The fish was cut into pieces, but the fish was cut into pieces.

"So the island owner is removing the bones!"

"In ancient times, there was a butcher who cut up an ox, and now the island owner cuts up a fish!"

"This knife skill is too good. If it happened in ancient times, he must be a killer who kills people invisibly!"

"I have been cutting fish at RT-Mart for two and a half years, and my knife skills are not even half as good as the island owner's!"

"Two and a half years? What do you mean, the person above?"

The live broadcast room has been opened for countless times.

Jiangnan ignored them and put the processed carp aside for later use.

Then, he took out a piece of fat and lean pork, cut it into strips, then into dices, and finally chopped it into minced meat.

Then, put the minced meat in a bowl, add some cooking wine, salt, squeeze in ginger and scallion juice, stir it, and set it aside for later use.

"Strange! Why is the island owner cutting pork?"

"Do you need pork to make braised carp?"

"Is the island owner also preparing to make dumplings?"

"It's not the Spring Festival Gala, why make dumplings!"

"I know, the island owner is making three-fresh boneless fish!"

"It turns out that the ordinary braised carp in the island owner's mouth is three-fresh boneless fish!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, what is three-fresh boneless fish?"

Jiangnan looked at the rolling barrage and explained: "Some viewers really got it right, they are quite knowledgeable!"

"The so-called three-fresh boneless fish is actually to debone the carp without cutting its belly, put pork, shrimp and winter bamboo shoots into it, and finally fry it in oil."

"Pork Meat can provide high-quality protein and essential fatty acids for humans. "

"Shrimp is rich in nutrition, soft and easy to digest. It is an excellent food for people who are weak and need to recuperate after illness. It also has the effects of nourishing the kidney and strengthening yang, promoting lactation and resisting toxins, dredge meridians and relieve pain, and stimulate appetite and resolve phlegm. "

"Winter bamboo shoots are a delicious food with rich nutritional value and medicinal functions. They are tender, fresh, crisp and refreshing, and contain cellulose and cellulose needed by the human body. "

"Carp, pork, shrimp and winter bamboo shoots are mixed together, not to mention how delicious it is. "

"But I don't have winter bamboo shoots at the moment, so I can only use mushrooms instead."

While talking, Jiangnan has already processed the shrimp and winter bamboo shoots.

Then, take a small spoon and fill the fish belly with the mixed minced meat, shrimp and winter mushrooms from the incision under the gills.

"Remember! Don't fill it too full, otherwise when you put it in the pot, it will overflow at the least, and the fish belly will explode at the worst!"

After Jiangnan gave a warning, he started the final frying.

After frying, boiling, and collecting the juice, a three-fresh boneless fish with attractive color, thick soup, and mouth-watering is ready.

After placing it on the dining table, Jiangnan did not stop, and simply prepared cold dishes, the most classic smashed cucumber, and finally made a shrimp tofu soup.

In fact, when smashing the cucumber, Jiangnan was very nervous.

Because some time ago, there was a news: a restaurant was fined for not having a smashed cucumber certificate!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully making three-fresh boneless fish, experience value +30!"

While waiting for the fish soup, Jiangnan sat on the sofa to rest.

As soon as he sat down, he received a reward from the system.

At the same time, perhaps because they had not eaten much for a day, the two hungry little blue macaws flew down from the second floor and landed on the coffee table in front of Jiangnan.

"Hungry! Hungry!"

"Food! Food!"

The two little blue macaws spoke one after another.

Jiangnan, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened them, and was obviously stunned for a moment. He asked, "Can you speak now? Who told you to?"

When they came here yesterday, they couldn't say a word.

"Bird Strong!"

The two little blue macaws said in unison.


Jiangnan took a breath of cold air.

Bird Strong is busy catching insects every day and only comes back to feed her children, but in such a short time, she has taught them to speak.

Is Bird Strong too smart?

Or are the two little blue macaws too talented?

Jiangnan is more willing to believe the latter.

After all, they were sent by the system.

The system does not send ordinary things.

Except for the green sun hat!

Thinking of this, Jiangnan dared not neglect them and immediately went to get food.

In order to ensure that they can recover quickly, at least their feathers can grow, he also fed them the already rare nutrient solution.

While the two little blue macaws were tasting the food, Jiangnan picked up the little white tiger Dandan who was sleeping soundly in the corner.

Petting the cat,

It is a must-do every day!

The little guy still feels insecure. When Jiangnan is at home, he will stick to Jiangnan, but once Jiangnan goes out, he always hides in the corner alone.

Even if the three little wolf cubs of the white wolf king Jiaoyue take the initiative to find it to play, it ignores them.

Having witnessed the ruthless killing of his mother and brother, this kind of mental illness does take a long time to cure.

"The little white tiger is so cute, I want to masturbate too!"

"In fact, you have one yourself, you can masturbate yourself!"

"Fuck! The upstairs guy, you know how to drive!"

"Island owner, I actually have a question for you. If I win 100 million in the future, how much tax do I have to pay?"

Perhaps seeing that Jiangnan is free, the audience in the live broadcast room raised some confusing questions.

Before Jiangnan had time to look at the barrage, he heard one of the little blue macaws say, "Hello! Stop dreaming!"


Jiangnan was puzzled, and hurriedly got up and checked the barrage, and then he understood what was going on.

But new doubts came again.

Can the little blue macaws read?

Not only that, they even know how to answer?

Looking at the live broadcast room again, the audience had already laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt.

"Hahaha! Very aggressive!"

"In my lifetime, I was despised by a parrot, it's worth it!"

"It even said hello, it's really polite! Love it!"

"Island owner, I feel that these two little blue macaws are not simple, they can tell fortunes to some extent, can I connect to the microphone and start a video to ask them in person?"

The person who posted this barrage is a big brother who often supports Jiangnan. He has spent at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, named [Big Head]!

Jiangnan also wanted to try the two little blue macaws, so he simply agreed.

In this way, the first video connection in Jiangnan's live broadcast room began.

As the connection was successful, he saw a fat white man, who was indeed quite wealthy.

And judging from the layout and background, he should be in the office.

There is a plaque on the back wall with the words "Cai Yuan Guang Jin" written on it.

There are also various landscape paintings and jade objects placed next to it, which are obviously valuable.

Two words to describe Big Head: rich!

"So Big Head looks like this, he is indeed a big head!"

"Big head and thick neck, either a rich man or a cook!"

"Rich! You can tell at a glance!"

"Big Head, please open the private chat. I am your long-lost half-brother. We must recognize each other today!"

"Don't dare to open the private chat, otherwise some female anchors will attack Big Head like wolves and tigers, and they will almost eat him!"

The two little blue macaws only took a look at Big Head and blurted out one after another:

"Rich family, smooth life, tens of millions of assets, rich and noble, but it's a pity..."

"No culture! No offspring!"

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