the little white tiger and explained: "A big belly doesn't mean it's not weak. To some extent, it may be weaker."

"I don't know if you have seen stray cats in the community on weekdays, especially stray cats in winter."

"Don't look at them as fat, there is actually nothing in their stomachs. It's typical malnutrition."

After returning to the villa, Jiangnan immediately poured a basin of milk for the little white tiger.

I thought the little white tiger would smell the fragrance and lick it up, but who would have thought...

Just as Richard said, the little white tiger ignored it.

Even as soon as it was put down, it swooped under the sofa and refused to come out no matter how it was called.

As for the basin of milk, it was instantly occupied by the little sea dog 404.

Helpless, Jiangnan could only forcibly take the little white tiger out of the sofa and began to check it.

He was very patient, checking every part from top to bottom.

"The nose is small, pink, and a little moist, very healthy..."

When he said this, the audience in the live broadcast room thought Jiangnan was going to drive.

Fortunately, Jiangnan continued in time: "There is no problem with the bones of the limbs, and they feel no dislocation."

"There is no swelling or wound anywhere on the body."

"The stomach is soft, there are no lumps, and I didn't eat anything dirty."

"The little flower below is also pink, very fast, and there is no blockage."

"It's strange, everything is good, why doesn't it eat or drink, is it really a psychological problem, afraid of humans?"

Jiangnan racked his brains but couldn't figure it out, and suddenly thought of something, and shouted to the outside of the house: "Baicaoshuang, go call Jiaoyue to me."

Originally, the black monkey king Baicaoshuang was working, but after seeing the cute little white tiger, he couldn't help but get excited and followed.

Maybe it was because it was worried that Jiangnan would say that it didn't work well, so it had been hiding outside and didn't dare to come in.

Hearing the call, the black monkey king Baicao Shuang immediately responded with a squeak and quickly went to find the white wolf king Jiaoyue.

Soon, the white wolf king Jiaoyue appeared in front of Jiangnan, still at a loss.

Jiangnan smiled and said, "Excuse me, is there a female wolf in the wolf pack who has just given birth to a baby?"

The reason for asking this is that after observing for a few days, he found that there are very few female wolves in the entire wolf pack, and they should all be left at home by the white wolf king Jiaoyue.

The white wolf king Jiaoyue didn't understand what Jiangnan meant, but still nodded honestly.


Jiangnan was overjoyed and grabbed the left front paw of the white wolf king Jiaoyue and said, "Please bring a female wolf here."

Bring a female wolf here?

White wolf king Jiaoyue

Looking at the little white tiger, and then at the smile on Jiangnan's face, he seemed to think of something and shook his head decisively.

What a joke, in the wolf pack, except for the wolf king, the female wolf has the highest status.

Because the female wolf has to bear the heavy responsibility of reproduction and expansion of the population.

Especially the female wolf during pregnancy, must be cared for a hundred times.

If something goes wrong, the next generation of the wolf king will be broken, and even some male wolves with ill intentions in the wolf pack will take the opportunity to snatch the position of wolf king.

It's similar to the emperor in ancient times. If the emperor has no children for a long time, it will be difficult to get the support of the officials in the future. Either the emperor hopes to adopt one from other collateral branches, or other brothers will take the initiative to jump out and want to be the emperor themselves.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt the mother wolf, and you can just bring a mother wolf."

Jiangnan said earnestly: "As long as you bring it here, tonight, no, for half a month in the future, I will give that mother wolf extra food, and I will never treat it unfairly, and I will serve it until it is fat and white."

"Of course, there is also you, I will reward you heavily."

Jiangnan's idea is very simple, that is, let the mother wolf replace the mother of the little white tiger to feed the little white tiger and give the little white tiger the mother's love it deserves.

In this way, the little white tiger's injured heart will definitely be healed.

This method is very feasible, because he once saw a news report that a hen saw three stray cats without a mother, so she took them to her nest and raised them up.

This is the real chicken, you are so beautiful!

Looking at Jiangnan's serious expression, the white wolf king Jiaoyue considered again and again, and finally nodded again, then ran out of the villa to bring the mother wolf over.

Jiangnan held the little white tiger, sat on the sofa, and began to wait quietly.

As if he had thought of something, he said, "Such a cute little white tiger will always follow me in the future, why don't you give it a name?"

He had thought of names for the little white tiger before, but he hadn't come up with a satisfactory one.

"A cheap name is easier to keep, why not call it Wangcai."

"Isn't Wangcai a dog?"

"I think it's better to call it Fugui!"

"Fugui? Why did I suddenly think of Wangquan?"

"Simba! I think it can be called Simba!"

"Simba is a lion, and the name Simba has been ruined by a sales anchor!"

"This little white tiger looks majestic and will definitely grow big in the future. I hope it will shine like a star, so let's call it Patrick!"

"It might as well be called Xiong Chumo! It will definitely look like a bear in the future, and its little eyes are so pitiful. As our ancients said, you should name it what you lack. It is all white, so it must lack black, so add the word Mo!"

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